Chizigula - English



shanoshano (washanoshano)Nofive by five, in fivesMkataba wa famili plan ni simu shanoshano.The family plan agreement is in five phones [only].A wabwanga weza washanoshano.The guys came in fives.A wabuga wawaleta washanoshano.The rabbits, they brought them in fives.
shanuwaNG5comb(s)Sitana na shanuwa.I combed [my hair] with a comb.Sitanira shanuwa.I combed [my hair] with a comb.Wagula tana na shanuwa.They bought a hair pick and a comb.Duka dyangu dina shanuwa nyingi za kutaga.My shop has lots of combs to sell.
sharafu< SomNG5respectWazazi, chimhinyizani wana wenyu, kwa ivo chaunga sharafu kwenyu.Parents, we've taught your kids for you, therefore we need respect from you.Wasauthafrika ni wantru wedi, wana sharafu.South Africans are good people; they have respect.See: kusharafa.
sharahaNG51decoration(s)Chidyamanya wazungu wa kwika sharaha.We've made little pots to put as decorations.See: kusharaha.2adornment(s)Katogola sharaha nyingi.She likes lots of adornments.3designsChidoho ni usalu mwingi usumanywe kwa sharaha.A beaded necklace is many bead necklaces sewn together with designs.
sharamuta (washaramuta, masharamuta)1NG1slutMdere yudya ni sharamuta.That girl is a slut.Mgaza katopolesa msharamuta yudya.Mgaza has finger-fucked that slut too much.So kuno sharamuta weye!Come here, you slut!2NG3whoreSharamuta dino ni hezi.This whore is crazy.
sharara (masharara)NG31harpFila zino ze idi sharara zihindwa ni Hamadi.These strings of the harp have been tuned by Hamadi.Fila ze idi sharara chiziwamba.The strings of the harp, we tuned them.Miye sidaha kutowa sharara.I know how to play a harp.Omar Yahya kadaha kutowa sharara.Omar Yahya knows how to play a harp.2dance and drum style used in exorcismNavina sharara.I'm dancing the "sharara" exorcism.
sharatNG5betSingira sharat na Jon kwa mbokolo.I entered in a bet with Jon for one hundred [dollars].See: kwingira sharat.
shareheNG51joy(s)Bada ye somi nna sharehe ku nyumba kwangu.After Ramadan I have joy in my house.2party (-ies)Wate kusimalika ni wadodo he sharehe; wasimalikirwa ni wengi.The servers at the party are few; the ones served are many.Sidhiqa wambuya wengi he sharehe yangu.I've invited a lot of friends to my party.Wazigula wana tabiya kukokerana vitumbua mwezi sharehe zao.The Kiziguans have the habit of frying frybread for each other in their parties.
shareroNG51dance with singing and drumingWantru wabadira zaidi mwe sharero.People hump a lot in the "sharero" dance.Normally, the songs used with traditional dances are always the same for each dance; this dance is highly unusual in that people can make up new songs for it. Men and women dance together, and it's all done for fun.2drum style (type of)Ngoma ya sharero ina vyapua mbiri.The "sharero" drum style has two small high pitched drums.
shariNG51difficulty (-ies)Shari ino chirheberwa ni Mnungu.This difficulty was stopped for us by God.Sono ukeshegera shari!Don't will difficulties on yourself!Chishegerwa shari ni maadui yetu.We were willed difficulties by our enemies.2bad circumstancesMwenyezimungu, sono unihanyese shari.God, don't show me any bad circumstances.
Sharifai ~ SharifayiNPropSharifySharifai kanileka.Sharify left me.Sharifayi si mno kutongera wagosi.Sharify is not into chasing men.Sharifayi kahamairwa mizigo yake yose ni mabharbharo.Sharify got all of her heavy loads carried by strong men.woman's name
Sharifu< Arb sharifNPropSharifuSharifu ni mwana ywedi.Sharifu is a good kid.Sharifu hatogole kulima; ni mzulumadyi.Sharifu doesn't like to hoe; he's a's name
shariya ~ sheriyaNG51lawShariya ye isi ivuniswa ni wananchi.Laws of the country have been broken a lot by citizens.2ruleShariya zino ni nyingi; nazihunguzwe.There are many rules; they should be reduced.He kazi yetu chatongera shariya ya kwadyikanya.At our work we follow the rule of finishing together.3regulationShariya yagamba chise kudyenda mwendo zaidi ya mirongo midi he ntendere za skulu.The regulation says that we can't go at a speed of more than twenty [mph] in a school zone.
