trakta (matrakta)< EngNG3tractorTrakta dyangu dihalamira ma matope.My tractor got stuck in the mud.
tuAdv1justMna wantru wengahi mwe nyumba? -- Si wengi male ni kumi tú.How many people are there in the house? -- Not many at all, just ten.Mwe famili yangu ni miye tú akukwahiriswa.In my family it's just me who gets yelled at a lot.The word tú always has a high tone on the vowel.2onlyPolisi yudya anionera tú, kwa sabu kesi idya sidyamanye miye male.That cop accused me only unjustly, because that crime I didn't do at all.Wamame zangu sangazi wose wafa; kusigala yumwenga tú.All my paternal aunts have died; only one remaining.Mbereko yao chinji nani wana chiche tú.Most of their babies were girls only.3too...meso yake yavuguke tú....his eyes should be open too.4also5againKugaluka msami, ngugu yangu; aho nowite wasama tú.You have become a mover, my brother; everywhere you go you move again.6alwaysUkammona angala ivu tú.When you see her, she is white ash always.
tubho (matubho)< It tuboNG31pipeTubho dyangu dyadodesa.My pipe is dripping too much.2tapNaita kwe di tubho nikateke mazi.I'm going to the tap to fetch water.Tubho dino dina matombo manne; tombo idi mwenga divunika.This tap has four handles; one tap handle is broken.3spigotWazana wano wachabazana he di tubho.These kids got each other wet at the spigot.4faucetTubho dyatweka.The faucet is leaking.Tubho dya kweise dina mfungulo umwenga.The outside faucet has one handle.5sinkMwanangu kahakirwa mazi he di tubho.My child was bathed in the sink.Mikono yako kaisuntre he di tubho dye di ziko!Your hands, go wash them at the sink in the kitchen!6hoseTubho dino ni pira.This hose is rubber.Navuta gasi ya mwe di bharmile na tubho.I'm siphoning gas from the barrel with a hose.7tubeNahemera na tubho / mwe di tubho.I'm breathing with a tube / in the tube.
tubu (matubu)NG3sheaf (of corn or seseme)Tubu dino dyo mtama ni kulu kama nyumba.This sheaf of corn is as big as a house.See: kutuba.
tuhu (katuhu, matuhu, mituhu, mtuhu, nduhu, vituhu, watuhu)Adj1otherKuna makolo matuhu walawanye hamwenga aho kale. (Arbow: 5)There are other clans that came from that same place before.miti mituhuother treesdole tuhuthe other fingermayembe matuhuthe other mangoesvintru i vituhuthe other thingsLakini naunga nduhu.But I want others (e.g., goats).nyumba i nduhuthe other housekabuga katuhuthe other rabbitNduhu is irregular, only used on NG5 nouns.2anothermtru mtuhuanother personmti mtuhuanother treeyembe tuhuanother mangosira nduhuanother roadnyumba nduhuanother househafa nduhuanother neighborhood3other(s)Watuhu nawakatongera fula; watuhu nani wavinda, watuhu wenulwa ni gumbo. (Arbow: 5)Others would follow rain; others were hunters, others were displaced by drought.Viungo va binadamu ni chinkho, yega, chigudi, vindi na vituhu vake.The joints of a human being are the elbow, shoulder, waist, knee and others.
tukano (matukano)NG31insultSono ulonge kama ivo, idya ni tukano!Don't say it like that; that's an insult!Kumwenkha tukano dyedi.You gave him a great insult.Mbuyao sono ukamtukana tukano dihiye!Your friend, don't abuse him with a bad insult!See: kutukana.2derogatoryZina idyo ni tukano.That name is derogatory.3abuseKilima iyo sono wilonge; ni tukano kwa wantru watuhu!That word, don't say it; it's an abuse to other people!4vulgarityNemhina kila akahutubiya, hakuleka tukano.Whenever Nemhina gives a speech, she doesn't leave out vulgarity.
