Jeneva1NG9GenevaWira uno wakaribishizwa wadyeni wakulawa Jeneva.This song has been used to welcome visitors coming from Geneva.Jeneva ni yedi.Geneva is good.2NG5Jeneva ni kwedi. (only said outside of Geneva)Geneva is good.
jenisi (majénisi)NG5jeansNna jénisi ntratu.I have three jeans.Suruwale ya jénisi mishono yake yose yaonekana.All the seams of jeans (pants) can be seen.Ni nguwo gani zikupindiswa? -- Jénisi.What kinds of cloths have been hemmed a lot? -- Jeans.The stress is on the first syllable.
jeqiNG5bucket(s), littleKaniletera hande ya kudya mwe jeqi.She brought me food to eat in a little bucket.Jeqi zangu zose zipasulwa.All my little buckets have cracked open.
Jermani(ya)1NG5GermanyJermani wohiza magholi mfungate.Germany (they) scored seven goals.Poland ni isi imndani mwe Yurupo; i madyirani na Jermani. Poland is a country in Europe; it's neighboring with Germany.Jermani ni yedi.Germany is good.See: Mjermani, Chijermani.2NG9Jermani ni kwedi. (only said outside of Germany)Germany is good.
jikiNG5bleachNkhazu iyo sono widyere jiki kwa sababu naitudyuke!Don't put bleach in with that t-shirt because it will fade!Sono dyere jiki nyingi mwe zi nguwo!Don't put a lot of bleach in the clothes!Luhizo shati yake itudyuswa na jiki.Luhizo's shirt has been faded with bleach.See: kudyera jiki.
Jilibhu< Som1NG5JilibJilibhu yahisabika kaya ya mwe Gosha.Jilib is considered a town in Goshaland.Nasibu Buntro atawala ntendere za Tabata mpaka Jilibu. (Arbow)Nasibu Bunto conquers areas from Tabata up to Jilib.Jilib is district in Somalia and its capital has the same name.2NG9Nasibu Buntro atawala ntendere za Tabata (Jilibhu). (Arbow)Nasibu Bunto conquers areas of Tabata (i.e., Jilib district).
jimlaAdj1wholesaleKampuni dyetu dyataga viya jimla.Our company sells things wholesale.2in bulkSigula viya jimla kou warsha, I bought stuff in bulk from the factory.Mapesa ayo yose yahisabe jimla!All that money, count it in bulk!
jimoNG5mango orchard(s)Miye nefisize mwe jimo, siva chakachaka.While I was hiding in the mango orchard, I heard the rustling of dry leaves.Jimo ya Mgambo ina mazoka mengi.The mango orchard in Mgambo has many pythons.Jimo ino yanibebereza.This mango orchard is echoing me.Nna jimo nkhulu.I have large mango orchard.
jimu (majimu)NG3gymMazowezi ya we di jimu yana usokezi.Workouts in the gym have (= make) tiredness.Chanda kwita kwe di jimu; akalaho nachite kwe soko.We first go to the gym; later we'll go to the market.Yeye ni mhinya he di jimu dino.He is a trainer at this gym.
jinestika< It ginnastica1NG5gymnasticsSeguzo kadaha jinestika.Seguzo knows gymnastics.Mwanangu ahinya kwebidula jinestika.My daughter is learning how to flip herself over in gymnastics.2AdvgymnasticallyChihonyese namna ya kupirika jinestika!Show us an example of jumping gymnastically!
jira< It gira(re)NG51curve(s)Sitowa jira.I turned a curve.2bend(s)Naunga kutowa veta he jira idya.I need to turn around that bend.3turn(s)Katowe jira "Overland" na "Cole"!Go turn on Overland and Cole!See: kutowa jira.4disco(s)Chiro chino naita kwe jira.Tonight I'm going to the disco.Mwali wetu kavinizwa jira.Our bride has been made to dance disco.Chipiyasana he jira.We noticed each other at the disco.
jirajiraNG51bendsSira ina jirajira.This road has lots of bends.This is a plural distributive.2windy3curvy
jirasole (majirasole)< ItNG3sunflower seedJirasole mbeyu zake zadyamanyizwa mavuta.Sunflower seeds are made into oil.See: mjirasole.
jirgani ~ jirigani (majirgani)NG31container of 20 litersMazi ya mwe di jirigani yose yadidwa.The water from the 20 liter container has all been poured out gently.Kubuka kwa jirgani ni kwedi kuliko dholou.Having a hole in a twenty liter container is better than one in a jug.2twenty-liter containerKusafirishika kwe di bangi dino ni kudidyera mwe di jirgani.For the smuggling of this pot, it's put in a twenty-liter container.
jisi (majisi)NG3lame (person)Atiyo keza; yeye ni jisi bada ye hondo.Uncle came back; he is lame after the war.Jisi adaha kwigala ndege.A lame person can fly a plane.
johora1NG5naked neck chicken(s)Nguku haina mazoya yetangwa johora.A chicken that doesn't have feathers [on its neck] is called a naked neck chicken.Nguku zino zose ni johora.All these chickens are naked neck chickens.See bukuni.2NPropJohoraZawadi na Johora walukana.Zawadi and Johora are braiding each other('s hair).woman's name
joqi< SomNG5pair(s)Naunga joqi mbiri za viratu.I need two pairs of shoes.The q here is a gamma [ɤ], a voiced velar fricative.
JubhaNG9Jubba river and region in Gosha in Somalia...kutanda kwa Wazigula mwe mkoa wa Jubha...the spreading of Kiziguans in the region of JubbaSomaliya ina mito midi, Jubha na Shawele, na mikowa kumi na mnane. (Arbow: 6)Somalia has two rivers, Jubba and Shebelle, and eighteen towns.Mto wa Jubha na wa Shawele wachintrana.The Jubba river and the Shebelle join together.Jubba is the region where the Somali Bantu lived as farmers.
juisi< Eng juiceNG51pureeKila mtondo nagasa juisi ya maafakado.Every morning I mix puree from avocadoes.Warsha wangu naserezeza ghasanyanya na juisi.In my factory I produce tomato paste and puree.2juiceNinkha ghaloni imwenga ya juisi!Give me one gallon of juice!Ninkha ghaloni mbiri za juisi!Give me two gallons of juice!Naunga chinywadyi cha juisi.I want a drink of juice.
JumaleNPropJumaleMaskini Dhadhiri Jumale, Mnungu kamsola bada ya kwingira mwe Marikeni.Poor Dadiri Jumale, God took him after he got into America.Mzee Jumale Madimba kabula chikawo cha sajin meja. (Arbow)Elder Jumale Madimba reached the rank of sargeant's name