madhandharosi (dhandharosi)NG3honeymoon helpersMadhandharosi yatoza kazi nyingi mwe mifungate.Honeymoon helpers do a lot of work in the honeymoon.
madharaNG31problemsUlevi waleta madhara ya chihakiri na chimwiri.Drunkenness causes mental and physical problems.2diseaseNakwinkhirize madhara mnabwirana chimwiri.She will infect you with a disease if you meet sexually.
madhebhitato (dhebhitato)NG3deputiesMadhibhitato ya Somaliya nani kama mameya hano.Deputies in Somalia were like mayors here.
madhereva (dhereva)NG3driversMame na tate ni madhereva yedi.Mom and dad are good drivers.Nadyenderwa ni mabasi mbokolo na mirongo mishano, madhereva na maintante mbokolo ntratu.I'm worked for by one hundred and fifty buses with three hundred drivers and conductors.Maintante yadyamanya kazi nyingi kuliko madhereva.Conductors do more work than drivers.
madheyuz (dheyuz)NG3dozersKwa kwadyika sira ino nachunge madheyuz mirongo mitatu.To finish this road we'll need thirty dozers.Nachunge madheyuz na watortorina kwa kulava sira hano.We'll need dozers and minidozers to remove road here.
madhiksheneri (dhiksheneri)NG3dictionariesSikunga kudyamanya madhiksheneri mengi.I don't want to make a lot of dictionaries.See alternative pronunciation: madiksheneri.
madhiraa (dhiraa)NG31dressesMame katogola kuvala madhiraa.Mom likes to wear dresses.2gownsA waigizadyi wose wavala madhiraa matali.The actresses are all wearing long gowns.Miyaka ya kunyuma wavere nawakavalisa madhiraa.In past years women used to wear gowns a lot.
madhiwi (dhiwi)NG31bullsNna madhiwi mashano mo u moro wangu.I have five bulls in my corral.Madhiwi yano chiyafuntriira na wagola.These bulls, we castrated them with scalpels.3oxen
madholshi (dholshi)NG3sweet cakes (with lots of stuff in them)Sifungula duka dya kutaga madholshi.I've opened a shop for selling sweet cakes.Simkokera madholshi mgosi wangu.I baked sweet cakes for my husband.A madholshi yose yakokanywaAll the sweeet cakes were baked together.
madhumla (dhumla)NG3funnelsWazimiza kwigala madhumla ma magari yao.They forgot to carry funnels in their cars.
madiksheneri (diksheneri)NG3dictionariesMiye na Jon chikonganya diksheneri dino lakini Jon kakongesa madiksherei mengi.Me and Jon started this dictionary together, but Jon has started way too many dictionaries.Madiksheneri mengi yakongeswa ni Jon.Way too many dictionaries have been started by Jon.See alternative pronunciation: madhiksheneri.
madila (dila)NG3dealersMwe sira ya "Chinden" mna madila kumi ya magari.On Chinden road there are ten car dealers.
MadimbaNPropMadimbaMadimba ahinya wana msezigo wa makonde.Madimba teaches kids the sport of boxing.Mzee Jumale Madimba kabula chikawo cha sajin meja. (Arbow)Elder Jumale Madimba reached the rank of sargeant's name
madintriri (dintriri)NG31bruisesDhadhiri kanitowa mo mkono, niyo nalawa madintriri.Dadiri hit me on the arm, so I'm getting bruises.2weltsSitowigwa ni mwalimu wangu; mgongo wangu wose una madintriri.I got beaten by my teacher; all of my back has welts.Nna madintriri ya kulumwa ni nyuchi.I have welts from getting stung by bees.
madiraNG31glassesSidondola madira.I found (some) glasses.Madira yangu ni agha; si mkomba male.My glasses are plastic; they're not glass at all.Virole vose va madira yangu vitulika.Both lenses of my glasses cracked.This noun has no singular form. See: mdira.2sunglassesSitamana madira yako.I covet your sunglasses.Wasolwa wengi wa Afrika wavala madira mwe zi arosi.Many brides in Africa wear sunglasses in the weddings.3gogglesMadira yano nafisiza meso yangu.I'm using these goggles to conceal my eyes.Madira yangu ni makulu.My goggles are big.
madirifu (dirifu)NG31sad(ness)Kapatwa ni madirifu ya chifo cha chichake.She got sad from the death of her father.The plural form seems to be the preferred form of this noun.2angerWana wasiku zino wauka na madirifu.Kids these days have started to grow with anger.Nna madirifu.I have anger.3temper(s), temper tantrumsDhadhiri ana madirifu yeihiye.Dadiri has bad temper tantrums.Nna madirifu yeihiye.I have bad temper tantrums.Kuuka na madirifu si kwedi.Starting to grow up with a temper isn't good.
madirifu yehiyeNG3temperMhina ana madirifu yehiye.Mhina has a temper.
madirisha (dirisha)NG3windowsMadirisha ya mwe nyumba yose yana mapaziya.All of the windows in the house have drapes.Katogola madirisha yano a makulu.He likes these big windows.Hatogole madirisha yadya a madodododo.He doesn't like those really small windows.
madiwani (diwani)NG3counselorsMadiwani yano yose yashegeya hano.All these counselors work here.
madodoki (dodoki)NG31loofah spongesMdodoki uno wereka madodoki mengi.This loofah vine produces lots of loofah sponges.2luffa sponges
madokta (dokta)NG3doctors (academic)Madokta ya luga yadyamanya kazi nyingi ya kuvumbula vikontro.Doctors of language (= linguists) do a lot of work discovering new words.
madole (dole)NG31fingersMadole yake yaluma.His fingers hurt.Una madole mengahi? -- Kiashi. / Mengi. / Simengi. / Yose.You have how many fingers? -- A few. / Lots. / Not many. / All of them.Nahisaba madole.I'm counting fingersMadole yangu nmakulu.My fingers are big.Nalambita madole yangu.I'm licking my fingers.Madole yano ni tafauti.These fingers [of mine] are different.2toesMadole yetu yaluma.Our toes hurt.3digitsNna madole mirongi midi.I have twenty digits.4knucklesSidosa madole yangu.I cracked my knuckles.Luhizo katogola kudosesa madole yake.Luhizo likes to crack his knuckles a lot.Miye na mkazangu chadosanya madole yetu.Me and my wife are cracking our knuckles together.5fingerprintsWanibandikiza madole.They scheduled me for fingerprints.Polisi kanisoera madole.The policeman took fingerprints from me.Nna bhalani ya madole.I have a fingerprint appointment.
madole a madodo (dole idi dodo)NG31little fingersMadole yangu a madodo yana makombe matali.My little fingers have long fingernails.2little toes