shartiNG61protocolKumtuma kazi lakini humgambre shati yake.You ordered him to work but you didn't tell him its protocol.2policy (-ies)Sharti yenyu nmbwani? -- Sharti yetu ni weye udyiunge na suwe kwa mwezi umwenga.What is your policy? -- Our policy is for you to join with us for one month.3requirement(s)Sharti zako nmbwani? -- Sharti zangu ni weye ulete mbuzi na ngoto.What are your requirements? -- My requirements are for you to bring me a goat and a sheep.4procedure(s)Sharti zako ni mbwani? -- Sharti zangu ni weye kupata ngunda, nguku na nguwo ikungala.What are your procedures? -- My procedures are for you to get a pigeon, a chicken and a white cloth.5prescription(s)Dektari kaninkha sharti ya madawa yano.The doctor gave me a prescription for these medicines.
sharubuNG5moustache(s)Mze Abdala ana sharubu.Mr. Abdulla has a moustache.This noun is normally used in the plural; in the singular it refers to one moustache whisker. See: mashurubu.
shati< EngNG51shirt(s) with buttonsMame kamsumira u mwana shati. / Mame kamsumira shati u mwana.Mom sewed the child a shirt. / Mom sewed a shirt for the child.Shati yangu i mazi.My shirt is wet.Shati yangu isakala.My shirt is worn out.2blouse(s)Shati yake ina sharaha zedi.Her blouse has nice decorations.gona na shatiskirt and blouseMwana chiche kavala shati isharahwe.The girl is wearing a blouse that has been adorned.
shawakaNG5screen(s)Shawaka ye idi dirisha dyangu yaona vedi.The screen of my window can be seen through well.Madirisha yasitigwe na shawaka ni yedi.Windows that are closed off with screens are good.
shawaloNG5forgivenessMnungu kaninkha shawalo.God gave me forgiveness.See: kushawala.
ShaweleNPropShebelle river in SomaliaMto wa Juba na wa Shawele wachintrana.The Jubba river and the Shebelle join together.Somaliya ina mito midi Jubha na Shawele na mikowa kumi na mnane. (Arbow: 6)Somalia has two rivers Jubba and Shebelle and eighteen regions.See: Shabele.
shayiNG51tea (sweetened)Mwe shayi kudyera sukari kiasi gani?How much sugar did you put in the tea?Sitweza roti dyangu mwe shayi.I dipped my bread in tea.Ndyera shayi!Pour me some tea!masimbi ya shayidregs of teaSee alternate pronunciation: shai.2chaiKudyamanya shayi ina mwire.You made chai that's sweet.
ShebuleNPropShebuleMiye na Shebule chihazulanya mti uno.Me and Shebule stripped this tree [of leaves] together.Shebule, chimkawizanya suwe.Shebule, we are the ones together who made him's name
ShegoNPropShegoShego kanunga nimsomeze chiro na msi.Shego wanted me to teach him night and day.
shehe (washehe, mashehe)< Arb sheikh1NG1clairvoyantNgoto yangu iinsharwa ni sheje.My goat is needed by the clairvoyant.Seguzo ni shehe mkulu kwa sabu icho naalonge chagaluka.Seguzo is a great clairvoyant because whatever he says happens.This noun has plurals in both NP1 and NP3; the one in NP3 is more respectful.2NG1seerSodha yangu nani shehe, nakaona mbuli zikwiza.My brother-in-law was a seer; he used to see things in the future.3NG1spiritual personKanitukiza bada ya kumona yeye agaluke shehe.He astonished me after seeing he became a spiritual person.4NG1mullahKila mwaka chaita kwe Ziyara kwa kudonga mbira ya shehe.Every year we go to Ziyara to kiss our hands and touch the grave of the mullah.5NG1sheikShehe wangu kanihinya mbuli nyingi.My sheik has taught me a lot of things.6NG1calm easy-going personSehondo ni shehe.Sehondo is a calm easy-going person.7NPropSheheShehe kabinda koleji.Shehe has finished college.Shehe baba yake ni Mze Mafiga.Shehe's grandfather is Mr.'s name
Shehe MurjaniNPropSheik MurjanShehe Murjani kafa mwaka.Sheik Murjan died a long time ago.This man is important in that he is the one who succeeded in converting the Kiziguans to Islam.
ShemambuloNPropShemambuloChimlasanya na nyuta Semambulo.We hit Shemambulo with bows and arrows.Shemambulo kalaswa na uta mwe di tako.Shemambulo was hit with a bow and arrow in the butt.Shemambulo kakomwa na usawi.Shemambulo was killed with a hex.