Chizigula - English



hero (mahero)NG31bowl, large with wide mouthKama sina hero, sanidahe kukoka mbuni male kwangu.If I don't have a large bowl, I won't be able to roast coffee beans at all at my place.Traditionally, this container is made out of a hollowed out log and was used to put freshly roasted coffee beans in. Today, it could be made out of wood, metal or whatever and is used to hold whatever. A wooden one is still used in the chikalango ritual.2platter (with wall)Hero dyako dina ugali mwingi.Your platter has a lot of polenta.
herufuNG51letter(s)Herufu zino zawandikika.These letters are writable.Sibatizwa herufu ya maa.I've been branded with the letter M.Herufu ni alama za sauti.Letters are symbols for sounds.See: alternate pronunciation: harufu.2alphabet(s)Didaha herufu za Chisuwahili.I know the Swahili alphabet.3word(s)Mwalimu kaighefa herufu ino.The teacher has misspelled this word.4lesson(s)Ninkha herufu zangu, mwalimu!Give me my lessons, teacher!
hetu (-etu)PossPrnNG91our (place or people), of our placeHano ni hetu.This is our place.2ours (place or people)Hano ni henyu? -- Ni hetu.Is this you all's place? -- It's ours.3usKompyuta dino di hagati hetu.This computer is between us.
hewaNG51airDyereka mikono wako kulanga kwe zi hewa!Put your hands up in the air!This noun is always used in the plural.2atmosphereNafasi ya kulanga i kweise kwe zi hewa ze arthi.Outer space is outside of the earth's atmoshpere.Hewa zibanika.The atmosphere has been broken. [said after someone lets a bad fart at a party]3weatherHewa za dyero ni zedi.The weather today is great.Hewa wa dyero zi vihi? -- Ni mavundevunde. / Ni fulafula. / Ni zuwa(zuwa). / Ni mbehombeho. / Ni pehopeho.How is the weather today? -- It's cloudy. / It's rainy. / It's suny. / It's cold. / It's windy.Hewa dyero ziha.The weather today is bad.4environmentKama ukalemwa ni chintru chochose me zi hewa wadyera tisho.If you are allergic to anything in the environment, you sneeze.
heweloAdvso-and-soKanilombereni hewelo!Go ask for the hand in marriage of so-and-so for me!Hewelo eiga.So-and-so is showing off.
hezi (mhezi, wahezi)Adj1crazyNafikiri ni mhezi.I think I'm crazy.Wi mhezi.You're crazy.Mwi mhezi.You all are crazy.Mwaliko ni mhezi.Mwaliko is crazy.Mwaliko kanyimwa hakiri; ni hezi.Mwaliko has been denied intelligence; he's fucking crazy.See: chihezihezi.2madNi hezi zaidi.He/she is really mad.3stupidAnamzengera nyumba, yeyeba ni hezi.If he builds her a house, he's stupid.Mbwa idya ni hezi.That dog is stupid.4foolishWi hezi.You're foolish.5ignorant6absurd
hiInterjhuh?Sitika, 'hi'?I responded, 'huh'?This is a response to when someone is calling you.
*hi (chihi, dihi, hahi, ihi, kahi, kuhi, muhi, uhi, vihi, wahi, yahi, yuhi, zihi)Intrrg1whichKutogola ihi raha ya duniya au raha ya ahera?Which do you like comfort in the world or comfort in the hereafter?Ni mtru yuhi? NG1Which person is it?Ni wantru wahi?Which people is it?Ni mti uhi? NG2Which tree is it?Ni miti ihi?Which trees are they?Ni gari dihi? NG3Which car is it?Na magari yahi? NG4Which cars are they?Ni chiti chihi?Which chair is it?Ni viti vihi?Which chairs are they?Ni nyumba ihi? NG5Which house is it?Ni nyumba zihi?Which houses are they?Ni uzi uhi? NG6Which string is it?Ni nyuzi zihi?Which strings are they?Ni kabuga kahi? NG7Which rabbit is it?Ni wabuga wahi?Which rabbits are they?Kugona kuhi ukunga kumanya? NG8Which sleeping do you want to know about?Ni (hantu) hahi? NG9Which place is it?Ni (kuntu) kuhi?Which place away is it?Ni (mtru) muhi?Wherein is it?2whereWaitahi, Mchiwa? = Waita kuhi, Mchiwa?Where are you going, Mchiwa?-hi can be a contracted enclitic of kuhi.
hii ~ heeInterjheyHii, mbona salu dyako didumka? (Arbow)Hey, why did your rosary break?Hii, una mbwani weye?Hey, what's wrong with you? (lit.: Hey, what do you have?)Mamnyako anakwitanga itika labek ama hii.When your mom calls, reply with either 'labek' or hey.
