uzitoNG6weightNtrembo yadaha ikapimika uzito wake.An elephant can be measured by its weight.Mwaliko uzito wake ni paundi mbokolo mbiri.Mwaliko's weight is two hundred pounds.Mwaliko na miye uzito wetu ni sawa.Mwaliko's and my weight are equal.
uziuzi (mauziuzi)NG3foxUziuzi dyafugika.A fox is tamable.Uziuzi difanana na mbwa.A fox looks like a dog.
uziuzi (uzi)NG6echosMbago ino ina uziuzi.This forest has echos.Mlima ino ina uziuzi.These mountains have echos.Kadyamanya uziuzi mwe milima.She made echos in the mountains.
uzivuNG6lazinessMiye nna uzivu.I have laziness. = I am lazy.Naona uzivu kwinuka hano ho usazi.I feel laziness waking up here in the bed.This noun is always singular; there is no plural. See: zivu, mzivu.
uzumbeNG61leadershipNawakagombera msanga na uzumbe.They were fighting for land and leadership.Mzigula ana chisa cha uzumbe cha kale na kale.The Kiziguan has a story of leadership from long ago.This noun is always singular; there is no plural form. See: mzumbe.2chiefdomUzumbe wa Gosha no u mwe mikono ya Wazigula zamaniThe chiefdom of Goshaland was in the hands of the Kiziguans before.3kingdom4reignBada ya Mzee Madyendero kufa, Wanankhucha kausola yeye uzumbe wa Wazigula.After the death of Elder Madyendero, Wanankucha took the reign of the Kiziguans.