1.5. Plant

r-gu'ldgú'ldRelated tor-sagu'ldvmachitarsewither; shrivelRr-gú'ld giè'The flower withers1.5.6Growth of plants14:205MZ r-goll-ni
r-iel2vflorecerbloom (of flowers)B-íél giè' lòò yààg.Flowers bloomed on the tree.1.5.6Growth of plants
r-sagu'ldRelated tor-gu'ldvhacer machitarcause to wither1.5.6Growth of plants
xhiguldʃìgúldʃiguəldnchile piquínsmall chile5. from vegetables5., herb, vine
xi'ixʒi'ìʒnchepilchepil (an herb)1.5Plant1.5.3Grass, herb, vine
xobʒoòbʐo:bnmaízcorn (kernels)1.5Plant1.5.3Grass, herb, vineThis word is used to describe dried corn kernels which have been detached from the cob.
yag yààgcfdi'dxr-ca1r-cwa'n1árboltree1.5.1Tree2vara, palostick, pole3maderowood1.5Plant5.5.6FuelUsed as an idiomatic object with the verb rr-cwà' yààg.yabdziunspec. comp. formnorgano cactus1.5.3Grass, herb, vineyag belgwiunspec. comp. formnnance tree1.5.1Treeyag bgwiunspec. comp. formnguayaba tree1.5.1Treeyag gitsunspec. comp. formyààg gììətsntype of pine tree1.5.1Tree
yag maduc cfxte' bca'ldunspec. comp. form ofbca'ldnárbol de sapote blancowhite zapote tree1.5.1Tree
yag ziny yàg zììnynpalmeropalm tree1.5Plant
ya'l yà'lncopalcopal incense1.5.5Parts of a plant4.9.8Religious things2.3.4Smell
ya'n yá'nnolotecorncob1.5.5Parts of a plant
ze'1 zè'1nelotecorn; fresh corn1.5Plant1.5.3Grass, herb, vineze' bgi'unspec. comp. formnroasted ear of corn5. from seeds1.5.3Grass, herb, vine
zi'dy nresinaresin1.5.5Parts of a plant
ziny zììnynpalmapalm frond1.5Plant
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