tabakaNG5layer(s)Ulanga una tabaka mnane.The atmosphere has eight layers.
tabano (matabano)NG31supplicationShehe akomereza na idi tabanodino:... (Arbow)The mullah finishes with this supplication:...2prayer (traditional)
TabataNG9TabataTabata ni kakaya haguhi na Jilibu.Tabata is a village close to Jilib.Agamba nanite Tabata nikaunge mbeyu.He says I'll go to Tabata to find seeds.Nasibu Buntro atawala ntendere za Tabata mpaka Jilibu. (Arbow)Nasibu Bunto conquers areas from Tabata up to Jilib.This is a village the lower Jubba valley in Somalia.
tabhebha< SomNG5headband(s)Wasawi watogola kuvala nguwo zihundu na tabhebha zikungala.Sorcerers like to wear red cloths and white headbands.Maaraile yatogola kufunga tabhebha.Bisexuals like to tie headbands.
tabhela (matabhela)< ItNG31roadsignMwe sira ino mna tabhela dimwenga.On this road there is one roadsign.2billboardWana tabhala dya kutambulishiza wadyeni kaya yao.The have a billboard introducing their town to visitors.3posterboardTabhela dino dibandikizwa baruwa za kazi.This posterboard has letters about work posted on it.4signboardTabhela dino dibandikwa "California".This signboard says California.5picket signTabhela dyake diwandikwa, "Hachikunga kulava anshuru."His picket sign had written on it, "We don't want to pay taxes."
tabiyaNG51behavior(s)Wandugu waidi wachukizana kwa tabiya zawo zihiye.Two relatives offended each other with their bad behavior(s).Tabiya zako zihutuka; kwani, una mzimu mo mwiri?Your behavior has changed; why, do you have a spirit in your body?This noun is often used in the plural where English would use the singular.2conductKudyenderana ni tabiya yedi.Visiting each other is good conduct.3mannersWatanzaniya wana tabiya zedi.Tanzanians have good manners.4habit(s)Sidhi kabedeleswa tabiya zake zose.Sidi has been changed a lot in all his habits.5custom(s)Tabiya zangu sitogole kusola deni.My custom(s) is that I don't like taking out loans.Mbuyangu ni Mswazi; anihinya tabiya zawo.My friend is Swazi; he's teaching me their customs.
tabuNG51trouble(s)Siku zino nna tabu ya mkazangu.These days I'm having trouble(s) with my wife.2difficult circumstance(s)Wantru wengi waishi maisha ya tabu mwe Somaliya.Many people live [their] lives in difficult circumstances in Somalia.3distressWazazi wapatwa ni tabu bada ya hondo ya wenye kwa wenye SomaliyaParents got distress after the civil war in Somalia.4miseryMaisha yako ni tabu kama ivo unifunguire.Your life is misery (like) the way you have recounted it to me.
tadyiri (matadyiri)NG31wealthy (person)Miye ni tadyiri.I am wealthy.Weye ni tadyiri.You are wealthy.Yeye ni tadyiri.He is wealthy.Nadyenderwa ni malori mirongo mnane, kwa ivo ni tadyiri.I've got eighty semis; therefore I'm wealthy.See: utadyiri, mtadyiri, kutadyirika, kutadyirisha.2rich (person)Bosi wangu ni tadyiri.My boss is rich.Ni rahisi ngamira adyinkhe mwe di langa dya singano kuliko tadyiri aite jana.It's easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than a rich man to go to heaven.Tadyiri dino ni bafu.This rich person is greedy.3boss (big or head)Tadyiri kanitumisa.The big boss ordered me too much.Sikazwa hano ni tadyiri.I was made to stay here by the head boss.Miye na tadyiri chiwasawazishanya washegale wosa.Me and the boss treat all the workers equally together.Washegale wose wasawazishwa ni tadyiri.All the workers are treated equally by the boss.
tafathali (tafathalini)InterjpleaseTafathali, hita kanisowere gari dyangu.Please, go get my car for me.Tafathalini mnadyika, mnayazingirize makambala yano.Please, when you're done, you should coil up these ropes.Here th is eth [ð], a voiced interdental fricative.
tafautiAdj1differentWeye na miye chi tafauti.You and I are different.Madole yano ni tafauti.These fingers are different.Sakuvumbula mbago imemire wanyama tafauti.I discovered a forest that is full of different animals.Hanshi dino dina michoro tafauti.This paper has different drawings.Sita mahali tafauti.I went to a different place.Changanisha mito midi tafauti.We're joining two different rivers.Tafautitafauti is plural and distributive in meaning.2variedVilonge vao ni tafauti.Their speech styles are varied.3mismatchedSuksi zangu ni tafauti.My socks are mismatched.
tafautitafautiAdj1different varietiesMphombe tafautitafauti zigunduliswa.Different varieties of alcohol have been invented.Vyapa ni tafautitafauti kwa kila kampani.Logos are of different varieties in each company.Rehema na Bahati watogola kugundulanya hande tafautitafauti.Rehema and Bahati like to invent different varieties of food together.2various differentSita mahali tafautitafauti.I went to various different places.
