dhinamu< ItNG51alternatorMagari yose yadyenda na dhinamu.All cars run with an alternator (or a generator).Dhinamu yako ina iliki; yaunga kubedelishwa.Your alternator has signs of damage; it needs to be replaced.2generator
dhini ~ dini< ArbNG5religion(s)Minga iyo wantru nawakekala mwe Somaliya dhini ya Chislamu nahawaimanyize chavu. (Arbow)At that time the people living in Somalia didn't know much about the religion of Islam.Chamtru dhini yake ni yedi kwake.Everybody's religion is best to him/her.See alternate pronunciation: dini.See: kusambaza dhini, kutambaza dhini, mtambaza(dyi) dhini.
dhiraa (madhiraa)< SomNG31dress (woman's)Dhiraa dyangu dizuhuka.My dress faded.Dhiraa dino dyanihurisha kwasabu ni lailoni.This dress is making me sweat because it's nylon.Dhiraa dichabazwa.The dress got moistened.Siti ni dhiraa dikwiza na vintru vitatu: dhiraa, ghona na honshi.A "siti" is a dress with three things: a dress, an [under]skirt and a scarf.2gownKachopola u msumo we idi dhiraa.She has unraveled the sewing of the gown.
dhirito< ItAdv1straight(ly)Lekani kusongoleza u mlima; hitani dhirito!Stop going around the mountain; go straight!Ukalonga na miye, longa dhirito, sono ughomare!When you talk to me, talk straight, don't bullshit!2normal(ly)Ukalonga na wantru dhirito; leka kudabaliza!Talk to people normally; stop mumbling!
dhiwi (madhiwi)< SomNG31bullDhiwi difa.The bull died.Dhiwi dino dyasumbula wantru.This bull is bothering people.Dhiwi diya ni kulu.That bull is big.Dhiwi dyangu sididyereka katabu naita ku mbago.My bull, I put a saddle on it to go to the bush.Sihamirwa ni dhiwi.I was butted by a bull.2oxDhiwi dyangu disokera kwa sabu dimariyisa sisini dyero.My ox got tired because he ground sesame a lot today.Idi dhiwi dipakirwa kareta.The ox has been hooked to the wagon.
dhiyodherenti< EngNG5deoderantMagwaha ya binadamu hayakuleka kununkha kama hayahakigwe dhiyodherenti.Human armpits don't stop smelling if deoderant isn't applied.Dhiyodherenti ni muhimu kwa mvere wala mgosi.Deoderant is essential for both a man and a woman.
dho'a< Som < ArbNG5blessing(s)Sipata bharaka kwa Mnungu na dho'a kwa wazazi wangu.I got blessings from Allah and blessings from my parents.Wapata dho'a kwake unamsaidiya msafiri.You get blessings from him if you help a hobo.See: kudho'eya, bharaka.This is a secular blessing, not celestial.
dholou< SomNG51water jug(s)Siwarabiira dholou.I watered with a water jug.Bila kudegadega, nadaha niketwika dholou.Without staggering, I can carry a water jug on my head.These jugs are made of metal or plastic.2bucket(s)Sinula dholou.I picked up a bucket.Sitwikwa dholou ni Asha.I was helped putting a bucket on my head by Asha.3pail(s)4barrel(s)
dholshi (madholshi)< ItNG3cake (sweet, with lots of stuff in them)Mkazangu kanikokera dholshi.My wife baked me a sweet cake.Mafulo ye nazi yamwamwagule mwe di dholshi!The shredded coconut, scatter it on the sweet cake!
dhoroqa< ItNG5drug(s)Mapolisi yano yabalangwa ni dhoroqa.These police have been corrupted by drugs.Madyodoro yano yaletwa kusafirishizwa dhoroqa.These mattresses have been brought to be used to smuggle drugs.Dhoroqa zasafirishika kutoka Meksiko.Drugs are smuggleable from Mexico.Here q is a gamma [ɣ], a voiced velar fricative.
dhuhuri< ArbNG51prayer, second of the dayNaunga niduke dhuhuri.I want to pray the second prayer.See alternate pronunciation: adhuhuri.2early afternoonMida ya dhuhuri nanikubase kwako.Early afternoon I'll come to you at your place.
