sadaNG5measlesWana sada.They have measles.Sada zao zihona.Their measles healed up.
sadakaNG51almsMhando ana imani ya kulava sadaka.Mhando has generosity in giving out alms.2donation(s)Nalava sadaka kila wakati.I give donations all the time.See; kulava sadaka.3charityLavani sadaka Mwenyzimungu ammoneni mbazi.Give charity so God will have mercy on you (all).
Sadhiya< SomNPropSadiyaSadhiya kapendeswa.Sadiya is loved too much.woman's name
safariNG51trip(s)Nankonga nite safari lakini sibedelishwa.I wanted to go on a trip, but I was dissuaded.Zuzizuzi nasita safari.The other day I went on a trip.See: kusafiri, msafiri.2journey (-ies)Ni vedi chidyiandae na safari.It's better that we prepare for a journey.Safari yetu ni ya kwita uswero.Our journey is to go west.See: msafiri, kusafiri.3travel(s)Safari zangu zigaluka nyingi mwaka uno.My travels have become many this year.4safari(s)Siwandikwa nite safari.I was put on a list to go on safari.5tour(s)Mwezi wa Chenda naita safari ya London.In September I'm going on tour to London.6resettlementKila mfuntrirwa kapata safari ya kwita isi za kweise.Each rape victim got resettlement to go to a foreign country.7timeSafari ino a wana waitaga; a wazazi nawaite kwa kunyuma.This time the kids go first; the parents will go afterwards.A wana hawdahe kwasika safari ino.The kids can't be left out this time.
safi (masafi, msafi, visafi)Adj1cleanMiye ni msafi.I am clean.Tanki dino dina chudyiyo kwa ivo mazi yake ni masafi.This tank has a filter so its water is clean.Mta teksi aungwa agaluke msafi na gari dyake piya digaluke safi.A taxi driver is supposed to be clean and his car also needs to be clean.See: kusafisha, kushafisha, usafi.2shinyMeza ino ni safi.This table is shiny.Viratu viya utogole ni visafi.Those shoes that you like are shiny.3pureWantru wano nyoyo zawe ni safi.These people's hearts are pure.Ndugu yangu, sikutogola kwasabu una roho safi.My sister, I like you because you have a pure soul.4freshChitombo chegala mere safi.An udder carries fresh milk.
safito (masafito)NG31particle boardNaunga safito nibatizanye picha kumi kwa hamwenga.I need a particle board to glue ten pictures together in the same place.Picha kumi zibatizanywa mwe di safito.Ten pictures have been glued together on the particle board.2plywood (sheet of)Naunga safito kulu nidyamanyize meza.I need a big sheet of plywood to make a table.Safito dino sono udisalahizise!This plywood, don't plane it so much!
SafiyaNPropSofiaSafiya na Salimu wachumbiyana.Sofia and Solomon are cohabiting with each other.Safiya na Salimu ni wachumba.Sofia and Solomon are cohabitants.Safiya hanjo yake kekachisa.Sofia has chewed her gum a lot.woman's name
sagale (masagale)NG51deerSagale zadyenda mwe jai nachiro.The deer walk on the gravel road at night.Nechiro siona sagale nyingi zikudya manyasi.Last night I saw a lot of deer (that were) eating grass.This noun is NG5 but also has a plural in NG3.2venisonIvo nizire Marikani sidire sagale.Since I came to America, I haven't eaten venison.See: kasagale.
sahali< SomAdjeasyKuhonyesa wantru me milima ni sahali.Showing people around the mountains is easy.Siku zino ni sahali kwita ko mnenge.These days it's easy to go to the moon.
sahani (masahani)1NG5dish(es)Sahani ziya ni chafu.Those dishes are dirty.This noun is both NG3 and NG5. See: kasahani.2NG5plate(s)Sahani ino i chiduwara.This plate is round.Sahani zino zi chiduwara.These plates are round.Nakombeta sahani.I'm wiping a plate clean.3NG3big dish4NG3big plateSahani dino ni chafu.This damned plate is dirty.
