Chizigula - English



kasidi1NG9intentionNna kasidi ka kuguta.I have an intention to scream.2AdvintentionallyNyumba idya sitowa kasidi.That house, I hit it intentionally.Mkingiro wangu uta kubonezwa ni wana kasidi.My tire got flattened by kids intentionally.3Advon purposeKunikuntra kasidi!You bumped into me on purpose!Sitenda kasidi kwa kwigala gari dyangu mbokolo.I did drive my car on purpose one hundred [mph/kph].
kasiki (wasiki)NG7stump (little)Kasiki kano kanibalangira i chiratu.This little stump has ruined my shoe.See: siki.
kasimbi (wasimbi)NG71residueMna kasimbi mwe chikombe chino.There is a little residue in this cup.2dregNna kasimbi mwe chikombe chino nikanywera.I have a dreg in this cup
Kasimu< ArbNPropKasimuRamazani na Kasimu wahosana kwa chichao.Ramazani and Kasimu gave each other up to their dad.Kasimu kanivigitira yuwe dya bharafu.Kasimu threw a snowball at me.
kasino (makasino)< It/EngNG3casinoUnengira mwe di kasino wagaluka mdantrwa.When you enter the casino, you become a tricke one.Mashehe yanigamba nitimule kasino dyangu.The mullahs told me to demolish my casino.
kasira (wasira)NG71pathIzi ntrembo kwa sabu zadyinkha hano kila mara; zilava kasira.Because the elephants pass here always, they have made a path.See: sira.2trailWadyenda mwa kasira kano bila viratu.They have walked on this trail barefoot.Kasira kano kamema sirafu.This trail is full of red ants.3alleyHita kefise ha kasira kadya!Go hide in that alley!Kaguluka mwa kasira.He ran into the alley.4little roadSidyinkha kasira kadodo nikaita Nampa.I passed on a little road going to Nampa.
kasisimizi (wasisimizi)NG7ant (common little black)Kasisimizi ni kateke zaidi.A little black ant is very tiny.See: sisimisi.
kaskazini< SwNG9northHita kaskazini!Go north!Naita kaskazini.I'm going north.I Mbeho ya Kaskazini na idi Zuwa nawakamuruma kuhusu ni nyani na'ana nguvu zaidi.The North Wind and the Sun were disputing about who it was that had the most strength.
kasodo (wasodo)NG71loinclothAvala kasodo akogera.He wears a loincloth while swimming.Kadyere ufiyato kasodo kako!Put your loincloth under your crotch tied in back!2clothMwanangu simvala kasodo.My child, I put a little cloth on him.3ragIka kasodo hasi ho u waya umoto!Put a rag under the hot frying pan!
kasoroNG51defect(s)Miye nna kasoro gani? -- Huna kasoro male.What defect do I have? -- You don't any defect at all.Nyose mna kasoro; mkosha adabu.You all have defects; you lack discipline.2to/tillNi saa nyingahi? -- Ni saa kumi kasoro robo.What time is it? -- It's a quarter to ten (= 3:45).This meaning is only used in telling time.
kastumaNG5underwearNna kastuma kumi, kila siku nabedelisha imwenga.I have ten underwear, every day I change one.Sitogola kuvala kastuma na gorgora.I like to wear underwear with a slip.Sanikirwa kastuma zangu mo kambala.My underwear have been hung on the clothesline for me.
kasuku (wasuku)NG7parrot (kind of)Kasuku kalongesa.A parrot talks a lot.
kasuwalezi (wasuwalezi)NG7black ant (small, biting)Udodo wa kasuwalezi ushinda mswa.The smallness of a little biting black ant is more than a normal ant.
katabu (makatabu)NG31saddleDhiwi dyangu sididyereka katabu naita ku mbago.My bull, I put a saddle on it to go to the bush.2pack saddle
katadyiri (watadyiri)NG71boss (little or small)Katadyiri kangu kanigutira.My little boss yelled at me.This noun can mean small in stature or status.2(mildly) wealthy person
katala (watala)NG7little lampHano hahakunga katala; huaunga mtala.Over here there doesn't to be need a little lamp; there needs to be a huge lamp.See: tala.