tafsiriNG5meaningKanihinya kusoma i Gurani spokuwa tafsiri yake.He taught me to read the Qoran except not its meaning.Ninkha tafsiri ya kilma ino, "chiremba".Give me the meaning of this word, "turban".See: kutafsiri, utafsiri.
tagi (matagi)NG3eggTagi dino diwengulika.This egg is hatchable.Tagi dino diwenguka.This egg has hatched.Nikadya tagi sitogola kudya i chinini.When I eat egg, I like to eat the yolk.Makozo ye chirume na tagi dyo mvere yanabwirana ni chizazi.When the sperm of the male and the egg of the woman come together, there's conception.
tahaliliNG5holy waterUkamwagira tahalili mwe nyumba, mwagira mwe zi mphembe!When you sprinkle holy water in the house, sprinkle it in the corners!
tahathari (utahathari)1NG5careGaluka na tahathari!Be with care! = Be careful!Galuka na tahathari ukatega mfiyufiyu!Be careful when setting a snare!Here th represents eth [ð], a voice interdental fricative.See: utahathari, kugaluka na tahathari.2Expltwatch out!Tahathari! Sono udyamanye mapenzi mwe kazi!Watch out! Don't do love [stuff] at work!3Expltlook out!Tahathari! Sono ulagale aho!Look out! Don't fall there!4Expltcareful!Tahadhari, "Alabama", Wazungu wegala ubaguzi!Careful, in Alabama, Whites discriminate!
tai< EngNG5tie(s)Liganya tai yako nti hunati kufosa!Fix your tie before you go out!Tai za wana na za wantru wadyima ni bei mwenga.Kids' ties and adults' ties are the same price.
taifa (mataifa)NG51nation(s), nationalAfrika ina taifa nyingi.Africa has a lot of nations.Chingereza ni luga ya taifa mwe Marikani.English is the language of the nation in the United States.This noun can have a plural in NG5, which is unmarked, or an NG3 plural. An NG3 singular exists but only as a cursing or pejorative term.2big ugly nation
taitoli< EngNG5title(s)Kila gari dyeza na táitoli.Every car comes with a title.Nyumba zose zina táitoli.All houses have titles.Uyo yose nasole alfu kumi deni, naike rahani táitoli ye idi gari dyake.Whoever takes out a ten thousand [dollar] loan, should put down the title of his car (as security).The first syllable is stressed.
takiNG5hand (measure), handsMeza yangu ni taki mnane.My table is eight hands [long].This is a measure from the end of the middle finger to the end of the thumb with the hand fully extended as far as possible (roughly eight or nine inches).
tako (matako)NG31buttockKakahata kutungwa singano mwe di tako.She hates getting poked with a syringe in the buttock.2buttNhonyesa tako (dyako)!Show me your butt!Ana chapa mwe di tako.She has a mark on the butt.3assSika tako dyako hasi!Put your ass down!Chinga tako dyako nikudyere dole!Hold out your ass so I can finger you!Yonda aona tako dya mnyawe lakini i dyake hakudiona male.A monkey sees his companion's ass, but his own he doesn't see it at all. (Proverb meaning: one sees the faults of others, but not one's own.)See: kuchingira tako.The second example above is vulgar and disrespectful.4bottomNdoni yangu tako dyake ni batabata.My skiff's bottom is flat.
tako dya bundiki (matako ya bundiki)NG31butt of gunPolisi kanitowa na tako dya bundiki.The cop hit me with the butt of a gun.2gunstockKila tako dya bundiki si mti male.Not every gunstock is wood .
taksiNG5taxi(s)Chaunga kusereza taksi zikupuluka.We want to invent taxis that fly.
tala (matala)NG31lightTala dino dyameremeta.This light is shining.Tala dyaka.The light is shining.Kudya kwapulika tala.There shines a light.Tala idyo difunamize!Bend that light near you over!Tala difa fu.The light died completely.Tala indicates man-made light or fixture, not light outside.2lampNaunga tala hano he meza nisomere mabuku.I need a lamp here on the table to read books.3street lightSira ino ichiza, haina tala hata dimwenga.This road is dark, it doesn't have even one street light.4signal lightUnauna tala dihundu, chimala sono udyende!When you see a red light, stop; don't go!5lanternTala dino, dibedelishe utambi!This lantern, change its wick!
talakaNG51divorceNinkha talaka yangu!Give me my divorce! [woman speaking]2stages of divorceMvere yuno simwasa kwa talaka ya kwanza / imwenga.This woman, I divorce her in the first stage of divorce.Mvere yuno simwasa kwa talaka ya kaidi.This woman, I divorce her in the second stage of divorce.Mvere yuno simwasa kwa talaka ya katatuThis woman, I divorce her in the third stage of divorce.Only a man can make the three stages of divorce. In each of the three stages a man must make the statements above before witnesses of elders, or in writing. The third stage is absolutely final, but in the first two stages the man can change his mind.