r-ac2àʰk2irreg. infl.gacwill dogacwill docfge'yguc1v1experience, suffer fromRàjcráb gààlryè'ld dxíìby nì'íngy láà gààlryè'ld.They suffer from fright-sickness, dxíìby, that is the word for fright-sickness2.5.6.1Pain2become3makeíítrù este rééjùxtíís ... ràjcráb nombráàr pòrr... [pòrr] gèèdx pèrr chì'í éstè nù'ú tòyby jùxtíísnì náápàc cárrgwnì rúúny dí òrgànìsáàrr [réé] réé càwgí nírùùny àsìgnáàradonde los autoridades son nombrados por el pueblo pero luego hay una autoridad que está encargado que organiza los caudillos que asignan 4doler; hacer; convertirsehurtR-àjc dèjts MàrííMaria's back hurts2.5.6.1Painr-ac binygulunspec. comp. formvget oldCáyàjc bììnygùl Juààny.Juan se está envejeciendo.Juan is getting old. person
r-ac3àʰk3cfguc31auxbe able2podercanR-ùchnáá’=xgáá=réby dèspuèès dè ní=r-ùchnáá’=rèby z-àjc g-íí-nééy=ráb bníí’ dxà’p, pèrò áántès xté’ mò’d.‘First they marry; after they marry, they can move the bride, but not before.’R-àjc r-ù’ld Juáàny gìtààrry dìáp.Juan can play the guitar loudly.
r-ac beàʰk+béguc berealizedirreg. infl.guc berealizedvdar cuenta; sabernotice; knowÍíty ràjc+bé'=èby cálòò g-yè'n=bìHe doesn't know where he is going to stayÍítí' nyác+bè'=à chì ù-dzììny=bìI didn't notice that he had arrived.
r-ac redxàʰk+rèèdʒv1ser llamadobe called2curarsebe curedRyàlòò ràjcrèèdxráb chì'í rrzáá'b rì' yáà' íícy yààg.They finish being cured and then the jug is hung up in a treegùjcréédxà' rì'íthey cured me of of fright-sickness there.
r-ac xhuàʰk+ʃúú1vestar enfermobe sickGáálràjcrèèdx zì'cy làà rrmèèdy nírùùny bììny chì' ràjcxhúú réébííny dxíìby.Curing is like what is called medicine that people do when people suffer from susto.2estar eclipsado (del son, de la luna)be in eclipse (of the sun, moon)R-àjc+xhùù ùbììdxThe sun is in eclipse.
r-ach1àʰtʃ1cfr-iachv1enfectarse; tener (parasitos)be infected (with something); be affected by (some kind of parasite)R-àjch Juáàny bè'tsJuan has lice.Cáy-àjch=bí gè'dxHe has scabies2salir de cáscara (de pollos)hatchR-àjch bèèdy.The chicks are hatching.
r-ach2áátʃ2vrompersebreakB-yàjb=tà' Juáàn dèjts càbáày nì'íng=ní' gúúch cù'dy=bì.Juan fell off his horse and his leg broke.Gúúch yààgThe stick broke