duka dya urembo (maduka ya urembo)NG3beauty shopMsekwa kafungula duka dya urembo.Msekwa opened a beauty shop.Duka dya urembo dyengirwa ni wana chiche watana zaidi.The beauty shop is entered by pretty girls a lot.
duka dya utana (maduka ya utana)NG3beauty shopMsekwa kafungula duka dya utana.Msekwa opened a beauty shop.Duka dya utana dyengirwa ni wana chiche watana zaidi.The beauty shop is entered by pretty girls a lot.
duka kulu (maduka makulu)NG31mallWantru wengi waona huzuni kuhusu wantru wafire mwe di duka idi kulu dya Kenya.A lot of people feel grief regarding the people who died in the mall in Kenya.2supermarket"Walmart" ni duku kulu.Walmart is a supermarket.3department store
DumaNPropDumaDuma ni mwalimu wetu wa sayensi.Duma is our science teacher.man's name
DumbaNPropDumbaNikeza kumkoma namsola Bero mkaza Dumba. (Song line in Arbow)When I come to kill him, I'm taking Bero wife of Dumba.man's name
dume (madume)NG3guyMwanawo, Luhizo, ni dume dya kufaya.Your child, Luhizo, is a rescuing tough guy.
dumula (kudumula)VTminusKumi dumula shano ni shano.Ten minus five is five.Shano dumula mbiri ni ntratu.Five minus two is three.This is actually the imperative form of kudumula.
DumweNPropDumweNdege ino yegalwa ni Dumwe.This plane is piloted by Dumwe.
dungu (madungu)NG3bumblebeeDungu dino dyanigutira mwa magutwi.This bumblebee is buzzing in my ears.Dungu dina miziso ikudyera woga.A bumblebee has big ugly eyes that are scary.
duniyaNG51earthKila chintru cha mwe duniya ni cha Mnungu.Everything on the earth is God's.Duniya wantru werekana zaidi.On earth people are multiplying too much.2world(s)Unadyamanya zambi mwe duniya, naukaathawwe akhera.When you do a sin in the world, you will keep on being tortured in the hereafter.Kutogola ihi raha ya duniya au raha ya ahera?Which do you like: comfort in the world or comfort in the hereafter?Wasomali watamba mwe duniya.Somalis have spread out in the world.See: Chikombe cha Duniya, Mpira wa Duniya.3planet(s)Duniya ntruhu zina milenge.Other planets have moons.Milenge yafaya kunurisha izi duniya na chiro.Moons help light up the planets at night.4universe(s)Miye sina umanyi we duniya.I don't have knowledge of the universe.
dununda (madununda)NG3boa (slow moving and about 3 ft long)Dununda kakawa kuluma wantru.The "dununda" boa is slow to bite people.This boa looks like a rubber boa of the western US.
dutu (madutu, madutudutu)NG31blemish (bumpy, on skin)Mkono wangu ulawa dutu.My hand has got a bumpy blemish.See: kadutudutu.2wartSilawwa ni dutu mwe chirevu.I came out with a wart on the chin.3swelling (on skin)Moto uno unisoma niyo nalawa dutu.This fire burned me so I got a swelling.
duwaNG5scriptural verse(s)Shetani mtesadyi adaha akalongozwa na duwa.The demon torturer can be chased away with scriptural verses.Duwa ni aya za mwe vitabu zikutumiywa kulombezeza."Duwa" are verses from the scriptures that are used for praying.
duwara (maduwara)1NG3circleMakundi maidi ya wantru yachimala duwara.Two groups of people are standing in a circle.See: chiduwara, mduwara.2AdjroundKwada dino di duwara.This quarter is round.Makwada yano ye duwara.These quarters are round.
dy- (di-)-VpfxitYega dyangu dyaluma. / Dyaluma.My shoulder is hurting. / It it hurting.Nadyunga.I want (am wanting) it (book).Zino dino dyaluma. / DyalumaThis tooth is aching. / It is achingDy- used before vowels; di- before consonansts.This is third person singular subject or object referencing N5.
dya (dye, dyo, -a)PrepNG31ofSimsoera deni dya dala shano Mwaliko.I took out a loan of $5 from Mwaliko.Kuza dyo mti di manyasi.The leaf of the tree is green.Gari diya ni dya chuma.That car is [made] of metal.kundi dya madegeflock of birdstunda dya yondafruit of monkey = monkey's fruitdya + u > dyo, dya + i > dye2forkolongo dya manyasihole for garbage = garbage dumpDino ni dya kukozeza.This is for peeing.3from4inKuno hachiletigwe kazi, chiletwa dya utumwa. (Arbow)Here we were not brought for a job; we were brought in slavery.
dya luviPPtomorrowDya luvi miye nanize he ndima yako.Tomorrow I will come to your work.This is a short form of siku dya luvi 'day of tomorrow.'
dya MnunguPP1naturallyKafa dya Mnungu ao kekomwa?Did he die naturally, or was he killed?Tate kafa dya Mnungu.Dad died naturally.2God's willDya Mnungu dinabasa, manyani mlogozi ywenyu ni yuno!When God's will comes to me (= when I die), know your leader is this one!3deathSipatwa ni mbushi ya korona; sikufikiri nanihone; nangodya dyangu dya Mnungu.I got corona virus; I don't think I'll get better; I'm waiting for my death.Nangodya dyangu dya Mnungu kulanga. (Arbow)I'm waiting for mine of God in the sky [= my death].Wakomboka kwe adyali iyo wapatire nani kwasabu dyawo dya Mnundu hadinati.They survived the accident that they go in; it was because their death just wasn't there yet.Dyako dya Mnungu hadinati kama kufakata hadya.Your death just isn't there yet; if you've escaped that.Mna nasibu; dyenyu dya Mnungu dikawizwa.You have luck;your death has been delayed.
dyahazi (madyahazi)NG31ferry(boat)Dyahazi dididimira.The ferryboat sank.2arkDyahazi dya Nuhu kadizenga wakati we ngalika.Noah's ark, he built it in time for the Deluge.
dyake (-ake)PossPrnNG31hisDole dyake dyaluma.His finger hurts.Kompyuta dino ni dyake.This computer is his/hers.2her(s)Gutwi dyake dyaluma.Her ear hurts.3its