bhoroni< SomNG5machine gun(s, heavy)Risasi ya bhoroni yasakika hale.A machine gun bullet shoots a long ways.Maaskari yadondola bobo dya bundiki ya bhoroni.The police have picked up a heavy machine gun casing.
bhoroshi< EngNG5porridgeBhoroshi ni nkhunde na mtama usaganywe.Porridge is beans and corn that are crushed together.
bhorsa (mabhorsa)< ItNG31purseBhorsa dyangu dipochoka.My purse came unstitched.Saza bhorsa dyangu; dina chirole na wanda wangu.I lost my purse; it had my mirror and mascara in it.2walletNna dala shano mwe di bhorsa dyangu.I have five dollars in my wallet.Saza bhorsa dyangu; dina aidi na "social security" yangu.I lost my wallet; it had my ID and social security card.3bagSisintra nguwo mwe di bhorsa dyangu.I packed clothes tight in my bag.Sipata mabokolo mdani mwe di bhorsa.I've got hundreds in the bag.
bhosi< SomNG5position(s)Sitogola kubedelishwa kila bhosi.I would like to be switched to each position.China bhosi kumi zikungirwa wahudumiyadyi.We have ten positions in which servers are needed.Kwe kazi sibedelisha bhosi na mbuyangu.At work I switched positions with my friend.
bhosi (mabhosi)< SomNG3cripple(d)Mkono mwenga ni bhosi.One arm is crippled.Ni bhosi lakini kahenya idi gari.He's a cripple but he dodged the car.
bhosta< ItNG5twenty paces squaredShabani alima bhosta mirongo midi kwa siku.Shabani cultivates twenty "bostas" a day.Silima bhosta shano kwa siku dimwenga.I've cultivated five "bostas" a day.Bhosta nne zadyamanya dharabhu imwenga.Four "bosta" make one "darabu".This is a traditional area measure of twenty paces squared, roughly 2500 sq. ft.
bhotiNG51house frame(s)Hawanati kuikomereza i nyumba male; wachimaza i bhoti tú.They haven't yet finished up the house at all; they only stood up the frame.Wachimaza bhoti ya nyumba, lakini ni vedi waikomereze kwa halaka.They stood up the house frame, but it's better that they finish it quickly.2outhouse(s)Nasisika bhoti yangu na ngomore.I'm placing my outhouse with a stick framework [around it].This is a traditional outhouse or latrine with an open top and sidewalls made of sticks.3latrine(s)Naita kwe bhoti.I'm going to the latrine.Ngomore na fufu ziwoteranywa bhoti."Ngomore"sticks and "fufu" sticks have been used to fence in the latrine.4fenceDyera nguvu bhoti ino!Strenghthen this fence!Chaunga ngomore za kuhasikira bhoti ino.We need "ngomore" sticks for putting this fence in.
bhotoni< ItNG5button(s) on machinesBhotoni ino i zabibu.This button is silver colored.Bhotoni zino zi zabibu.These buttons are silver colored.Minya bhotoni iyo bantri idyo divuguke!Press that button for that door to open!
bhufo (mabhufo)NG31navelMwanangu dyero ana oparasheni ya mwe di bhufo.Today my child has an operation on the navel.Mwanangu dyero katatulwa kwe di bhufo.Today my child was operated on on the navel.2belly buttonBhufo dyangu ni kulu.My belly button is big.Bhufo dyangu ni dodo.My belly button is little.3balloonSibhufiya bhufo.I blew up a balloon.Simbhufuira bhufo.I blew up a balloon for him/her.Bhufo dino diviriswa ni Masala.This balloon has been blown up a lot by Masala.See: kubhufiya.
bhuko< SomNG5puncture(s)Mkingiro wangu una bhuko.My tire has a puncture.Mkingiro wangu una bhuko mbiri.My tire has two punctures.See: kwingira bhuko.
bhukuro (mabhukuro)NG31daturaKanywa bhukuro.He has drunk datura.Sikunga bhukuro hadikudaha kulewezesa wantru.I don't want datura that can't make people really high.2jimson weedBhukuro ni mti ukuleweza piya na (u)kukoma.Jimson weed is a plant that makes you high and also (it) kills you.