dhukamenti< ItNG5document(s)Nitowera chapa dhukamenti zino!Stamp these documents for me!Sina rangi ya kutowera chapa dhukamenti zino.I have colors for stamping these documents .Wanigamba dhukamenti zangu nazikawe kwiza.They told me my documents will be late coming.
dhuksi< SomNG51madrasa (school(s))Wazana walekerwa kwe dhuksi.The kids were released from madrasa.Dyero sitoweswa kwe dhuksi.Today I was beaten a lot at madrasa.Mwanangu kasoma dhuksi kwa miyaka kumi.My daughter studied in madrasa for ten years.2bible school(s)Sisoma dhuksi miyaka kumi.I studied in Bible school for ten years.
dhumla (madhumla)< SomNG3funnelDhumla dyamemezezwa mavuta mwe di tanki dya gari.A funnel is used to fill gas in the tank of a car.Una dhumla dya kumiminiziza?Do you have a funnel to pour with?Kila mtondo amininiziza msuzi dhumla dino.Every morning she pours soup with this funnel.
dhuwaNG5marble(s)Izi dhuwa zaunga kutanganywatanganywa.The marbles need to be all jumbled up together.Zitanganywatanganywa izi dhuwa.They are all jumbled up together, the marbles [that is].
di1VLocSt NG3isGari dyangu di kuhi?-- Di hano.Where is my car? -- It's here.Kuza dyo miti di manyasi.The leaf of the tree is green.Yembe dino di mbisi.This mango is raw.Go'o dino di mazi.This sheet is wet.Zogolo di meso.The rooster is alive.This is the linking verb for singular NG3.2Def NG3theku + idi > kwi di; mwa + idi > mwe diDi is the shortened form of idi, the augment for NG3 singular.
di- (dy-)-1NG3pfxNG3 singular markerThis prefix marks adjectives and pronouns modifying singular NG3 nouns.2VpfxitNadyunga.I want it (book).Lalahi kuditogola?It's fish you like?Buku diya diwandikwa ni Michal.That book was written by Michal.Nanikadidya.I was eating it (fruit).Idi kolongo nadifukulwa.The hole was dug.Banti dino ditoga.This door is firm.Kadidumula dyose.He cut all of it.Di > dy- / ___V This is the third person singular subject and object marker referencing NG5 nouns.
dibuNG5horrible thing(s), situation(s), circumstance(s)Nigambira dibu ya Somaliya!Tell me about the horrible situation in Somalia!Dibu za Somaliya zanidiba.The horrible things in Somalia appall me.Naona maya kwa dibu zilagale Somaliya.I feel sad about the horrible things befalling Somalia.This noun refers to situations like war, great killing, famine and starvation, much raping, plague, etc.)
dihi (yahi)IntrrgNG3which (one)?Ni gari dihi?Which car is it?See: -hi.
diiAdvIntnsall (day)Dyero dii nanikadya mayembe.All day today I've been eating mangos.Asinda nadyo dii.She stays all day with that.
dikari< SomNG5blood pressure (high)Dikari yangu yasera.My blood pressure is coming down.Dikari yangu isera.My blood pressure has come down.Wau asumbulwa ni dikari.Grandma is bothered by high blood pressure.
diksheneri (madiksheneri)NG3dictionaryDiksheneri dino dyakomerezeka.This dictionary is completable.Diksheneri dino dikomerezwa ni Jon an Mwaliko.This dictionary has been completed by Jon and Mwaliko.See alternative pronunciation: dhiksheneri.
dila (madila)< EngNG3dealerNaita kwe di dila nikagule gari dya Tayota.I'm going to the dealer to buy a Toyota (car).
dili< Sw < EngNG5deal(s)Una dili gani?What kind of deal do you have?Kuna dili gani?What kind of deal is there?Mashirika yano yana dili na "Micron".These companies have deals with Micron.Wana dili zedi.They have good deals.See: kadili.
dilume1NG3rightHita mkono we dilume!Go to the right!Silumwa mo mkono wangu we dilume.I was bitten on my right hand.Magari yangu ye dilume.My cars are on the right.Unabula "Overland", kengire i dilume.When you reach Overland, go to the right.mkono we dilumeright hand (direction)chiga che dilumeright legIt is not clear how dilume and kulume differ; sometimes they are interchangeable, but not always.2Adjright-handedNi dilume.I'm right-handed.Wowo we dilume.They are right-handed.