shuleNG5school(s)Naita shule mtondo.I go to school in the morning.
shurubu (mashurubu)NG51moustacheMiye sina shurubu, lakini weye una shurubu.I don't have a moustache, but you have a moustache.2moustache whisker(s)Shurubu zangu ni ntrali.My moustache whiskers are long.Shurubu zako ni ntrali.Your moustache whiskers are long.
shurutuNG51obligatory order(s) / instructions / directionsWaninkha shurutu ya kulima honde ino yose.They gave me obligatory instructions for tilling all this farm.See: kushurutiza.2rulesKazi ino shurutu zake mbwani?What are the rules of this job?3mandatory way
siVLocStbe (pointing)Si uno. / Si dino. / Si chino. / Si ino. / Si kuno. / Si hano.It's right here. (NG2 / NG3 / NG4 / NG5 / NG8&9 / NG9)Si wano. / Si ino. / Si yano / Si vino. / Si zino.They're right here. (NG1&7 / NG2 / NG3 / NG4 / NG5&6 )Si yuno. (NG1)He/she is right here.Msango si uno. (NG2)Here is a worm.Wanunga dala kumi? Si dino! (NG3)You want ten dollars? Here it is!Lungu si dino.Here is a pot.Malungu si yano.Here are some pots.Mabakuli ye huhi? -- Si yano.Where are the bowls? -- They're right here.Chisuse si chino. NG4Here is a scorpion.Visuse si vino.Here are some scorpions.Honde si ino. NG5Here is a farm.Farasi si ino.Here is a horse.Farasi si zino.Here are some horses.Si ziya.They're right there. Nyumba i kuhi? -- Si ino.Where is the house? -- It's here.Wanunga dala imwenga? Si ino!You want one dollar? Here it is!Wanunga dala shano? Si zino!You want five dollars? Here they are!Nyumba zi kuhi? -- Si ziya.Where are the houses? -- They're there.Wabuga we kuhi? -- Si wano. (NG7)Where are the rabbits? -- They're here.Si kudya.It's right there. (N8&9)Kutanga si kuno.Here is a farm.Mabhorsa yangu si yano.Here are my bags. = My bags are these.Si uyo.There he/she is.Sawo.There they are.One must be pointing when using this deictic verb.
si-1V > NegpfxI'm not, I don't / I didn'tSigonire male.I didn't sleep at all.Sitogole wira udya.I don't like that song.Dyero sikunga kudya male.Today, I don't want to eat at all.Sitogole matunda yadya yaihiye.I don't like those fruits that are bad.Sitogole meza idya ikungala.I don't like that white table.Lalahi dino dititu, siditogole.This black fish, I don't like it.Sina wambuya wengi.I don't have many friends.Wi mbavi! -- Si mbavi male.You're a thief! -- I'm not a thief at all.Sikudahe kulonga.I can't talk.Dyero sitozwa ni balidi nkhulu kwa ivo sanidahe kudyamanya kazi.Today I got a migraine so I can't do work.Sasizwa mwana dyero; sanidahe kwita kweise.I was left with a kid today; I can't go out.Si kuli.I'm not there.Miye si chintru.I'm not anythingSi aho. ~ siyaho. / Siyuko.I'm not there.Si- 'not' contracts with 1st person singular si- 'I' to si-.This is the negative prefix and locative stative negative verb in the 1st person singular only; see ha-.
si-2VpfxISigona.I sleep / have slept.Sigonire male.I haven't slept at all.Nasigona.I slept.Sidya a matunda.I eat / have eaten the fruits.Nasidya a matunda.I ate the fruits.Nasidire matunda.I didn't eat fruits.Sakudya Nampa.I went there and ate in Nampa.Sitogola viratu vino.I like these 'not' + si- 'I' > si-The subjective verbal prefix si- varies with ni-, depending on the tense and aspect. Si- is used in the unmarked aorist, the definite past (in na-), and with (k)a- 'go'. Ni- is used in the definite present (progressive) in a-, the future in na-, and in relative clause verbs. Only ni- is used as an objective marker.
si-3V > Negpfx1not, -n'tSanidahe kuidyarisha nyumba bila stovu.I can't rent a house without a stove.Si- 'not' contracts with 1st person singular si- 'I' to si-.2doesn'tMphula za magari ni zedi zigaluke ntali ili dinatowa dhafarau mahali disekubanika.The front ends of cars are better to be long so that when a car crashes somewhere it doesn't destroy itself.
