Chizigula - English



chevu (mchevu, uchevu, wachevu)NG41lazy (laziness)Mbwa idya ni chevu / nchevu.That dog is lazy.Ngamira idya ni chevu.That camel is lazy.Naona chevu kusoma buku dino.I feel lazy reading this book.Miye nna chevu.I have laziness. = I am lazy.Chevu chakusumbula; washindwa kutoza duniya yako.Laziness is disturbing you; you're unable to handle your world.Wafanyakazi wako wana chevu zaidi.Your workers have a lot of laziness.There is no plural form of this noun.2idle(ness)Dyero naona chevu kwa sababu ni ofu.Today I feel idle because I'm off (work).
chi-Vpfx1weChimtogola yeye.We like him.Chigombana.We fought with each other.Chikulumiza.We hurt you.China unyonje wa masango.We have the disease of dysentery.This is the first person plural subject and object prefix on verbs.2usKachitogola.He likes us.(Nyose) mchilumiza.You all hurt us.Nyuchi zachidyamanyiza uchi.Bees make honey for us.Chinkheni matanga!Give us supplications!Wachiwotera.They fenced us in.Wachilumiza.They are hurting us.
chi (cha)2Prep1likeAdya chi mbuzi.He eats like a goat.Adya chi ngombe.She eats like a cow.Sivala maskarbho ya chi askari.I'm wearing boots like a soldier (= soldier boots).Adyenda chi askari.He walks like a cop.Yeye (a)ogera chi ngwena.She swims like a crocodile.This prep is also used as a prefix to derive adverbs and adjectives.2asMabasi yano cheyatumiya chi makwanguiro.These splinters of wood, we're using them as scrapers.3in the style ofWatombana chi mbwa / chi wantru / chi binadamu / chi yonda.They fucked doggy style / people style / human style / monkey style.boko dya chi bukini / maboko ya chi bukinibanana in style of plantains / bananas in style of plantainsSee: kusika cha vindi.4in the way ofWavina chi Zigula.You dance in the Zigula way.chi siriin a sacred way5in the manner ofIzi ngombe zipangwa chi laini zose ili zikamwe mere.All the cows have been arranged in lines so they can be milked.6amongMphumu zenkhirizanwa chi famili.Asthma is spread among the family.7byMbwa inywa a mazi yose chi kufunama.The dog drank all the water by bending down
chi (chiri)VLinkwe are(Suwe) chi wantru.We are people.Chi walimo.We're teachers.Suwe chi kuhi?Where are we?(Suwe) chi hano.We're here.Hachi kuli.We're not there.Chi wakulu kwenyu.We're bigger than you (all).Chi wakulu kwao.We're bigger than them.Chi wadyima.We're fine.Chi wagosi.We're men.Chi wavere.We're women.Chi watana.We're cute.Chi wabafu.We're greedy.Chi wavuna.We're siblings.Chi wasomo.We're namesakes.Chi wapenzi wa kudugana.We are lovers until burying each other (= until death do us part).Miye na Dhadhiri chi karibu.Me and Dadiri are close.Chi wandugu. Fosa! Nifose.We're relatives. Come out! I'll come out. (saying)Yeye na miye chi Wagosha.He and I are Goshans.Weye na miye chi wakaya.You and me are villagers.This is the linking verb for first person plural, both Equating and Locative Stative. The past tense is nachi, the relative stem is chiri 'where we are'.
chi (vi)1VLocSt NG 4is, it isChiti chi kuhi? -- Chi hano.Where is the chair? -- It's here.Chisanga chiya chi moto.This sand is hot.Chikombe chi hundu.This cup is red.Chisuse chi meso.The scorpion is alive.Chisanga chi ma a mazi hachikusoleka.Sand which is in the water isn't take-out-able.This is the linking verb for NG4 singular nouns, both Equating and Locative-Stative.2NG4singular prefix NG4Chiga chake chaluma. / Chaluma.His leg hurts. / It hurtsChifua chake chaluma. / Chaluma.His chest hurts. / It hurts.Chiga che chiti chivonika. / Chivonika.The leg of the chair broke. / It broke.Nyose mtogola chirole chino i chikulu. / Mchitogola.You all like this big mirror. / You all like it.Chikombe chino sichimemeza mazi.This cup, I filled it up with water.Sichitogola.I like it (e.g., shoe).Sichiona.I saw it (e.g., cup).Sichitula.I broke it (e.g., cup).Mchitogola.You like it (e.g., mirror).chi > ch before a vowel.This prefix marks NG4 singular nouns, adjectives, demonstratives and pronouns; it is also the agreement prefix on verbs, for both subject and object. See NG4 plural vi-.
