dimoso (kumoso)Adj1left, on the leftAwandika na mkono we dimoso na adya na mkono we dimoso.She writes with the left hand and eats with the left hand.Magari yangu ye dimoso.My cars are on the left.Unaita "Overland", kengire i dimoso.When you get to Overland, go to the left.mkono we dimosohand on the left = left handchiga che dimosoleg on the left = left legziso dye dimosoeye on the left = left eyegutwi dye dimosoear on the left = left ear2left-handedNi dimoso.I'm left-handed.Wowo we dimoso.They are left-handed.
dimwe na dimweNoone by oneDimwe na dimwem ngumi naye ache kwiza.One by one the eel is still coming.This is short for dimwenga na dimwenga.
dini ~ dhini< ArbNG5religion(s)Vimphusemphuse va hondo zino zikwinuka mwe duniya ni dini.The causes of these wars that have arisen in the world are religion.See alternate pronunciation: dhini.
dino (-no)DemNG3thisZuwa dino danisoma.This sun is burning me.Zino dino dyaluma.This tooth aches.Yembe dino di mbisi.This mango is raw.Banti dino di toga.This door is firm.Dino ni dya kukozeza.This is for peeing.Sitogola dege dino di msanga.I like this brown bird.Sitogole lalahi dino di msanga.I don't like this white fish.Sitogola lalahi dino dititu, na lalahi dino dihundu siditogole.I like this black fish, and this red fish I don't like it.
dintriri (madintriri)NG31bruiseNna alama ya dintriri.I have a bruise mark.Dhadhiri kanitowa mo mkono, niyo nalawa dintriri.Dadiri hit me on the arm, so I'm getting a bruise.2weltNna dintriri dya kulumwa ni nyuchi.I have a welt from getting stung by a bee.
*dire (kudya)VTeatWali udya sidire.That rice I didn't eat.Mpunga udya nanidire ni wedi.That rice I ate was good.Wabuga wadya nidire nwana mwire.Those rabbits I ate were delicious.-dire is the negative and relative stem of kudya.
dirifu (madirifu)NG51sad(ness)Naona dirifu nkulu.I feel great sadness. = I really feel sad.This noun is NG5 but also has a plural in NG3.2anger (angry)Nna dirifu.I have anger. = I'm angry.Mhina ana dirifu.Mhina has anger. = Mhina's angry.Mwana chiche yudya achinga dole ana dirifu.That girl gives the finger whenever she's angry.Arbai hana dirifu kama mamnyake.Arbay doesn't have anger like her mother.
dirifu ihiyeNG5temperNna dirifu ihiye.I have a temper.
dirisha (madirisha)NG3windowVugula idi dirisha!Open the window!Dirisha diyo ni mkomba; si agha male.That window is glass; it's not plastic at all.Shawaka ye idi dirisha dyangu yaona vedi.The screen of my window can be seen through well.This term may indicate the window hole without glass as in traditional houses.
disikuNG3same dayIdyo disiku mtemi engira.That same day the leader returns.See: siku.
diskoNG5disco (music or dance place)Sisesuka na kuvina disko.I've gotten sick of dancing to disco music.Sidaliswa ni wana chiche he disko.I've been touched by a lot by girls at the disco.
diswaGreetgood afternoonDiswa? -- Diswa.Did it (sun) go down? -- It went down.
diwani (madiwani)NG3counselorLuvi nna bhalani ya kumwona diwani.Tomorrow I have an appointment to see a counselor.Namwona diwani kwa (sababu ya) kunifunda miye.I'm seeing a counselor (in order) to advise me.
diyaNG3ransomWamtoza mwanangu; haluse wanga diya.They kidnapped my child; now they want a ransom.Waunga diya ya milioni mbiri shilingi kwa kumlekera mwanetu.They want a ransom of two million shillings to release our son.
diya (-ya)DemNG3thatSitogole dege diya dichansibisi.I don't like that yellow bird.Sitogola yonda diya.I like that monkey.Buku diya diwandikwa ni Michal.That book was written by Michal.Dege diya dikungala dyachema vedi.The bird that is white sings well.Satu diya dyamvunyata.That python is constricting him.
