kambi< It campiNG51camp(s)Kambi yetu naina wakimbizi wengi.Our camp had a lot of refugees.Nachihumuzikisa he kambi.We rested a lot at the camps.See alternate pronunciation: nkhambi.2refugee camp(s)Kambi ya Kakuma isamwa.The refugee camp of Kakuma has been vacated.Kambi ya Ifu isamizwa.Ifu refugee camp has been evacuated.Wasamiza kambi ya Dhadhabhu.They evacuated Dadab refugee camp.kambi ya wakimbizirefugee campIn Africa, this term normally means refugee camp; in America it means any kind of camp.
KambodiyaNG5CambodiaJapani atowa nkhondo isi za Asiya sa China, Kambodiya,Vitnamu,Indonesiya. (Arbow)Japan attacks in the war countries of Asia like China, Cambodia, Viet Nam and Indonesia.Kambodiya igaluka isi ntrana kuliko zamani.Cambodia has become a pretty country more than before.
kambuye (wambuye)NG7sucker fish (little)Kambuye kadya matope.A little sucker fish eats mud.
kambwa (wambwa)NG7puppyKambwa kano sikagula mbokolo nne.This puppy I bought for four hundred [dollars].
kamera< ItNG5camera(s)Dyera mwe kamera!Put it in the camera!Sichimaziza viga vino i kamera.I used these legs (i.e., tripod) to stand the camera on.Haluse vino chazinga na i kamera.Right now we're recording with the camera.Kamera yamulika(mulika).The camera is flickering.
KameroNPropCameroHamadi na miye chimbatiranya Kamero.Hamadi and I approached Camero together.Viya viya navi hano vihangalasanywa ni Kamero.That stuff that was here has been carried all over his body by Camero.man's name
kamili1AdjcompleteMasomo yangu si kamili male.My studies are not complete at all.Ilimu yangu si kamili male.My education is not complete at all.Wakanguladyi wose nawagaluke na viya vao kamili.All scrubbers should have their complete tools.See: kukamilika, kukamilisha.2AdjexactWata bengi waninkha hisabu kamili ya mwe akaunti yangu yo u kudura.Bank tellers gave me the exact amount of my savings account.3AdjrightLeka kutuhuma! Una ushahidi kamili?Stop being suspicious! Do you have the right evidence?4AdvexactlyI sukari yaunga kufungulwa ipimwe naho kama ni kilo kamili.The sugar needs to be unwrapped and weighed [to see] if it is exactly one kilo.
KamisiNPropKamisiBila shaka mapesa yano ni ya kamisi.Without doubt this money is for Kamisi.Kamisi katogola kudya machaega ya mbalazi.Kamisi likes to eat string peas.man's name
kamoroti (wamoroti)NG7sorgham (small grain of)Kamoroti kanakugoga, kadaha kukukoma.If a little grain of sorghum chokes you, it can kill you.
kampani (makampani)< EngNG3companyNachimaira kampani dino.I'm supervising this company.Nna mamlaka makulu mwe di kampani dyangu.I have great authority in my company.Vyapa ni tafautitafauti kwa kila kampani.Logos are different in each company.Kampani dyangu difunganishwa na makampani matuhu.My company is connected with other companies.See alternate pronunciation: kampuni.
kampuni (makampuni)< EngNG3companyKampuni dyetu dyataga viya jimla.Our company sells things wholesale.Mashuruwa nani kampuni dya makonde ya mpunga.Mashuruwa was a company of big rice farms.See alternate pronunciation: kampani.
kamtumbaNG1aunt (maternal)Wose mtumba na kamtumba waniletera zawadi za idi.Both uncle and aunt brought me gifts for feast.See: mtumba.
kamulu (wamulu)NG7hummingbirdKamulu ni kadege kadodo kuliko madege yose.A hummingbird is smaller than all [other] birds.
kamusi (makamusi)< ArbNG3dictionaryKila siku nasoma kamusi dya Chingereza.Every day I read a dictionary of English.Mwaliko, kaula idi kamusi!Mwaliko, check the dictionary carefully!Kila mwanafunzi kenkhigwa kamusi dimwenga.Each student was given one dictionary.
kamweAdvneverSanite kamwe.I'll never go.Howite kamwe.You'll never go.Haite kamwe.He/she'll never go.Hachite kamwe.We'll never go.Hamwite kamwe.You all will never go.Hawaite kamwe.They'll never go.
kanadaNG5CanadaWana wano nawaite Kánada wanapata mzamini.These children will go to Canada if they get a sponsor.Sirikali ya Tanzaniya igula ndege ntratu Kánada.The government of Tanzania bought three airplanes from Canada.The stress is always on the first syllable.
kanale< ItNG51ditch(es)Kanale zangu za mwe honde zavudya mazi.My ditches on the farm are overflowing with water.Simdalisza mwanawe he kanale ino.I crossed her baby over this ditch for her.2irrigation ditch(es)Kadalika i kanale.He jumped over the irrigation ditch.3moat(s)Mgambo hafukwa kanale nyingi za dufesi.Many moats have been dug around Mugambo as defenses.
kanange (wanange)NG7little water gourdWau ana kanange akunywera mazi.Grandma has a little water gourd with which she drinks water.
kandere (wandere)NG7girl (little)Dyero siona kandere mwe sira.Today I saw a little girl in the street.See: mdere.
kanevaConjifWantru wano kaneva wakaunga kazi, suwe china nayo.These people, if they want jobs, we have them.Kaneva ukaunga kwita na miye, nibasa saa nne.If you want to go with me, come to me at ten o'clock.See alternate pronunciation: aneva.
kangu (-angu)PossPrnNG7myYuno ni kabwanga kangu.This is my little buddy.Kakonde kangu siwarabiirwa ni dyirani ywangu.My garden was watered for me by my neighbor.
kangumi (wangumi)NG7eel (little)Kangumi kafa.The little eel died.See: mngumi.
kaniIntrrgNG7whose?Kabuga kano ni kani?Whose is this rabbit?
kani yaPrepbetweenKiziguans wean babies between one year and three.See: kati ya.