2.5.2. Disease

be'd bè'dnsarnamangeXpè'cw Juààny cáyàch bè'dJuan's dog has mange. diseaseMZ baad
be'u2 bé'ú2n1mezquinowart2.5.2.2Skin disease2llagasore2.5.2.2Skin disease
bi2bíí2cfr-zubin1chill2.5.2Disease2gripe; resfriadocold
blduld bldùəldnbociogoiter2.5.2Disease
dany2 dáàny2ndañoharm2.5.2Disease
di'b dííə'bncicatrizscarCáá dííb nàà Juáàny.Juan has a scar on his arm. disease
dxucdʒùùkdxùùəcadj1faltando un pedazo, deformado (de las partes del cuerpo)missing a piece, deformed (of body parts)dyàg rr-dxùùcan ear with a piece missing8.3.1Shape2.5.4.5Birth defect2.1.1.5Tooth2caries (de los dientes)cavity (in the teeth)Xté dxúúc chù'ú lòò làày=à'I don't have a cavity in my tooth. decayr-awdxucunspec. comp. formvhave a cavity (of a tooth)Ràw+dxúúc lààjy Màríí.Maria tiene caries.Maria's tooth has a cavity.Tyóóp lààjy Màríí cáy-àw+dxùùcMaria tiene dos caries.Two of Maria's teeth have cavities.
gedxygèdʒygèjdxjnsarnaa kind of skin disease2.5.2.2Skin disease
gidy bizgììdy bííəzncostra secascabCáyèjs gììdy bííz nnà' MàrííThe scab is coming off Maria's hand. disease2.2.5Bleed, blood
nis yudxnìʰs yùùdʒnpuspusRr-díí'=dù'úxh nìjs yùùdx lòò gè'dx.A lot of pus is coming from the wound. disease
r-ac ... dxibyàʰk … dʒíìbyvtener sustosuffer from fright-sicknessCáy-àjc Juáàny dxíìbyJuan has fright-sickness2.5.2Disease
r-ac ... ruàʰk ... rùùvtener toshave a coughCáyàjc Juáàny rùù.Juan has a cough.2.5.2Disease
r-babbàʰbvdar comezónitchCá-bàjb ná' JuáànyJuan's hand itches2.5.2.2Skin disease2.5.6.1Pain2.5.6Symptom of disease
r-caykááyRelated tor-cuayv1oscurecerget darkÙ-cáày xàìbà'The sky got dark.Nacay le'n yu'.It is dark in the house.2desmayarsefaintÙ-cáày MàrííMaria fainted.2.5.1Sick2.5.6Symptom of disease2.4.4Tired2.5.6.4Lose consciousness3sufrir de la vistahave bad visionRr-cááy lòò xhùpàà Juààny.Juan's father does not see well.2.5.2Disease
r-dzibdzíí'bdziə'bvvomitarvomitÙ-dzííb JuáànyJuan vomited2.5.2.3Stomach illness
sensèènn1cicatrizscar2.5.2.2Skin disease2huella; señaltrack; footprint
xpixhʃpìʃnasconausea, disgustR-yù' xpìxh=á'I am disgusted; I am nauseated. illnessr-yu' xpixhunspec. comp. formvbe disgusted byR-yù'+xpìxh Juáàny còmííhèdA Juan le da asco de la comida.Juan is disgusted by the food.
xta'mb be'cw ʃtà'mb bè'kwnperrillasty (sore on the eyelid)
yo'b yò'bndiarreadiarrheaCáy-àjc=à' yò'bI have diarrhea. illness2.2.8Defecate, feces