bhuldhosi (mabhuldhosi)< EngNG5bulldozerAtiyo egala bhuldhosi.Uncle drives a bulldozer.Bhuldhosi dyangu sidifunga dyembe dya same, niyo nalima honde yose.My bulldozer, I attached it to a tiller, and then I plowed the whole farm.See: mkono wa bhuldhosi.
bhulketi ~ bhuluketi (mabhulketi ~ mabhuluketi)< Eng1NG5brick(s)Bhulketi zanyazwa na moto.Bricks are dried with fire.Bhulketi zino mzinyazisa.These bricks, you (all) dried them too much.Chiliganyo che izi bhulketi zino chaunga mtaalamu.The arrangement of these bricks needs a professional.Izi bhuluketi zikamilishizwa izi nyumba.The bricks were used to complete the houses.2NG5cinder block(s)Naunga bhulketi alfu kumi nizengere mgahawa.I need ten thousand cinder blocks to build a restaurant.See: kutowa bhulketi.3NG3large brickBhulketi dino dizama.This large brick is heavy.
bhumInterjboom (sound)U mzinga ulagala mara u mwenga, bhum.The bomb fell one time, boom.
bhundo< It puntoNG5bridge(s)Baba nakasana bhundo.Grandfather engineered bridges.Sidalika i bhundo.I crossed over the bridge.Miye na mbuya zangu chitatamalanya kuzenga bhundo ino.Me and my mates strained together building this bridge.See: kabhundo.
bhunyo< It pugnoNG51fist(s)Mbuyangu kanitowa (na) bhunyo mo udyedye.My friend hit me with the fist on the jaw.Watega bhunyo watowe wantru.He put up [his] fists to fight people.Aunga kutega bhunyo.He wants to put up [his] fists.2punch(es)Bhunyo yako haikunilumiza.Your punch doesn't hurt me.Bhunyo zako hazikunilumiza.Your punches don't hurt me.3boxingMaatarisha yano yadaha bhunyo.These actresses know boxing.
bhurashi (mabhurashi)< EngNG3brushFiri zangu nazigoneza na bhurashi.My hair, I'm making it lay down with a brush.Firi zangu nazigonezeza bhurashi.My hair, I'm using a brush to make it lay down.Bhurashi dino ni dya kusuntrira viratu.This brush is for cleaning shoes.
bhurjiko (mabhurjiko)NG3oven of clayBhurjiko dyaunga makala mengi.The clay oven needs a lot of coals.Burjiko dino dimema maivu.This clay oven is full of ashes.This is a traditional oven made of clay on the inside and tin the on outside.
bhusbhusi< SomNG51chickenpoxAna bhusbhusi.He/she has chickenpox.Bhusbhusi yake ihona.His/her chickenpox healed up.Kama kuniletera dawa ya bhusbhusi tú nikagamire mwiri wangu wanyegera.He right away brought me medicine for chickenpox when I told him my body was itching.2varicellaBhusbhusi zao zihona.Their varicella healed up.
bhushi (mabhushi)NG31styrofoamIdyera bhuhi mwedi kartoni ukatuma viya vako.Put styrofoam in the carton when you send your items.2lifesaver (floating)
bhusto (mabhusto)< ItNG3wool blanketSipumuntra bhusto.I beat a wool blanket (to clean it).Simgubikira bhusto.I used a wool blanket to cover him/her.Segubika na go'o na bhusto.I covered myself with a sheet and a wool blanket.Sekunyatira mwe di bhusto.I curled myself up in the wool blanket.
bibiri (mabibiri)NG3support wallSimgamba, aleke kubendulisa idi bibiri.I told her that she should stop breaking off pieces from the support wall.This is a short form of biribiri.
*bidiVDtr1need (= have to)Naikubidi wite ukammone tate.It'll need you to go see dad. = You'll have to go see dad.Imbidi akommone dektari gulo.It needed her to go to the doctor yesterday. = She had to go to the doctor yesterday.Ichibidi chaye halaka ntrambo yetu.It needed us to come back early from our trip. = We had to come back early from our trip.Nainibidi nipate wantru wanne wa kuhamalisha.It'll need me to get four people to carry heavy burdens on the back. = I'll have to get four people to carry heavy burdens on their backs.2makeDichibidi chidigyale garaja.It (car) made us take it to the garage.This verb is highly irregular: it has no verbal noun in ku-, the final suffix is -i, and it is never said by itself. The default subject is i- unless another is clear in context.