Hiji< ArbNG5Hajj pilgrimage (to Mecca)Sita Hiji mara mbiri.I went on the Hajj two times.Mahundo yo uislamu ni yahi? -- Imani, saladhi, Ramazani, zaka, Hiji.Which are the pillars of Islam? -- Faith, prayer, Ramadan, charity, the Hajj.Haji Yusufu kalawa zuzi Hiji.Hajji Joseph came from the Hajj the day before yesterday.See: Haji.
hikimaNG51diligenceNi bora chitoze kazi kwa hikima.It's noble for us to do work with diligence.Aunga msaidizi akudaha kudymanya kazi kwa hikima.She needs a helper who can do the job with diligence.2principlesMgosi yudya ni mgosi wa hikima.That guy is a man with principles.Mwaliko ana hikima.Mwaliko has principles.3dignityMze Madyendero nani mzazi wa Chizigula mwenye hikima.Mr. Madyendero was the ancestor of the Kiziguans, with dignity.
hilahiNG5amount(s)Hilahi idya akanidai male, simwinkha ziyada.Over the amount that I owe him, I gave him a bonus.Simwinkha hilahi ino ya zahabu.I gave her this amount of gold.Zino si hilahi iyo nimwinkhire male.These are not the amounts that I gave her at all.
himaNG5perseveranceHima zenyu zahonyesa namdahe kudyamanya kazi ino.You all's perseverance demonstrates that you can do this job.
hindi (mahindi)NG3half (of a part left broken or cut off)Sidumula hindi dya mti.I cut half a tree off.This is the part of something that is a half.
HindiyaNG5India(n)Ulawiro wa zuwa ni u Lukanga wa Hindiya. (Arbow)In the east is the Indian Ocean.Ukanga wa Somaliya ni Bahari ya Hindiya.The sea by Somalia is the Indian Ocean.See: Mhindi, Chihindi.The form Hindiya is found in Arbow. See: Indiya.
hiroNG5hide-n-seek game(s)
hisabu (mahisabu)NG51number(s)Kupata hisabu gani ya makompyuta dyero?What number of computers did you get today?Hisabu ino haikupangika.This number isn't dividable.See: mta hisabu, msomi wa hisabu, kuhisabu.2amountMwaka uno hisabu ya maghorobhu yongezeka.This year the amount of widows has increased.3count(s)Kupata hisabu gani dyero?What count did you get today? (= How much money did you get today?)4accountingSee: buku dya hisabu.5math(ematics), math problemSidaha hisabu.I know math.Walimu wadya ambawo wakusomeza hisabu nawenkhigwe zawadi.Those teachers who are teaching math will be given prizes.Ni lazima utumikire ngazi kwa ngazi kwa kusuluhisha hisabu ino.It's necessary that you go step by step in solving this math problem.Hisabu yako idyamanye umwenye; sono winkhe mtru akakusahira.Your math, do it yourself; don't give it to someone to correct it for you.See: mahisabu, kuhisaba.6arithmeticMwe Hamisi Halima neze anihiye hisabu kwe nyumba yangu.On Thursday Halima is coming to teach me arithmetic at my house.Kama hudahire hisabu, naugaluke mbawigwa wa kila mara.If you don't know arithmetic, you will be a victim of theft everytime.Hisabu ya kupanigra, siitogola.Division arithmetic, I like it.
hishimaNG51respectWamsajudira bhoqoro kwa kumwinkha hishima yake.They are bowing to the king to give him his respect.Sajudha ni hishima; ni kama ramsa.Bowing is respect; it's like a greeting.Kama mdyenderwa ni miye, ni vedi nigaluke na hishima.If I am the one visited, it's better that I have respect.See: kwinkha hishima.2dignityMiye si mvere wa kwekweerwa male; nna hishima yangu.I'm not a woman to be screwed freely at all; I have my dignity.
hita (hitani, kwita) VI1go (to)!Hita "Overland" na "Cole Road", alafu dyenda kidogo!Go to Overland and Cole, then go a little further!Hita mkono we dilume!Go to the right (hand direction)!Hita kasole bundiki yangu!Go get my rifle!Hita kateke risasi!Go fetch some bullets!Hita chigosi!Go like a man!Hita badai!Go later!Hitani kwe zi nyumba zenyu!Go to your rooms!See alternative pronunciation: ita (itani).A verb after hita is in the subjunctive.2leave!
hiti (mahiti)< EngNG31heaterWasha hiti!Turn on the heater!Kadyimbe idi hiti!Go ignite the heater.Hiti dino mphungire yake ni zaidi.This heater's warmth is a lot.2furnace
ho (< ha + u)PrepNG91of the2for thenaunga wangu anunga3at the4in theMtoho uno kawike ho ukuta!This pestle, go place it in the corner!Mbuzi yanemezeka halanga ho mti.The goat is hangable up in the tree.5on theSiterezwa hasi ho mnima.I was made to slide down (on) the hill.ho usoon the face
Ho MkwazuNPropHo Mkwazu villageKuna kaya ikwitangwa Ho Mkwazu mndani mwe di Gosha, Somaliya.There is a village that is called Ho Mkwazu in Goshaland, Somalia.
hodariAdjgreatMasomo yakwe yamgalusa mtru hodari.His studies made him a great person.Yeye naye ni mtru hodari kwa kazi yake.He also is a great person in his work.See: uhodari.
hodi?Greetcan I come in?Hodi? -- Karibu (sodowa)! -- Dowa.Can I come in? -- Welcome (welcome)! (= Yes, you may!) -- Thanks.This term is like a verbal knock on the door. The response to it is karibu 'welcome, come in!'.
hofuNG51fear(s)Sina hofu na ichochose.I don't have fear of anything.Mwana yuno hana hofu hata hadodo.This kid doesn't have any fear, not even a little.2worry (-ies)China wadyamayadyi ndoni wengi; hachina hofu na safari yetu.We have a lot of boat mechanics so I don't worry about our trip.