sahara (masahara)NG31lumber (finished)Sahara dino sidihata miye.I was the one who planed this lumber.Segeta sahara dino!Saw this lumber!2boardNadumula sahara na msimeno.I'm cutting a board with a saw.Sidyezeza sahara dino kwa kupima chiga changu.I used this [measuring] board to measure my foot.3pole (finsished)Sahara idyo dyadaha kusomeka hano?Can that pole be stuck in here?
sahara dya chirowo (masahara ya virowo)NG3fishing reelSahara dya chirowo dina mshipi wake.The fishing reel has its fishing line.Traditionally, fishing reels were small boards with two perpendicular grooves on the long sides with which they were tied to the fishing pole. The ends sticking out from the pole had fishing line wrapped around them.
sahara mame (masahara mame)NG3motherboardSahara mame dyashegeya na moto wa bheteriya.The motherboard works with battery power.
sahihaAdj1correctMaandishi yangu yose ni sahiha.All my writing is correct.Dyibu dyako ni sahiha.Your answer is correct2rightNi sahiha weye kwita.It's right that you went.
sahoVLocSt1there (be, pointing)Saho aho ukungigwa usezigire.It's there where you're needed to play at.This is a contraction of si 'be (pointing)' + aho.2there (be not)Saho male.It's not there at all.This is a contraction of si 'not be' + aho.
saibogi (wasaibogi, masaibogi)Adjone-eyedSaibogi ana bogi mwe di ziso.The one-eyed guy has an eye patch on the eye.Siona wagosi washano wasibogi wadyesanye.I saw five one-eyed guys walking together.This adjective a disparaging term. Wasaibogi is more polite than masaibogi in the plural, but masaibogi is more common.
SaidiNPropSaidiMwaliko kamkantra Saidi kwa mwalimu.Mwaliko told on Saidi to the teacher.Saidi na Mwaliko wakantrana kwa mwalimu.Saidi and Mwaliko told on each other to the's name
saini< EngNG5sign(s)Dhadhiri, hita moli, noukaone saini ya "T-Mobile", nilaviza bili yangu!Dadiri, go to the mall, and then you'll see a T-Mobile sign; pay my bill for me!
saizi< EngNG5size(s)Hano hapangwa laini nyingi; kila famili saizi ina laini yake.Here are arranged many lines; each family's size has its line.Nadondola viratu va saizi nyingi nikenkhe wamaskini.I'm collecting many sizes of shoes to give to poor people.In the refugee camps, the distribution centers arranged lines for rations depending on the size of the families.
sajin (masajin)< ItNG1sargeantKazimwa kugaluka sajin kwasaba kazi yake i kunyuma.He was unable to become sargeant because his work was behind.Mzee Jumale Madimba kabula chikawo cha sajin meja. (Arbow)Elder Jumale Madimba reached the rank of sargeant major.The singular form is NG1, while the plural is NG3. See: usajin.
sajudha< ArbNG51prostrationsSaladhi ya asubuhi ina sajudha nne.The first prayer has four prostrations.2bowSikunga sajudha yako!I don't want your bow!Nti hunati kwita sajudha, wanda kusoma Gurani ukaduka.Before you bow, first read the Quran when praying.
sakameNG5bloodSakame iganda mwe nkhwenje yangu.My blood coagulated in my wound.Nanya sakame.I'm shitting blood.Mphula yangu yetika sakame.My nose is dripping blood. (= My nose is bleeding.)Sakame yangu yetikisa.My blood is flowing too much.Wau ana sakame ya Ubajuni.Grandma has Bajuni blood.See: kwitika sakame, kuleta sakame, kulava sakame, kusola sakame, kusowera sakame, kusowerwa sakame, msola(dyi) sakame, tonge dya sakame.
sakame igandireNG5clotted bloodMdani mwe kawani mna sakame igandire.Inside the slaughterhouse there is clotted blood.
sakame ya chioneNG5menstrual bloodSakame ya chione ni kama sakame ya kawaida.Menstrual blood is like normal blood.