1.5.5. Parts of a plant

be'z1 bè'z1cfbez1be'z2n1jaguar; tigrejaguar; tiger1.àjc+bníí bè'z gìì't.The pumpkin seeds are sown.1.5.5Parts of a plantMinimal pair with bèèz 'toad; sapo'SLQZ be'sgyet 'squash seed'
bldagbldààgnhojaleaf1.5.1Tree1.5.5Parts of a plant
bldag gi'e bldàg gí'ènhoja de zapote blancoleaf of the sapote blanco1.5.1Tree1.5.5Parts of a plant
bléjpbléʰpnsemilla de jojobajojoba seed1.5.5Parts of a plant
bldady bldààdyncáscara de arbolbark of a tree1.5.1Tree1.5.5Parts of a plant
bldagaxh bldàgàʰʃnhojas de aguacateavocado leaves1.5.5Parts of a plant
dodòònflor de milpa, espiga de maizcorn flower1.5Plant1.5.5Parts of a plant
gich de'naguatecactus thorn1.5.5Parts of a plant
gich icy ze'gììtʃ ììky zè'npelo de elotecornsilk1.5Plant1.5.5Parts of a plant
gidyapgììdyàʰpnchayotechayote5. from fruit1.5.5Parts of a plant
gichgììtʃcfgidxnespinathorn; splinter1.5.5Parts of a plantgich xi'lyunspec. comp. formnburr1.5.5Parts of a plant
gie btonygíé btóònygiəbtoonjnbotón de florflower bud1.5.5Parts of a plant
ya'l yà'lncopalcopal incense1.5.5Parts of a plant4.9.8Religious things2.3.4Smell
ya'n yá'nnolotecorncob1.5.5Parts of a plant
zi'dy nresinaresin1.5.5Parts of a plant