diyadiyaDemNG3that sameSipata gari diyadiya.I got that same car.dole diydiyathat same finger
dizaini< EngNG5design(s)Zawadi ana dizaini yedi.Zawadi has a nice design [in mind].
dizel< EngNG5dieselMagari mengi hayakudyenda na dizel.Many vehicles don't run on diesel.
dodo (chidodo, hadodo, kadodo, kudodo, madodo, mdodo, midodo, ndodo, vidodo, wadodo)1AdjsmallChimtogola mwana yuno mdodo.We like this small child.Padya dya mgosi ni dodo kuliko dya mvere.The hip of a man is smaller than a woman's.Mapato yangu kwe kazi ni madodo.My income at work is small.Chikombe chino ni chidodo.This cup is small.mahali hadodoa small placeThis adjective in this sense can only refer to singular entities; see: *dodododo for plural.2AdjlittleKazitwi kake ni kadodo. NG7His little head is really little.Sidyinkha kasira kadodo nikaita Nampa.I passed a little road going to Nampa.Kusoma kudodo hakukasaidiya chintru. NG8A little reading doesn't help anything.Kutanga kusigala hadodo. NG9On the farm there's a little left over.Kuntu kudodo.That is a little place.3AdjlowSeri ye nyumba ino ni ndodo.The cost of this house is low.4Quantlittle, a littleAlfu na mbokolo shano kwa hano Marikani ni mapesa madodo.Fifteen hundred [dollars] here in America is little money.Chinapata mapesa madodo, nachite Kenya.When we get a little money, we'll go to Kenya.5Quantfew, a fewwantru wadodo NG1a few peoplemiti midodo NG2a few treesMakompyuta yano ni madodo. NG3These computers are few [in number].magari madodoa few carsviti vidodo NG4a few chairsnyumba ndodo NG5a few housesnyuzi ndodo NG6a few stringswabuga wadodo NG7a few rabbitsIn this sense as a quantifier, this term is used only with plural nouns. As an adjective it may be used with singular nouns.
*dodododo (madodododo, ndodododo, wadodododo)Adj1littlewantru wadodododo NG1little peoplewazana wadodododolittle kidsmiti midodododo NG2little treesmagari madodododo NG3litttle carsviti vidodododo NG4little chairsnyumba ndodododo NG5little housesnyuzi ndodododo NG6little stringswabuga wadodododo NG7little rabbitsThis adjective can only refer to plural entities.2smallMakompyuta yano ni madodododo. NG3These computers are small.
dodoki (madodoki)NG31loofah spongeSitogola kuhaka mazi na dodoki.I like to shower with a loofah sponge.Dodoki dino dikamuliswa.This loofah sponge has been squeezed out a lot.Natumiya dodoki nikahaka mazi.I use a loofah sponge when I'm bathing.See: mdodoki.2luffa sponge
dokta (madokta)< EngNG1doctor (academic)Kushegeya na Dokta Dayley kunierevusha mbuli nyingi kuhusu luga.Working with Doctor Dayley enwisens me with many things regarding language.
dole (madole)NG31fingerDole dyake dyaluma.His finger is hurting.Dole dyangu disengwa.My finger got cut.Galamu ino ki sifikiri ni dole.This pen, I thought it was a finger.U mwana amumusa dole dyake.The baby is sucking his/her finger.Silolomokerwa ni bha'a mwe di dole.I got melted on by a plastic bag on the finger.See: kuchinga dole.2toeDole dyangu ni kulu.My toe is big.Kwa sababu ya dole dyangu dikuluma silawa ntrezi mwe zi mpakompako.Because of my toe hurting, I came out with swollen glands in the loins.3digitKamaganyizwa ni dole.He is missing a digit.4knuckleSidosa dole dimwenga.I cracked one knuckle.5fingerprint
dole dya chiga (madole ya viga)NG3toeDole dya chiga dyaluma dinakuntra hantru.A toe hurts when it's bumped somewhere.Kila dole dina mphindi ntratu, lakini kila dole dya mwe chiga dina mphindi mbiri.Each finger has three parts, but each toe has two parts.