Chizigula - English



tarbhini (matarbhini)< Arb1NG5binocularsTarbhini ino ivumbuirwa a maadui.These binoculars were used to discover the enemies.I tarbhini isaidiya a wana dyeshi.The binoculars have helped the soldiers.This NG5 is normally singular in Kizigua, but the English translation is plural. The NG3 singular and plural 'telescope(s)' is augmentative.2NG3telescopeNahinya kudyamanya tarbhini.I'm learning how to make a telescope.
tareheNG5date(s)A wana wose werekwa tarehe kumi na chenda.All the kids were born on the nineteenth (date).Tarehe kumi na mfungate ni tarehe yangu ya kwerekwaThe seventeenth (date) is my date of birth.Nabhoromosa koleji tarehe kumi na mnane.I'm graduating from college on the eighteenth (date).So tarehe kumi na nne kwe ofisi yangu!Come on the fourteenth (date) to my office!
targa< ItNG5license plate(s)Gari dyangu dimaganya targa ya longozi.My car is missing a license plate in front.
tarmusi (matarmusi)< ItNG31thermosKanigubuira tarmusi dyangu.He opened my thermos for me.2coolerTarmusi dino dimema barafu.This cooler is full of ice.Kagubuirwa nnyani mwana yuno tarmusi dino?This cooler was opened for this child by whom?
tarumba (matarumba)NG3fluteSihinya kutowa tarumba mwe skulu yangu.I learned to play a flute in my school.
tasa (matasa)1NG3checkers (game like)Tasa ni wadyibu digaluke na rangi mbiri tafauti kunyuma na longozi.It's necessary that checkers have two different colors back and front.
tasa (matasa)2NG3cymbalKaniletere shanja idya nidyamanyize tasa!Go bring me that barrel lid so I can make it into a cymbal! Shanja ino ni tasa dyangu.This barrel lid is my cymbal.Sitowa tasa.I struck a cymbal.
tasi (matasi)NG31loopIdi kambala difungwa tasi.The rope has been tied in a loop.2noose
tate (watate)NG11fatherTate wangu uywedi alinda.My nice father hunts.Simtuma tate akanilombere mvere.I sent father to go ask for a woman for me (to marry).Tate is not possessed with possessive pronouns, except (y)wangu 'my'. See: chich-.2dadTate e kuzimu.Dad's in ghost realm.Kila chiro mame na tate wengira kugati.Every night mom and dad go into the private part of the house.Miye na tate chigomba.Me and dad argued.
tate mdodo (watate mdodo)NG1uncle (father's younger brother)Tate na tate mdodo wose wafofanya nyama.Dad and [his] younger brother both constructed images together.The expected watate wadodo is not used as the plural of tate mdodo, since it means 'little/younger fathers', which the uncles can't be.
tate mkulu (watate wakulu)NG1uncle (father's older brother)Tata mkulu etangwa Mhando.Paternal uncle is called Mhando.Tate mkulu Musa ananisi dyake ni Mvungwe.Paternal uncle Moses' nickname is Mvungwe.
tatika ~ tátika< It tatticaNG51tactic(s)Mwe kaya ino wazana wahinywa tátika za kukoshana na maguha.In this town kids are trained in tactics for fighting with spears.Wohizadyi wetu wana tátika yedi.Our scorers have great tactics.2method(s)Nna tátika ya kurheba guha nikakoshana na mtru.I have a method for stopping a spear when I'm fighting with someone.Wogeradyi wa mo mto wana tatika zaidi kuliko wogeradyi wa mwe bahari.Swimmers in the river have more methods than swimmers in the ocean.
tatizo (matatizo)NG31problemMiye sina tatizo.I don't have a problem.This noun is usually used in the plural.2trouble
*tatu (hatatu, katatu, matatu, mitatu, ntratu, vitatu, watatu)NothreeNna wavuna watatu. NG1I have three siblings.Nna wavere watatu.I have three wives.Mbogo ingira mwe kaya na ikoma wantru watatu.A buffalo entered the village and killed three people.miti mitatu NG2three treesNna mabuku matatu. NG3I have three books.Sitishwa ni mabavi matatu.I was frightened by three bad-assed thieves.madole matatuthree fingersvintu vitatu NG4three thingsNna simu ntratu. NG5I have three phones.nyumba ntratuthree housesnyuzi ntratu NG6three stringswabuga watatu NG7three rabbitskusoma katatu NG8three readingshantu hatatu NG9three placesKatatu is the form used in counting and with NG8 nouns, ntratu is used with NG5 and NG6 nouns, otherwise agreement prefix + -tatu.
tatu (matatu)NG3tattooLika da dyero ditogolesa kuhaka tatu.Today's young generation likes to apply tattoos a lot.Sichora tatu mo mkono.I drew a tattoo on the arm.
*tatutatu (matatutatu)Nothree eachViti vino vina matenga matatutatu.These stools have three legs each.
tausiNG5peacock(s)Tausi ina mlunda mtana.A peacock has a pretty plume.Nakaula kugala tausi, lakini ni gali.I'm looking to buy a peacock, but there're expensive.Mndani mwe ikulu ya Tanzaniya wana tausi nyingiInside of the capitol of Tanzania they have many peacocks.
tawni< EngNG5town(s)soko we tawnimarket of the town
tayari1AdjreadyNi tayari.I'm ready.Wantru we tayari.The people are ready.Gari di tayari.The car is ready.Chisingi chino nanikatege mageble yangu; luvi mtondo nikaita yagaluke tayari.This afternoon I'll go set my loop traps; tomorrow morning when I go back they'll be ready.See alternate pronunciation: tiyari.2AdvalreadyKadyika tayari.She's done already.Kafunganya viya vake tayari.She got her stuff together already.
teke (kateke, mteke, wateke)Adj1infantSee: mwana mteke2young3unripe (= green)Boko dino nteke (< ni teke).This banana is unripe.Yembe dino ni teke.This mango is unripe.4tinyKasisimizi ni kateke zaidi.A little black ant is really tiny.
teko (mateko)NG31scoopAunga teko adahe kutekeresa bharafu.She wants a scoop to scoop ice with.2handfulSiteka teko dya ndago.I scooped a handful of popcorn
teksiNG5taxi(s)Sidyinkhirwa ni teksi kunyumba.I've been picked up by a taxi at home.See: mwigaladyi teksi, mta teksi.
tende (matende)< ItNG31tentSigwerwa ni tende.I was fallen on by a tent.Simgubuira idi tende ili aone i ndoni iyo nikumtagira.I opened the tent so he could see the boat I'm selling him.tende dya turubalicanvas tent2canopyNdege yangu igubikirwa tende.My plane has been covered with a canopy.Nna tende dimwenga dya kutaga sambusa mwe Septi dauntauni.I have one canopy for selling samosas on Saturday downtown.
tendo (matendo)NG31deedKudyamanya tendo dyedi.You did a good deed.See: kutenda, chitendo.2action, actChaunga kuona tendo.We need to see an action.
tenente (matenente)< ItNG1lieutenantMahamba kapata cheo cha tenente.Mahamba got the rank of lieutenant.Tenente aunga mbwirano wa kubwirana na masajin.The lieutenant wants a gathering to meet with the sargeants.Mzee Shabani Jumale kabula chikawo cha tenente mwe polisi. (Arbow)Elder Shabani Jumale reached the rank of lieutenant in the police.The singular form is NG1, while the plural is NG3. See: utenente.