Chizigula - English



tenga (matenga)NG31deadfall trapHe haranti yangu hamema suwa kwa ivo nanizitere tenga.On my farm it's full of doves so I'll set a deadfall trap.2cageTenga dino kadinemeze halanga mwe nyumba yako!This cage, go hang it on the ceiling in your house!
tengu (matengu)NG3leg (of furniture)Tengu dye meza divunika.The leg of the table is broken.Tengu dya usazi divunika.The bed leg broke.
tepe (matepe)NG3bambooTepe dina mphindi kama mguwa.Bamboo has joints like sugarcane.Tepe dina mphindi nyingi.Bamboo has a lot of segments.
tere (matere)NG3cockroachTere dino kudichirigintrisa na chiga chako.This cockroach, you've smushed it too much with your foot.
tereno (matereno)< It trenoNG3trainSinukira tereno.I left by train.Tereno dino hadikuchimalika.This train is unstoppable.I ndege na idi tereno yabulanya.The plane and the train are arriving together.
terereAdvIntnschock (full)Bakuli dimema terere.The bowl is chock full.Chikombe chimema terere.The cup is chock full.
teresha (materesha)NG1treasurerTeresha kachiletera a mahisabu.The treasurer brought us the accounts.Teresha ana a mapesa.The treasurer has the money.The singular is NG1, but the plural is NG3.
tersino (matersino)< ItNG1defender (in soccer)Tersino aunigigwa agaluke na nguvu.A defender needs to have strength.Tersino katowa mpira he di gholi dyao niyo ohiza kwe di gholi idi tuhu.The defender kicked the ball from their goal and then scored the other goal.
tetanoNG5local anestheticMuugaladyi alumira zaidi kwa ivo mtungeni singano ya tétano!The moaner is hurting a lot; so inject him with local anesthetic!The stress is on the first syllable of this word.
thafarani< Arb1NG5saffronSidyera thafarani mo mpunga wangu.I put saffron in my rice.Uchindu wangu siupika na rangi ya thafarani.My reeds, I dyed them with the color of saffron.Thafarani ina kazi nyingi wakati wa kwaha.It's a lot of work when picking saffron.Here th represents an eth, a voiced interdental fricative [ð]. See alternate pronunciation: zafarani.2Adjsaffron (colored)Yembe dino di dhafarani.This mango is saffron colored.Rangi ya shati yangu i dhafarani.The color of my shirt is saffron colored.3AdjorangeChungwa dino di dhafarani.This orange is orange (in color).
thaifu< ArbAdj1powerlessMacheremo ni thaifu kwa mkaziwe.Macheremo is powerless with his wife.Wowo ni thaifu zaidi.They are really powerless.Wowo si thaifu.They aren't powerless.Here th is a voiced interdental fricative [ð].See: uthaifu.2weakMkulu yuno mbuli zake ni dhaifu.This leader's words are weak.Miye ni thaifu.I am weak.Miye si thaifu.I am not weakSee: uthaifu.
thamani ~ samaniNG5value, of valueKwenza masuwali ni kwedi ukadyamanya chintru cha thamani.Asking yourself questions is good when you're doing something of value.Mapesa yana thamani.Money has value.Kaula mvere ana thamani.Look for a woman with value.The initial th here is a theta [θ] a voiceless interdental fricative.This is the only instance of this sound we have found in the language.
thulumaNG51injusticeKuna dhuluma nyingi Somaliya.There is great injustice in Somalia.Walongozi wedi ni wadya hawana thuluma.Good leaders are those who don't have injustice.Here th is an eth [ð], a voiced interdental fricative. See alternate pronunciation: zuluma.2slacking off
tibhi< EngNG51tuberculosis (TB)Kalagulwa tibhi kwa miyezi mtandatu.She was treated for TB for six months.Nasola madawa ya tibhi haluse vino.I'm taking medicine(s) for TB right now.Narafadha kwa sababu ya tibhi.I'm suffering because of TB.Dalili ya tibhi ni kukololesa.A sympton of TB is coughing a lot.See: chifuwa chikulu.2consumption
tigintriro (matigintriro)NG31masherKagule tigintriro utigintrire manyanya yako!Go buy a masher so you can mash tomatoes (with it)!Tigintriro dya chuma dizama vedi.A masher of metal is quite heavy.See: kutigintra.2tenderizer (of meat)Situmiya tigintriro nikatigintra nyama yangu.I use a tenderizer when I tenderize my meat.
tigiti (matigiti)NG3watermelonNinkha hande dya tigiti!Give me a big piece of watermelonNinkha mihande ya tigiti!Give me some pieces of watermelon!Ninkha mahande ya tigiti!Give me some big pieces of watermelon!Tigiti dino dyakusuka.This watermelon is expanding.See: mtigiti.
tikiti< EngNG5ticket(s)Tikiti yangu na i zenyu; gali ni yangu.Between my ticket and yours, the most expensive is mine.Sipata tikiti mbiri; faini yake ni mbokolo ntratu.I got two tickets; their fine is three hundred [dollars].Faini ya tikiti zangu ni mbokolo ntratu.The fine for my tickets is three hundred [dollars].Sinkhigwa tikiti mbiri.I was given two tickets.
tikiti ya bahati nasibu (tikiti za bahati nasibu)NG5lottery ticketKutanganya tikiti za bahati nasibu ni rahisi.Jumbling up lottery tickets is easy.Kagula tikiti ya hahati nasibu.She bought a lottery ticket.
timamuAdjsoundMiri zako ni timamu? -- Miri zangu ni timamu.Is your mind sound? -- My mind is sound.Miye si timamu siku zino.I am not sound these days.See: utimamu.
timbira (matimbira)NG31tendonNalumwa ni timbira dye chiga.I'm hurting from a tendon of the leg.Timbira dya mwe nda dyakusuka unadya.The tendon of the stomach expands when you eat.Timbira dyatozanya minyama ya mo u mwiri na idi vuha.A tendon connects muscles of the body to the bone.2ligamentTimbira piya dyatozanya vuha kwa vuha.A ligament also connects bone to bone.
tímbiro< It NG5stamp(s)Hanshi zangu zidyerekwa tímbiro.My papers have had stamps put in them.Askari kanidyerekera tímbiro (mwe hanshi zangu).The official put stamps on my papers for me.See: kudyereka timbiro, kutowa timbiro.
timu< EngNG5team(s)Singizwa mwe timu.I've been put on the team.Selava mwe timu yao.I took myself off their team.Salimu ni mpirikadyi mwe timu yake.Solomon is a jumper on his team."Lebron James" kahambikwa chikombe che timu yake.Lebron James has been given [the prize] cup for his team.
tindi (matindi)NG3banana stalk (or cutting)Ninkhiriza pande dya tindi!Hand me a big piece of banana stalk!Chitindimale sa tindi dya boko, pepa!Let us be firm like a stalk of banana, amen!This stalk is cut at the end of the growing season, leaving the original stalk to grow again and taking the new cutting to plant somewhere else.
tinge (matinge)NG3dance (kind of, traditional)Tinge dyavinwa ni wagosi nachiro na mnenge."Tinge" is danced by men at night with moonlight.
tiripu< EngNG5tripload(s)Wantru wano ni tiripu mbiri za mabasi.These people are two triploads for buses.