Chizigula - English



rabhutiNG5dam(s)Cherenge chavudya kwasabu chikigwa rabhuti.The canal is overflowing because it had a dam put on it.Chinazimwa kwika rabhuti, mazi nagendire mwe kaya.If we can't put a dam down, water will enter the town.Chizenga rabhuti mo mto.We've built a dam on the river.
rabshaNG51crime(s)Nachongeze mawardhiya kwa sababu rabsha igaluka nyingi hano.We'll increase guards because crime has become too much around here.2violenceMgosi yuno ana rabsha.This man has violence. = This man is violent.3troubleMwaliko ana rabsha.Mwaliko has trouble. = Mwaliko is trouble.
RadyabuNPropRajabuRadyabu ni ywedi kwa biyashara; aidyamanya vedi.Rajabu is good at business; he does it's name
rafadhiNG5sufferingWowo wachisababishiza rafadhi hano.They caused us suffering here.Sono mchisababishize rafadhi hano!Don't cause us suffereing here!See: kurafadha.
rafathi< SomAdj1tragicIno ni rafathi.This is tragic.Zino mukunigambira ni rafathi.These things that you're telling me are tragic.Maisha yangu yagaluka ya rafathi nyingi.My life has become really tragic.See: kurafatha.2painMwana ntrembo erekwa chi rafathi.A elephant calf is born in pain.
rafuNG5draft(s)Mwe kaya kwadyenda rafu ya wazana chirume miyaka kumi na mnane.In the town there're drafts going on for guys eighteen years old.
rahaNG51comfortNaona raha kwa kugaluka na mali.I feel comfort having wealth.Naona raha mwe nyumba ino.I feel comfort in this house.Kutogola ihi: raha ya duniya au raha ya ahera?Which do you like: comfort of the world or comfort of the hereafter?Chiti cha wambari china raha.A stool with a stretched leather seat has comfort.See: karaha, furaha.2comfortable(ness)Usazi wa mnebero ni raha kuugonera.A hammock is comfortable to sleep in.
rahaniNG51pawnGari dyake kadika rahani.His car, he put it down as pawn.Mda wa rahani ye di gari dyangu usira.The time of my car's pawn has run out.2security left on a loanNyumba yangu siika rahani.My house, I put it down as security.Uyo yose nasole alfu kumi deni, naike rahani táitoli ye idi gari dyake.Whoever takes out a ten thousand [dollar] loan, should put down the title of his car (as security).
rahisi1Adjeasy, easierKugona ni rahisi.Sleeping is easy.Kudyamanya moto si rahisi male.Making a fire is not easy at all.Ni rahisi kuhinya mogero.It's easy to learn to swim.Hachikhunga kuandaa male kwa sabu kazi zino ni rahisi.We don't need to prepare at all because these jobs are easy.Ni rahisi ngamira adyinkhe mwe di langa dya singano kuliko tadyiri aite jana.It's easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than a rich man to go to heaven.2AdveasilyUkusenga makombe na lameta dole dyako dyadoha kusengeka rahisi.When you're cutting your fingernails with a razor blade, your finger is easily cuttable.3AdjcheapSimu yangu ni rahisi.My telephone is cheap.Simu zangu ni rahisi.My telephones are cheap.Maziko yatagigwa rahisi "Home Depot".Stoves are sold cheap at Home Depot.4AdjinexpensiveKompyuta dino ni rahisi.This computer is inexpensive.Dyero siona nyumba ikutangazwa bei rahisi.Today I saw a house that was listed with an inexpensive price.
raiNG51suggestion(s)Namshukuruni nyose mlavize rai; rai zenyu ni muhimu.I thank all of you who have come up with suggestions; your suggestions are important.2idea(s)Wantru wengi waleta rai zedi.Many people bring good ideas.
raisi (maraisi, waraisi)NG11presidentNna tama ya kugaluka raisi.I have a desire to be president.Raisi kamhambika Mwaliko chikombe.The president gave Mwaliko the [prize] cup.Raisi wa Marikani kahungulisa maskari ya Iraki.The president of the U.S. decreased [the number of] soldiers in Iraq a lot.The singular form is NG1, whereas the plural is usually NG3 but can be NG1. See: uraisi.2head of governmentWaziri mkulu ni raisi wa mwe isi.The prime minister is head of the country.
raiyaNG11citizen(s)Miye ni raiya wa Marekani.I am an American citizen.Raiya wa Marikani ni wengi.The citizens of America are many.2civilian(s)Maaskari yahimizwa yase kukoma raiya.The soldiers were urged not to kill civilians.This noun is both singular and plural. See: mraiya, waraiya.
rajaNG5hope(s)Nna raja nanite koleji.I have hope that I will go to college.Ino ni raja yedi.This is a good hope.
rajo< ItNG5x-ray(s)Naita masomo ya kuhinya rajo.I go to school to study x-rays.See: kudyereka rajo, kudyerekwa rajo.
