r-cwa'kwà'kwaʔcfdi'dxr-ca1yagContrastr-cwa21tirar; ponerthrow; put2escribirwrite3.5.7.1Write3echar (tortillas)make (tortillas)Là’éby ííty=pà’c=sá rr-cuà’=tí=by gèèt.She never makes tortillasÙ-cà' Juáàny yéès dèxh pàdéèrJuan put plaster on the wallÙ-cà' Juáàny bgùù lòò dù'ù.Juan tied a knot in the rope.cwader.be sharpenedÁ=cuà' lòò gùchíílyEl cuchillo está afiladoThe knife is sharpenedr-cwa' di'dxder.insult indirectlyRr-cuà' Màríì dìì'dx Juáàny.Maria insulta indirecta a Juan.Maria indirectly insults Juan.idiomidiomThis sense of the verb requires the idiomatic object dìì'dxr-cwa gider.light; set on fireÙ-càà+gíí Juáàny vèlàdóórrJuan encendio la veladora.Juan lit the candle.non-projnon-projr-cwa' loder.sharpenCá-cuàà' bííny ngìw lòò gùchíìly.El hombre está afilando el cuchillo.The man is sharpening the knifer-cwa' yagder.1tieÙ-cá' x-pè'cw=á' yààgAté mi perro.I tied my dog.idiomidiomThis verb requires the idiomatic object yààg. Although yààg means 'wood, stick, tree', it is used with this verb regardless of what the object is tied to.2spank, hitRr-cuà'+yààg Juáàny xhììny=nì'.Juan le dió palmadas a su niño.Juan spanked his child.r-cwa' xtyugunspec. comp. formpeck atRr-cùa'+xtyúúg dèjdy xóób.La gallina picotea el maiz.The chicken pecks at the corn.