2.1.1. Head

ba'2bà'á2Contrastba' 1n1frijol cocidobean, cookedÌldìépy Màrìì bà'á bzyà'Maria is going to take the beans out. from seeds2bola del ojoiris2.1.1.1Eye
bul geny nmanzana de AdánAdam's apple2.1.1Head
bzyalo bzyáálóónojoeye2.1.1.1Eye
cux kùəʒadjsin buena visionpartially sighted2.1.1.1Eye
cwendxkwééndʒadjbizcocross-eyedCwendx lo Juany.Juan is cross-eyed.2.3.1See2.1.1.1Eye
dxucdʒùùkdxùùəcadj1faltando un pedazo, deformado (de las partes del cuerpo)missing a piece, deformed (of body parts)dyàg rr-dxùùcan ear with a piece missing8.3.1Shape2.5.4.5Birth defect2.1.1.5Tooth2caries (de los dientes)cavity (in the teeth)Xté dxúúc chù'ú lòò làày=à'I don't have a cavity in my tooth. decayr-awdxucunspec. comp. formvhave a cavity (of a tooth)Ràw+dxúúc lààjy Màríí.Maria tiene caries.Maria's tooth has a cavity.Tyóóp lààjy Màríí cáy-àw+dxùùcMaria tiene dos caries.Two of Maria's teeth have cavities.
ge'dy dyaggè'dy dyàʰgnoídoear canal2.1.1.2Ear
genygèènygéjnjn1gargantathroat2cuelloneck2.1Body2.1.1Headgeny ni'unspec. comp. formnankle2.1.3.2Leg
gich ilag2gììtʃ ílààg2ncejaeyebrow2.1.1.1EyeMZ guichlocuaj
gich ru' bzyalogììtʃ rù' bzyààlòònpestañaeyelash2.1.1.1Eye
gudx2nlegañasleep (in the eyes), mucus (in the eyes) p. 150
icyííkycfr-yu' icyunspec. comp. form ofr-yu'icyn1cabezahead2.1.1Head2encima de; enon top of; onLà'à máány zòòb íícy yù'ùThe bird is on the house.2.1Bodyicy yu'unspec. comp. formnroof
lay bdo'lààʰy bdòò'ndiente de lecheprimary tooth2.1.1.5Tooth
lay be'zlààʰy bè'znmuelamolar2.1.1.5Tooth
lay ru' yu'lààʰy rù' yù'ndiente incisivofront tooth, incisor2.1.1.5Tooth
nis loníʰslòònlágrimatear3.5.6.5Cry, tear2.1.1.1Eye
r-ac ruàʰk+rùùvtocercough2.2.2Cough, sneeze2.1.1.4MouthMZ ruj
r-di car-dìì+cààvasomar, salircome out (from under something), come in (of teeth)Chì' r-dìì+cáà lààjy bdòò'When the baby's teeth come inUri ca eby ru' ventan.He came up at the window.
r-gwi'gwìì'vverseeRr-cà'z Juáàny ìgwíì' là'á=rébyJuan wants to see them2.3.1See2.1.1.1EyeMZ ruhuiini
r-se'wsè'wcfr-ye'wv1cubrir; tapar; cubrirput over; coverRr-sè'w Juààny dà' lòò yùùJuan put the mat on the floorRr-sè'w nìjs lòò yùù.Water covers the floor.2abrochar, abotonarfasten, buttonÙ-sè'w Màríí btòòn xtéé x-cùtòòny=nì'Maria fastened the button of her blouse.3cerrar (el ojo, la boca, el mano)close (the eye, mouth, hand)Gúl-sè'w làjdy íícy sìyòòn!Cover the armchair with the cloth!Ù-sè'w náá'=ùClose your handÙ-sè'w Juáàny rù'=nì'Juan closed his mouth2.1.1.1Eye
r-u'nù'nRelated tor-cu'nvllorarcry3.5.6.5Cry, tear2.1.1.1Eye
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