TukiraNPropTukiraTukira anunga nimsole abinda nasoma yake.Tukira wants me to marry her when she finishes her studies.Kutukira is an alternate pronunciation.See: kutukira.
tukuAdvIntns1completelyHaluse ero idi zoka disokera tuku.So now the huge snake got completely tired.2totally
tuli (matuli)NG3mortarTuli dino disongoleswa.This mortar has been hollowed out a lot.Moroti uno utwangigwa ni Salme mwe di tuli.This sorghum has been pounded by Salme in the mortar.
tumbaAdvbeyondSerekwa mazi ya tumba.I was born beyond (= before) the flood (= great Somali flood).Njama iyo yatangwa Njama ya Tumba (Arbow: 9)That council was called the Secret Council of Beyond.mazi ya tumbaflood of beyond = great Somali flood of the 1980sThis word is obscure and probably obsolete for most.
tumbatu (matumbatu)< HaitianNG31tobaccoTumbatu diputwa.The tobacco was smoked.Baba tumbatu dyake nakavutira mwe chiko.Grandpa smoked his tobacco in a pipe.Tumbatu dino dyapola.This tobacco has a strong smell.mafungu manne ya tumbatufour bunches of tobacco2tobacco plantMwe honde yangu nna madyibali maidi ya tumbatu.On my farm I have two beds of tobacco (plants).Naunga wafanyakazi mbokolo chikadanyuire tumbatu dyangu kutanga.I need one hundred workers so we can cull (the seedheads of) my tobacco plants on the farm.
tumbo (matumbo)NG31gutNtrembo ana tumbo kulu.An elephant has a huge gut.See: mtrumbo.2stomach (large)Tumbo dyako dyagaluka kulu unavimbirwa.Your stomach becomes big when you get stuffed.3intestineTumbo i dikulu dibwirwa ni kansa; nadirhebe i dharabhu.The intestine has been attacked by cancer; it will stop the poop.
tumbunyesa (matumbunyesa)NG3caterpillar Tumbunyesa dino ni mhaiwani uhiye.This caterpillar is a big ugly animal.Tumbunyesa dino dina zinda kulu.This caterpillar has a huge stomach.This caterpillar exudes a liquid causing the skin to itch, and it changes colors to match the plant that it is on. It does not have hairs.
tunda (matunda)NG3fruitSitogola tunda dino.I like this fruit.Ni tunda.It's a fruit.Sifikiri ntunda.I thought it was a fruit.
tundu (matundu)NG31cageWanidyera mwe di tundu kama dege.They put me in a cage like a bird.2coopNguku zangu nazifuira mwe di tundu.My chickens I'm taming in the coop.Nguku zangu sizizoweza zigone kweise kwe di tundu.My chikens, I've gotten them used to sleeping outside of the coop.3hutchSigula tunda dya kabuga.I bought a rabbit hutch.
tundu dya kabuga (matundu ya wabuga)NG3rabbit hutchSigula tundu dya kabuga.I bought a rabbit hutch.Mdaha kudidyamanya tundu dya kabuga sivo?You know how to make a rabbit hutch, right?
tundu dya nguku (matundu ya nguku)NG3chicken coopTundu dya nguku zangu ukulu wake ni futi mbokolo shano.The size of my chicken coop is five hundred [sqaure] feet.
TunisiyaNG9TunisiaMatunisiya alonga Charabu cha Tunisiya.A Tunisian speaks Arabic of Tunisia.See: Mtunisiya.
tupuAdvIntnscompletelyKaya ino imema wazinifu tupu.This town is completely full of wrongdoers.
turbali ~ turubali (maturbali ~ maturubali)NG31canvasTurbali dino dyapumuntrika.This canvas is beatable [to clean it].Turbali dyangu sidipumuntrisa.My canvas, I beat it a lot [to clean it].Nguwo ya ndoni itoga kama turubali.A sail is strong like canvas.tende dya turubalicanvas tent2canopyOmo ino yadaha kungaza turbali dino?Can this powered soap clean this canopy completely?3tarpTurbali dimwenga nadigubikira magari maidi.With one tarp, I'm covering two cars.
turki (maturki)< EngNG3turkeyTurki dyangu nadipika mwe forno.My turkey, I cook it in the oven.
tusbha (matusbha)NG31rosaryTusbha dyangu ni tali.My rosary is long.Natumiya tusbha dyangu kwa kuhisaba.I'm using my rosary to count.Nahisabira tusbha dyangu.I'm using my rosary to count.2mala
tuta (matuta)NG3camouflage uniformNinavala tuta dyanagiza.When I wear a camouflage uniform it beautifies me.
tutu (matutu)NG31hutTutu dyabanika halaka kuliko nyumba.A hut breaks down quicker than a house.2nomad houseTutu dyapatikana mwe mbago zaidi.A nomad house is found in the wild a lot.These houses are domed, shaped like an igloo, but with stick frames and fabric or plastic covering.