si (nasi)VLinknot beSimtowera yeye kwa sababu si wedi male.I hit him for her because he isn't nice at all.Aho uchimale si hedi male.There where you stand is not good at all.Kusuntisa si kwedi male.To wash too much is not good at all.Kuchenulisa si kwedi.To smile too much is not good.Kufa si kwedi.To die is not good.Kutozwa ni Shetani si kwedi male.To be possessed by Satan is not good at all.Udanto si wedi male.A lie is not good at all.Kudyamanya moto si rahisi male.Making a fire is not easy at all.Si bora kutukana wantru.It's not OK to abuse people.Kutumiza kila wakati si kwedi male.Ordering too much all the time is not good at all.Kuona mbazi si kwa militari male.To feel mercy is not for the military at all.Mwaliko si mpole.Mwaliko isn't gentle.Mwana yuno si mdyima male.This child is not healthy at all.Bhusto dino sidyo nikunga male.This wool blanket is not the one I want at all.Chiratu icho sicho nikunga.That shoe is not what I want.Ivo sivo nikunga.That is not the way that I want.Saa ino siyo nilavize alfu kumi male.This watch is not the one I paid ten thousand for at all.Mphuku zino sizo zidire mteza wangu male.These rats are not the ones that ate my nuts at all.Sicho. < si + icho / Sidyo. < si + idyo / Sivo. < si + ivo / Siyo. < si + iyo / sizo. < si izoIt's not that. / are not the onesNi kuhi huna makasino? -- Bhoizi -- Si uko male. Ni Vegas.Where are there casinos? -- Boise -- It's not there at all. It's Vegas.Miye si yuko.I don't exist. (lit.: I'm not there.)This is the suppletive negative of positive ni.
si mengiQuantNG3not manyUna madole mengahi? -- Si mengi.You have how many fingers? -- Not many.
si mingiQuantNG2not manyKuna miti mingahi kudya? -- Si mingi.How many trees are there in that place? -- Not many.
si mnoVNeg1not into (be)Sharifai si mno kutongera wagosi.Sharifai is not into chasing men.2not normal for (be)Miye kogera si mno.Swimming is not normal for me. (= is not my thing)3not known for4not much (be)Wano a watuhu si mno, zuwa dimwenga nakufe mtru.Of these others its' much that anyone would die in one day.
si moliVNegshallow (be, be not deep)Si moli male.It's shallow. (= It's not deep at all.)
si mwingi1VNegnot enough (be)Mpunga uno si mwingi male.This rice is not enough at all.2QuantNG6/9not many inside3QuantNG6/9not much inside
si nyingiQuantNG5/6not manyKuna nyumba nyingahi? -- Si nyingi.How many houses are there? -- Not many.
si sawaVNeg1not O.K. (be)Dyero miye si sawa.Today, I am not O.K.2awkward (be)Nova si sawa kwasabu hakudyenda vedi male.Nova is awkward because she doesn't walk well at all.3incorrect (be)Kawandike naho. Ino si sawa male.Go write it again! This is really incorrect.
si vedi (male)VNegnot OK (be)Si vedi utukane wantru.It's not OK to abuse people.Ivo udyamanye si vedi male.The way that you've done it is not OK at all.
si vingiQuantNG4not manyNna si vingi.I don't have many (shoes).
si wengiQuantNG1/7not manyMna wantru wengahi mwe nyumba? -- Si wengi male ni kumi tú.How many people are there in the house? -- Not many at all, just ten.Kuna wabuga wengahi? -- Si wengi.How many rabbits are there? -- Not many.Nna wabuga si wengi.I don't have many rabbits.
SidhiNPropSidiSidhi kagaluka msanguladyi he kawani.Sidi became a flayer at the slaughterhouse.Sidhi kabedeleswa tabiya zake zose.Sidi has been changed a lot in all his's name
sidiriyaNG51bra(s)Mpenzi wangu avala sidiriya kulu.My lover wears a big bra.Nna sidiriya nyingi mwe sanduku.I have a lot of bras in the chest.2brassiere
sidyeNG5locust(s)Wavere mitwi yao na firi zao zaveverwa ni izi sidye. (Arbow: 7)The heads and the hair of the women were swarmed all over by the locusts.Nyuchi zino na sidye zino zaveveranya honde yetu.These bees and these locusts have swarmed together all over our farm.
sifaNG51praise(s)Sifa zako sizitogola.Your praises, I like them.2fameObama ana sifa nyingi.Obama has a lot of fame.
sigaNG5fruit (of Dobera loranthifolia)Mbeyu za siga zamereka.Seeds of Dobera lorantifolia are swallowable.Sala ya Somaliya chidyinkhira siga.In the famine of Somalia we got by on the fruit of D.l.See: msiga.This fruit is yellow on the outside when ripe, white on the inside, and the seed is green.
sigara< ItNG51cigarette(s)Kwiza kuputa sigara? -- Siza kuputa sigara.Have you smoked cigarettes? -- I have smoked cigarettes.Kuwai kuputa? -- Siwai kuputa sigara.Have you smoked? -- I've smoked cigarettes.Sileka kuputa sigara.I quit smoking cigarettes.Simkanya mwanangu ase kuvuta sigara.I warned my child to forget smoking cigarettes2cigar(s)Sigara iputwa.The cigar has been smoked.
sigiriziNG51message(s)Kila sigirizi nikutuma nadyibiywa.Each message I send I get answered.Sigirizi yako siipata ya kukutumira mapesa.Your message, I got it to send you money.See: kusigiriza.2informationSigirizi ino kusigirwa ni raisi au (yuhi)?This information has been directed to you by the president or whom?