chi bandiyaPP1illegalMapolosi yahalawizisa magari mengi ya chi bandiya mwe sira.The police have removed a lot of illegal cars from the road.See alternate pronunciation: kibandiya.See: bandiya.2illegallyWameksiko wengi weza chi bandiya mwe Marikani.Lots of Mexicans have come illegally to the U.S.Keza chibandiya.He came illegally.Weza chibandiyaThey came illegally.Unadyamanya mbuli zako chi bandiya noufungwe.If you do your things illegally, you'll be arrested.
chi BantuPPBantu stock or familyChinyasa ni luga chi Bantu.Nyasa is a Bantu language.Chipokomo ni luga yo chi Bantu.Pokomo is a Bantu language.Dengereko ni kabila ya chi Bantu.Dengereko is a Bantu tribe.
chi chanyaPPcooperativelySame dino dyalimirwa chi chanya.This tractor is used to farm cooperatively.
chi dyeniPP1foreign(ly)Ni rahisi kusarafa mapesa ya chi dyeni ho mhakaIt's easy to change foreign money at the border.2visisting(ly)Nemhina keza hano chi dyeni tú.Nemhina came here visiting only.
chi fahariPPluxuriousMainuna aishi hafa ina nchiri kwasabu ina nyumba za chi fahari.Mainuna lives in a neighborhood that has a gate because it has luxurious homes.
chi familiPP1family-wiseChi famili suwe chi wasomi.Family-wise we are readers.Miye na wanangu famili chi wata honde.Family-wise, me and my kids are farmers.2hereditary, hereditarilyChi famili china meso makulu mwe famili yetu.Hereditarily, we have big foreheads in our family.Mphumu zenkhirizanwa chi famili.Asthma is transmitted hereditarily.
chi hakiPPjustlyA wazehe wapanga u mhaka chi haki.The elders drew the boundary justly.
chi halaliPPlegallyMapesa yano yapatwa chi halali.This money has been obtained legally.
chi haramuPPillegallyMali ino ipatigwa chi haramu.This wealth has been obtained illegally.
chi heziheziPPcrazilyMwagaluka wasekwa mnadyamanya mbuli za chi hezihezi kama izo.You get laughed at when you do things crazily like that.
chi mabavuPPforcefullyWatawaladyi chinje mwe duniya watawala chi mabavu.Most overthrowers in the world take over forcefully.Raisi yuno isi ino kaitoza chi mabavuThis president holds this country forcefully.
chi madyindyiniPPas demonsLekani kuishi chi madyinidyini!Stop living as demons!Watibuladyi kazi yao ni ya chi madyidyini.The work of healers is [involved] with demons.
chi makiniPPcarefullyWataalamu wadyamanya kazi zawo chi makini.Professionals do their work carefully.
chi makosaPP1by accident2accidentallySi vedi kulihira mnyawo anakubonga chi makosa.It's not good to pay your companion back if he bumps into you accidentally.
chi maslahaPPpeacefullyLeka kutowa haranti a wana! loga nawo chi maslaha!Stop kicking the kids! Speak to the peacefully!
chi ngonoPPsexual(ly)Kubadira ni msezigo wa chi ngono.Humping is a sexual game.
chi nkhondonkhondoPPin a warlike wayWowo wachibasa chi nkhondonkhondo, naswi chityari.They came for us in a warlike way, and we are ready.
chi rahisi(rahisi)PP1easilyKambala didumka chi rahisi.The rope broke easily.Mtego uno wafiyusika chi rahisi.This trap snaps easily.Nazi ivise yapasuka chi rahisi.A realy ripe coconut is easily split open.Mallahi yasafika chi rahisi.The fish are easily deboneable.Mdyomba nani msimbadyi zahabu; kagaluka tadyiri chi rahisirahisi.Maternal uncle was a gold miner; he became rich really easily.Madaraka yangu sanidahe kuyalikera chi rahisirahisi.In my position I can't let go of it so easily.The reduplicated form is intensive.2easy, easierMayombo yasambuka chi rahisi kuliko nkhunde.Lima beans pod easier than green beans.
chi sahaliPPeasilyKila wakanipinga masuwali nawadyibu chi sahali.Every time they questioned me with questions, I answered them easily.
chi siyasaPP1intelligentlyKubisha chi siyasa ni kwedi.To argue intelligently is good.2politicallyRaisi Trump akwera na kulanga chi siyasa.President Trump ascends to the sky politically.