dyerotodayDyero nanga nlongere kuhusu idi kompyuta.Today, I would like to talk about the computer.Siku da dyero changa chidyamanye mbwani?Today (on this day), what do we want to do?Dyero china wezadyi.Today, we have visitors.Dyero sikunga kudya male. -- Nimbwa?Today, I don't want to eat at all. -- Why?Kwi moto dyero.It's hot today.Kwi mbeho dyero.It's cold today.Kwi chiza dyero.It's dark today.Kwese kwangala dyero.Outside it's light today.Dyero kufofwa nyama shano.Today there have been constructed five images.Nyama shano zifofwa dyero.Five images have been constructed today.This noun has no plural form. And, it is normally used in Adverbial function.