dyako (-ako)PossPrnNG31your(s)Sika taka dyako hasi.Put your ass down!Sitogola ziso dyako.I like your eye.2nd person sg2thy3thine
dyamanda (madyamanda)NG3basket, large round with a lidSitaga dyamanda dimwenga kwa mirongo mishano dala.I sold one large basket with a lid for fifty dollars.
dyambazi (madyambazi)NG1banditMbuyangu kagaluka dyambazi.My friend has become a bandit.The singular is NG1; the plural form is NG3.
dyamiyaNG51bunch of peopleSiona dyamiya nyingi "BSU".I saw a whole bunch of people at BSU.Siona dyamiya wantru wadyihi.I saw a bunch of short people.2crowd(s)Siona dyamiya nyingi mwe dauntauni.I saw many crowds downtown.3group(s) of people
dyangu (-angu)PossPrnNG31myZiso dyangu dyaluma.My eye hurts.Yega dyangu dyaluma.My shoulder hurts.Kambala dyangu didumka.My rope broke.Dole dyanga disengwa.My finger got cut.Zina dyangu ni Mwaliko.My name is Mwaliko.2mineGari dino ni dyangu.This car is mine.
dyani (yani, ani)IntrrgNG3whose?Dege dino ni dyani?Whose is this bird?Dino ni kompyuta dyani?Whose is this computer?
dyao (-ao)PossPrnNG3their(s)Nashigitika gari dyao dichintuka.I'm sorry their car flipped over.Wabwanga Udyendo wafintrika wakongeze wantru mwe di gari dyao.Udyendo and the other guys got squished when they added people in their car.See alternative pronunciation: dyawe, dyawo.
dyarahaNG5damage(s)Gari dyangu dina dyaraha.My car has damage.Dyaraha zino kazipata kuhi?Where did you get those damages (= wounds/scars)?
dyarifa (madyarifa)NG3netDyarifa ditegwa.The net is set.Kagwera mwe di dyarifa.He fell in the net.Mallahi yabwizwa mwe di dyarifa.The fish were caught in the net.Sivula dyarifa dyangu.I've inspected my net.U mlowadyi kazimiza dyarifa dyake.The fisherman has forgotten his net.
dyato (madyato)NG31bottom of camel/llama footDyato dya ngamira dyalawa chirahisi kama dinakaswa.The bottom of camel's foot comes off easily if it's heated up.The bottom of a camel or llama's foot is hard skin (like a dog's). The actual hooves are what in English we call the two "toes" on the foot. See ngaga.2pedalDyato dyangu dye basikili divunika.My bike pedal broke.
dyavi (madyavi)NG31floormatDyavi disumwa na makumbi.A floormat is woven with reeds.Wababa wabwirana he di dyavi.Grandfathers gathered together on the floormat.2rugWadyeni wose siwatandikira dyavi he baraza.For all the visitors I spread out a rug in the living room.Hana nguvu za kukonyeza dyavi dya wau yake.She doesn't have the strength to fold up her grandma's rug for her.
dyawe ~ dyawo (-awo ~ -ao)PossPrnNG3their(s)Gari diya ni dyawe/dyawo.That car is theirs.Gari dyawe/dyawo dibanika.Their car broke down.Sizigwa ni wambuyangu kubawa gari dyawo.I've been accused by friends of stealing their car.See alternative pronunciation: dyao.
