Chizigula - English



dole dya mkono (madole ya mikono)NG3fingerSeguzo dole dyake dyo mkono divimba.Seguzo's finger is swollen.
dole idi dodo (madole a madodo)NG31little fingerDole dyangu idi dodo dina kombe tali.My little finger has a long fingernail.2little toe
dole idi kulu (madole a makulu)NG31thumbDole dyangu idi kulu ni bamphamu.My thumb is thick.Dole idi kulu dino divimba.This thumb is swollen.2big toeSetowa mwe di dole idi kulu.I stubbed the big toe.
dondolito (madondolito)NG31dung beetleDondolito hadikuleka tabiya ya kufingirisa mavi.A dung beetle doesn't stop the habit of rolling dung.2scarab beetle
dondoloNG5duiker (antelope)Dondolo ni mfano umwenga na wasagale lakini ni nkulu.A duiker is the same type as a dikdik but is bigger.
dongadonga (madongadonga)NG3game of elimination (somewhat like musical chairs)Chivineni dongadonga!Let's play your out!Miye na wandere Zawadi chavina dongadonga.Me and Zawadi and them are playing the game of elimination.
donge (madonge)NG31doughNaumba donge.I'm kneading dough.Levito ino yachatiza donge dyangu.This yeast is making my dough bubble.Donge dino dyaunga kuvuzagirwa.This dough needs to get recycled again.2chunk (soft)Kanitowa donge dya bharafu.He threw a chunk of snow at me.
dongo (madongo)NG31crowdSiona dongo dya wantru kweise wakuguluka.I see a crowd of people outside running.See: kutunga dongo.2bunchSilumwa ni dongo dya utitiri.I was bit by a bunch of fleas.3line of individualsWantru watunga dongo.The people are in line.Ntrembo zitunga dongo.The elephants are in line.4flockNo mtondo siona dongo dya ninga.In the morning I saw a flock of sandgrouse.
dooAdvIntns1completelySiku mbiri we mwo lukanga wadyenda, waga doo. (Arbow: 8)For two days they were going on the sea; then they disappeared completely.This adverb intensifies disappearance and lostness only.2reallyKaga doo!He's really lost!Kwaga doo! Nowi kuhi?You've been really lost! Where were you?Ndege yaga doo!The plane got really lost!
doseQuantNG3allGari dose difonyefonyeka.All of the car got crushed in.
dowa< SomGreet1thanksSodowa. -- Dowa.Welcome. -- Thanks.Dowa is said after one knocks on a door, and the owner of the house says sodowa 'welcome' (= Come in!).2byeSodowa. -- Dowa.Bye. -- Bye.
DowoNPropDowoA wakaliwa wabwanga Mhidyi wabwanga Dowo wafungana masepe waididi.The brave Mhidyi guys and Dowo guys tied each other in shirttails in twos.
doya (madoya(doya))NG31spotNkhazu yangu ina doya.My t-shirt has a spot.2stainShati yangu ina doya dimwenga.My shirt has one stain.
draya (madraya)< EngNG3dryerZi mwedi draya dino.They (clothes) are in this dryer.Sinyaza nguwo zangu mwe di draya dino.I dried my clothes in this dryer.
DrogbaNPropDrogbaDrogba anda kupirika, akatowa mpira.Drogba does jumping first, and then he kicks the ball.Drogba anda kunisindika, akatowa mpira.Drobba does pushing me first, and then he kicks the ball.This the name of the world famous Ivory Coast soccer player.
DubhaiNG9DubaiChikabulu Dubhai, chitenkhana.When we got to Dubai, we split up.
dudu (madudu)NG31insectDudu dino diniluma mo mkono.This insect bit me on the arm.See: kadudu.2bugMphemba dino dingirwa dudu.This ear of corn has got a bug in it.
dudu mwenjere (madudu mwenjere)NG3caterpillarNatambazwa ni dudumwenjere.I'm being crawled on by a caterpillarThe meaning of mwenjere is unknown.
dufesiNG51defense(s) Mgambo hafukwa kanale nyingi za dufesi.Many moats have been dug around Mugambo as defenses.2fortification(s)Madyuniya yano ni dufesi yetu.These gunny sacks are our fortification.Dufesi yetu haidahe kudengerezwa ni mtru.Our fortification can't be surrounded by anyone.
DufuNG3clan DufuDufu ni kolo dya chi Bantu.Dufu is a Bantu clan.kolo dya Dufuclan of DufuThere is no plural form to this noun. See: Chidufu, Mdufu, Wadufu.
duka (maduka)< Som dukaanNG31storeNaita kwe di duka nikagule ulaya.I'm going to the store to buy kerosene.Sita kwe di duka dye misazi.I went to the bed store.See: mta duka.2shopNafungula duka.I'm opening a shop.Mlauladyi yumwenga kalaula idi duka dyero.One inspector inspected the shop today.Duka dyako disiira viya va kutaga.Your shop has run out of things to sell.
duka dya bhaskili (maduka ya bhaskili)NG31bicycle shopNna duka dya bhaskili dikusola bhaskili alfu.I have a bicycle shop that holds a thousand bikes.2bike shopSifungula duka dya baskili.I've opened a bike shop.
duka dya mabuku (maduka ya mabuku)NG3bookstoreChizenga duka dya mabuku.We built a bookstore.
duka dya makompyuta (maduka ya makompyuta)NG3computer storeNaita kwe di duka dya makompyuta.I went to the computer store.
duka dya nguwo (maduka ya nguwo)NG4clothing storeSifungula duka dya nguwo mwe Darsalamu.I opened a clothing store in Dar es Salaam.