kaghasanyanya (waghasanyanya)NG7tomato paste can (little)Kaghasanyanya nakatumiya mara mbiri.A little tomato paste can, I use it two times.
kagola (wagola)NG71knife (small)Kwa kuhata magome ya mapalpacha, tumiya kagola kadodo.To scrape off the scales of tilapia, use a small knife.Kagola kano kasarsarisa mallahi.This little knife has stripped fish a lot.2scalpelUna kagola?Do you have a scalpel?Kagola kano chikafuntriira mavulata mengi.With this scalpel, we have castrated a lot of billy-goats.
kagoma (wagoma)1NG7sparrowKagoma kano kafa; labda kadya sumo.This sparrow has died; maybe it ate poison.Katundu ka kagoma ni kadodo.The little nest of the sparrow is small.
kagoma (wagoma)2NG7drum (little)Kagoma kadodo kafaya chapua na goma kulu dyafaya msondo.A little drum is good as a djembe and a big drum is good as a bass.
kagoma msindo (wagoma msindo)NG7noisy sparrowKagoma msindo ni kadodo zaidi; kadaha kugaluka funda i mwenga tú.The noisy sparrow is very small; it can only be one bite.
kagosi (wagosi)NG71little manSono unigambe kagosi; miye ni mgosi!Don't call me a little man; I am a man!Waunga kuona kagosi kamwenga au wagosi waidi?Do you want to see one little man or two little men?See: mgosi.This term normally refers to an adult who is quite small for his age, but sometimes it is used to talk to a little boy affectionately.2little guy
kaguku (waguku)NG7chickWaguku mirongo chenda kila kaguku sikagula kwa dala i mwenga.I bought ninety chicks for one dollar each (chick).See: nguku.
kaguwo (waguwo)NG71clothKaguwo kano kasuntrirwa meza.This cloth has been used to clean the table.See: nguwo.2washclothKaguwo kano kangala kuliko weyawe.This washcloth is whiter than the others.
kahagiro (wahagiro)NG7brush (little)Chahakira wanda kahagiro kano.We're applying masacara with this little brush.
kahande (wahande)NG7little pieceSibesuirwa kahande ka roti ni wau.I was broken off a little piece of bread by grandma.
kahi (wahi)IntrrgNG7which (one)?Ni kabuga kahi?Which rabbit is it?See: -hi.
kahotiNG51refugee camp(s)Kwe kahoti "UN" alava mabhusto mo u mwaka mara umwenga.At the refugee camp the UN gives out wool blankets once a year.Kwe di kahoti sihamalisa madyuniya; kazi yangu nani kuhamala.At the regugee camp I hefted gunny sacks a lot; my job was hefting.2refuge (place(s))Watunisiya wengera kahoti mwe Ijipt.Tunisians enter Egypt as a refuge.
kahungo (wahungo)NG7leaf (little)Kenulwa ni kahungo kamdaire mwe di gutwi yeye agonire.He was awakened by a little leaf that touched him on the ear while he was sleeping.
kaidi (-idi, mbiri)1Notwomosi kaidi katatu kanne, shano...one two three four five...Kaidi is used in counting and ordinals, mbiri is an irregular form used to modify NG5 and NG6 nouns, otherwise an agreement prefix +-idi is used to modify nouns in other genders.2NosecondSidya wa kaidi.I ate the second one (i.e., rabbit).Sidyera marsha ya kaidi.I shifted into second.mtru wa kaidisecond personmwana wa kaidisecond childMwezi wa Kaidisecond month = Februarymara ya kaidisecond timenkhondo i nkulu ya kaidi mwo ulimwengusecond great war in the world = World War IItalaka ya kaidisecond stage of divorce3NotwiceEza kusagulwa kaidi.He comes to be elected twice.4AdvagainNaunga i ngoma ivuze kaidi.I want the drum music to come back again.
kakauchi (wakauchi)NG7little couchKatogola kwikala mwa kakauchi kano.She likes to sit in this little couch.
kakaya (wakaya)NG7villageChi Zumo ni kakaya ke mndani mwe di Gosha.Chi Zumo is a village that is in Goshaland.Kakaya ketu nakakaishi famili kumi na washano.In our village live fifteen familis.
kakomba (wakomba)NG7bottle (little)Kakomba ka sakame katagwa mbokoko mbiri dala.A little bottle of blood is sold for two hundred dollars.
kakombe (wakombe)NG71fingernail (little)Chereko chaluma; mwanangu kafunywa kakombe.Childbirth hurts; my baby has been pinched with a little fingernail. (Arbow: song line)See: kombe.2toenail (little)Kakobadika siki, niyo alimira mwa kakombe.She tripped on the stump, and hurt her little toe.3claw (little)Mnyau wangu akarafula wantru na kakombe.My cat scratches people with its little claws.