Ramazani1NG5Ramadan (fasting)Ramazani yafungwa siku mirongo mitatu.Ramadan is fasted for thirty days.Mahundo yo uislamu ni yahi? -- Imani, saladhi, Ramazani, zaka, Hiji.Which are the pillars of Islam? -- Faith, prayer, Ramadan, charity, the Hajj.This is both the Islamic fasting holy month, as well as a man's name.2NPropRamazaniMiye na Ramazani chivindanya ntrembo.Ramazani and I hunted an elephant together.Ramazani ana laana.Ramazani has bad karma.
ramsa ~ lamsaNG5greeting(s)Sajudha ni hishima; ni kama ramsa.Bowing is respect; it's like a greeting.Kila nnabwira wazehe, wachimale, nawenkha ramsa.Whenever I meet elders standing, I give them greetings.Msekwa kanidyinkha bila ramsa.Msekwa walked on by me without greetings.See: ndamsa, kulamsa.
rangiNG51color(s)Nkhazu yangu rangi yake ni bululu.The color of my t-shirt is blueRangi ye nkhazu yangu itudyuka.The color of my t-shirt faded.Chadyera rangi nguwo.We put colors in (= dyed) clothes.2paint(s)I rangi igomolwa mwe nyumba yangu.The paint was stripped off of my house.Nyumba yangu igomolwa i rangi.My house was stripped of paint.Nakwangula i rangi ya mwe dherbhi.I'm scraping the paint off of the wall.See: kutowa rangi, kuhaka rangi.3colored inksRangi ziya uninkhire sipirintiira faili zangu.Those colored inks you gave me, I used to print my files.Bila rangi hanshi hazikupirintika.Without colored inks paper isn't printable.4dye(s)Aunga kuloweka nguwo zake mwe rangi ihundu.She wants to soak her clothes in red dye.Izi nguwo zilowekwa mwe rangi ibululu.The clothes have been soaked in blue dye.
rashini< EngNG51ration(s)Chipanigirwa rashini yetu.We've been distributed our rations.Dyero chakusola rashini kwe rashini.Today we went and got rations at the ration center.kusola rashinito take rations2ration center(s)Kwe rashini kwalavigwa mbwani?What's being given out at the ration center?Zawadi kagaluka msangirwa wa kwanza he rashini.Zawadi became the first one distributed to at the ration center.Kazi yawo ni kulava hande kwe rashni.Their job is distributing food at the ration center.
RashiyaNG5RussiaNaita Ráshiya.I'm going to Russia.Ráshiya hawadahe kuzimwigwa ni duniya yose.Russia can't remain unbeaten by the whole world.The first syllable is stressed.See: Chiráshiya, Mráshiya.
rastaNG5dredlock(s)Bob Marley naana rasta ntrali.Bob Marley had long dredlocks.
RasuloNPropRasuloRasulo kazimwa kutwikika mapesa.Rasulo can't be casked to bring's name
razi ~ rathi1NG5mercyWanawo waunga razi zako; sono uwainkare!Your kids need your mercy; [so] don't curse them!Niwiya razi; nakwombeza.Come back to me with mercy; I beg you.2NG5OK withWi razi mwanao asamire steti ntruhu?Are you OK with your daughter moving to another state?3NG5thrilledWalimu wose we rathi kuhinyizwa ni wanafunzi wao.All the teachers are thrilled being learned from by their students.4NPropRaziRazi na Mgaza, lekani kubuntranya wantru!Razi and Mgaza, stop pounding on people together!
rediyo< EngNG51radio(s)Ali kabonyeza i rediyo.Ali pressed [a button on] the radio.Matombo yano ye rediyo yabonyazwa nnyani?These buttons on the radio were pressed by whom?Rediyo ino ifa.This radio is off.2radio station(s)China rediyo ya kusambaziza mbuli zetu.We have a radio station with which to propagate our ideas.Wose waunga kuhodyiyanya mtru yumwenga he rediyo yawe.They all want to interview one person together at their radio station.
refari (warefari)< EngNG1refereeRéfari kazi yake ni kutowa firimbe mo msezigo anaona makosa.The referee's job is to whistle when he sees a foul play.Réfari, hukudyndeza haki male.Referee, you're not maintaining your fairness at all.See alternate pronunciation: rifari.
RehemaNPropRehemaRehema kalawa madutudutu mwiri wake wose.Rehema got pimples all over her body.Mkomerezeze Rehema kazi yake!Finish Rehema's work for her!woman's name

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