katamphoNG71moderate distanceBhoizi na Nampa hana katampho.Boise and Nampa have a moderate distance [between them].2not too farMaridiyan na Kyuna ni katampho.Meridian and Kuna are not too far [from here].
katangulu (watangulu)NG7small basketKatangulu kano hakafaye male.This small basket is not enough at all.I viya vishindwa kwingira mwa katangulu.The stuff couldn't be put in this little basketSee: ntrangulu.
katatu (-tatu, ntratu)No1threemosi kaidi katatu, kanne, two three four, five...kusoma katatu NG8three readingsKatatu is used in counting and ordinals and to modify nouns in NG8; ntratu is the form used in modifying NG5 and NG6 nouns; otherwise an agreement prefix + -tatu are used to modify nouns in other genders.2thirdMwanake wa katatu nani mwana wa chirume.Her third child was a boy.mtru wa katatuthird personMwezi Wa Katatuthird month = MarchSidyera marsha ya katatu.I shifted into third.mara ya katatuthird timetalaka ya katatuthird stage of divorce
katiAdvIntnstotallyMtumbamntu aleremera kati.The uncle rejected it totally.Hamadi kalemera kati!Hamadi totally refused!This intensive is only used with the verbs in the examples.
kati yaPrep1betweenKati ya waidi wadya, nnyani mhujeywa?Between those two, who is the hindered one?Kati ya weye na miye humbizi yaletwa ni mbwani?Between you and me, what is the argument brought on by?Wazigula wagoboza wana kati ya mwaka umwenga ama mitatu.Kiziguans wean babies between one and three years.Kati is a Swahili word only occurring in katika and kati ya in Chizigula; it is never used by itself.2amongKati ya wanawe katogola ntreruka yake.Among her children she likes her first born.Chigwema ni kati ya haiwani sinati kuziona.[This kind of ] fox is among animals that I have never seen.
katibaNG51constitution(s)Sirikali yalinda katiba ye isi.The government is protecting the constitution of the country.2charter(s)China katiba mndani mwe chama chino.We have a charter in this organization.
katibu (makatibu)NG1secretarySigaluswa katibu mwe di shirika dino miyaka mingi.I was made secretary in this company for many years.Katibu kadyamanya kazi yake vedi.The secretary did her job well.
katikaPrep1withinMiye ni chiziwanda katika famili dyangu.I am the last born within my family.Kati is a Swahili word only occurring in katika and kati ya in Chizigula; it is never used by itself.2with respect toAfrika ya Kusini ina pwani ntrali katika isi za Afrika.South Africa has the longest coast with respect to countries of Africa.Katika kutunga idi dhiksheneri dye i Chizikula, Jon karahisisha i kazi.With respect to composing the dictionary of Kizigua, Jon makes the work easyNa Mbeho ya Kaskini katogola kwamba idi Zuwa na'ana nguvu zaidi katika waidi wao.And the North Wind agreed that the Sun had the most strength regarding the two.3regardingKatika wasafiri wadya wasoligwe mwanangu piya ni msolwa.Regarding those travellers who were kidnapped, my child is also one of the kidnapped.
katinaNG51handcuff(s)Kafungwa katina.He is tied with handcuffs. = He is handcuffed.Polisi yuno kaitoholesa katina ino.This policeman has loosened these handcuffs a lot.Polisi yuno kanitohoera katina ino.This cop loosened these handcuffs for me.Chitohoerwa katina zino ni polisi.These handcuffs were loosened for us by the police.Katina zino zinibana.These handcuffs are binding me.In Kizigua handcuffs on a single person are normally singular whereas in English they are normally plural.2clamp(s) of pipe or screwNinkhiriza kashawito nitohoere katina zino!Give me a screwdriver to loosen these clamps!