ga'1gà'11downZòòb+gà' Juáàny.Juan is sitting down.N-áát+gá+sàà lííèbrr.The book is lying down there face up.R-ààt+gà'+xù'ny bììch.The cat is lying down rolled up.
ga' ubidxgáá' ùbídʒnperíodo de nueve días de llevar lutonine day mourning periodRr-zà' x-gàà' ùbìdx JuáànyThe nine-day mourning period for Juan is complete.
galgáálnominalizergalgichunspec. comp. formnillnessRr-dèèdy gààlgììchSe transmite la enfermedadThe illness is spread.galprobyunspec. comp. formnpovertygalracredxunspec. comp. formncuring, callinggalrdya'anunspec. comp. formnhungerNù'ú-dù'úxh gáálrrldyà'ánHay mucha hambreThere is a lot of hunger.G-ùù`ty=bí gààlrrldyà'nEl se murió de hambre.He died of hunger.galrgitunspec. comp. formntoygalrgi'tsunspec. comp. formnmassagegalrrob nisunspec. comp. formnbaptism4.9Religiongalrye'ldunspec. comp. formn1forgetfulness2fright-sickness2.5.8Mental illness