dye (< dya + i)PrepNG3of thebanti dye nyumbadoor of the houseBuku dye hisaba nadyunga hano dyero.The accounting book I need it here today.dya + i > dye
*dyeche (hadyeche, kudyeche, madyeche, mdyeche, midyeche, njeche, vidyeche, wadyeche)1Quantfew, a fewwantru wadyeche NG1a few peoplemiti midyeche NG2a few treesmagari madyeche NG3a few carsNyumba yangu ina makolongo madyeche ya umeme.My house has a few electrical outlets.viti vidyeche NG4a few chairsviya vidyechea few itemsnyumba njeche NG5a few housesmeza njechea few tablesnyuzi njeche NG6a few stringswabuga wadyeche NG7a few rabbitsAs a quantifier, this term must be used with plural entities. Thus, since NG8 and NG9 don't have plurals, it isn't used with them as a quantifier (but can be as an adjective). See: udyeche.2Quantnot manyWahudumiyadyi ni wadyeche mwe di shirika dino.Attendants are not many in this company.3AdjsmallKusoma kwake ni kudyeche. NG8His reading is small.mahali hadyeche NG9a small place4AdjlittleSababu iyo azimwire kudyibu maswali ni kusoma kudyeche. NG8The reason he couldn't answer questions is [because of] little studying.5Adjlack ofChivumbula kuwa si umanyi mdyeche.We've discovered that it's not a lack of intelligence.
dyedye (madyedye)NG31jawbone of animal (on one side)Dyedye dya ngamira ni kulu kuliko dya ngombe.The [single] jawbone of a camel is bigger than that of a cow.See: udyedye, njedye, midyedye.For Kiziguans, a single individual always has two jawbones, one on the right and one on the left, because most animals have a split mandible.2swollen jawAna dyedye.He has a swollen jaw.
dyego (madyego)NG31molarMwanangu ana dyego.My child has a molar.2toothache (severe)Nna dyego.I have a toothache.Sivimba dyego.My cheek's swollen up from a toothache. (lit.: I'm swollen up from a toothache.)
dyelaNG51jail(s)E mwe dyela.He is in jail.Wanilikera mwe dyela.They let me out of jail.Silekerwa kwe dyela.I was released from jail.2prison(s)Silawa mwe dyela.I came out of prison.Sihukumwa miyaka kumi dyela.I was sentenced to ten years in prison.
dyembe (madyembe)NG31hoeLuhizo kanisakira dyembe.Luhizo threw a hoe at me.2plowMwaka uno chaunga dyembe dya makina.This year we want a machine plow.Ngombe mbiri zabuluzanya dyembe dimwenga.Two oxen are pulling one plow together.Dyembe dino dina mtarimbo wa kutatulisa hasi.This plow has a digging bar for tearing the ground a lot.3tillerWahandira dyembe gani virigwa vako?What kind of tiller do you plant your crops with?4bridepriceWakantra kiyasi gani dyembe?What amount did they ask for for the brideprice?
dyembe dya same (madyembe ya masame)NG3tiller (for a tractor)Bhuldhosi dyangu sidifunga dyembe dya same, niyo nalima honde yose.My bulldozer, I attached it to a tiller, and then I plowed the whole farm.
dyenga (enga)NG31likeDyenga weye, dyenga weye, idi kala dyenga weye.Like you, like you, the beast like you [are].2as
dyeni (mdyeni, wadyeni)Adj1foreignDyero kuletwa dyeshi dyeni.Today there was brought in a foreign soldier.2strangeYonda dino ni dyeni.This monkey is strange.
dyenye (dyodyenye, -enye)PrnNG3itselfKompyuta dino dadyenda dyenye.This computer is working by itself.buku dyenye / dole dyenyethe book itself / the finger itselfNaunga kareta dikudaha kuzaga mizigo yake dyenye.I want a wagon that can throw down its own loads by itself.Dyodyenye is a longer form of dyenye.
dyenyu (-enyu)PossPrnNG31your(s) (pl)Kompyuta dino ni dyenyu.This computer is yours.2you all's
dyereko (madyereko)NG3presentSikosha dyereko kwako mwe arosi yangu.I didn't get a present from you at my wedding.Sipata dyereko dya sabuni kwa mnamu.I got a present of soap from brother-in-law.See: kudyereka.
dyereta (madyereta)NG3witch's familiarDyereta ni usawi kudyamanywa na haiwani ama binadamu ili unachintrana nadyo upatwe ni chintru chihiye.A witch's familiar is a hex made with an animal or human so when you run into it, you get something bad.This is a being, animal or human, used as a spy, servant or companion for hexing.