gbaacfhiesikuriv1to gather, heap up sth.Gbaa yaŋ la hɛ dɔŋɔ.Gather the grass together in heaps.2to make millet-mounds (farming)Ʋ gbaa parɩkpʋraa nɛ.He made millet-mounds.
gbege ta, gbegi...taidto disgrace, disregardƲ mʋ bɛ zɛmbɛ a pɩpa kuoro, kuoro yie kɛnʋ gbege ta.He betrayed somebody to the chief, so the chief disgraced him.
gbegivto strip bareBʋʋnaa gbegi tɩala kala.The goats have stripped the tree bare.
gbegisiv1reduce in wealth, become poorBaal la lɛɛlɛ gbegise nɛ.The man has now become poor.2to remove all leaves from a treeBʋʋnaa gbegisi tɩa la kala nɛ.Goats have stripped the whole tree.