Chizigula - English



udalaNG61miserlinessUbezi na udala ni lema dya Mzigula. (Arbow: )Ignorance and miserliness are bad behavior of a Kiziguan.This noun is always singular; there is no plural form. See: mdala.2stinginessUdala umanyikana na wata biyashara.Stinginess is known to businessmen.3cheapness
udamaniNG6nicenessUdamani umkoma Semguli.Niceness kills Semguli.See: kudamaniza.
udantro1NG2lie(s)Udantro si wedi male.A lie is not good at all.Udantro mwingi si wedi male.Too many lies are not good at all.Kanigambira udantro umwenga.He told me one lie.Kanigambira udantro mwingi.He told me many lies.This noun is always singular; there is no plural form, although it may be semantically plural. See: kudantra.2NG6lyingSeguzo kalongeswa kuhusu udanto.Seguzo has been talked about a lot concerning [his] lying.3NG6trick(s)4NG6deception(s)"Trump" adyamanya udantro wengi.Trump is doing a lot of deceptions.5NG6deceit(s)6NG6falsehood(s)Kulunganya mbuli za udantro niyo wazigalusa chindedi si vedi.Connecting words together in falsehoods so you're making them become the truth is not good.Katangaza kwamba mbuli idya nilongire ni udantro.She proclaimed that the thing I said was a falsehood.7NG6manipulationMaraisi yamwenga yatumiya mbuli za udantro wakalonga na raiya.Some presidents use words of manipulation when they speak to citizens.
udektariNG61medicine (medical profession)Nasomera udektari.I'm studying medicine.Udektari wapatirwa mapesa.Medicine brings in money.Nkhombola naye kasomera masomo ya udektari.Nkombola also has studied the discipline of medicine.This noun has no plural form.2doctorateLugundi kabhasiza koleji ino udektari wake.Lugundi graduated from this college with his doctorate.Mwezi wa Fungate nabhasa shahadha ya udektari.In July I'm graduating with my doctorate degree.
udevu (ndevu)NG6whiskerMbuyangu, una udevu mwe chirevu kama mgosi!My friend, you have a whisker on the chin like a man!See alternate pronunciation: ludevu.This noun is virtually always used in the plural.
udhaleNG6greedinessUdhale si wedi male.Greediness is not good at all.See: dhale.
udiNG6stick incenseMaboksi kumi ya udi kayabinda kwa mwezi umwenga.Ten boxes of stick incense, she finished them in one month.Sidyimba miti mitatu ya udi; bado harufu ya mwe nyumba iha.I lit three sticks of incense; still the smell in the house is bad.There is no singular to this noun.
udimiNG61herdingFungu digalwa kwe migunda, fungu tuhu dyegalwa kwo wamizi, fungu tuhu dyegalwa ko udimi. (Arbow: 8)[One] group is taken to the fields, another group is being taken as watchmen, another group is being taken to [do] herding.See: kudima.2shepherding
udodoNG61littlenessUdodo si wedi male.Littleness is not good at all.2smallnessUdodo wa kasuwalezi ushinda mswa.The smallness of a little biting black ant is more than that of a normal ant.See: dodo.3small amount or small in numberWazigula ni udodo wa Somaliya.Kiziguans are small in number in Somalia.4youngness5singular(ity)6little in sizeChiratu chino udodo wake ni vihi?How little is this shoe?
udokoNG6annoyanceSikahata udoko.I hate annoyance.See: kudyera udoko.
udongoNG21mudYano yadyamanywa na udongo.These are made with mud.Udongo uno hano ni wa kutoera bhulketi.This mud here is for making bricks.This noun is always singular; there is no plural form.2clayNaunga udongo wa kudyamanyiza fukoI need clay to make pots.3ceramic
udongo ~ ludongo (madongo)NG6line (of individuated things)Watunga udongo.They (people) are in line.Ntrembo zitunga udongo.The elephants are in line.Mswa utunga udongo.The ants are in line.
Uduvwa1NG9Olduvai (gorge)Na uvumbuzi we chando cha binadamu kwanza chipatikana mwe milima ya Uduvwa, Tanzaniya. (Arbow: 5)And the discovery of the source of human beings was first found in the mountains of Olduvai, Tanzania.2NG5
udyaDemNG2/61thatWira udya nitogole usira halaka.The song that I like ends fast.Hasitogole mti udya mdyihi.I don't like that short tree.Hutogole unyolo udya mdyihi?You don't like that short necklace?2thereSi udya.It's there (pointing).
udyanjaNG61cunningnessSono mchiletere udyanja; chaunga wantru wana chindedi.Don't bring us cunningness; we want peopl who have honesty.2methodKama unazimwa ivo nikugambire, kaula udyanja mtuhu.If you're unable to do what I've told you, find another method.See: mdyanja.
udyaudyaDemNG2/6that sameuzi udyaudyathat same string
udyauzitoNG6pregnancyMkazangu ana udyauzito.My wife has pregnancy. = My wife is pregnant.See: mdyauzito.
udyecheNG6shortageKwe skulu kuna udyeche wa mabuku.In the school, there is a shortage of books.See: dyeche.
udyedye (njedye)NG6jaw (bone) on one sideKahololosa udyedye wangu.He paralyzed my jaw.Mbuyangu kanitowa (na) bhunyo mo udyedye.My friend hit me with the fist on the jaw.Simtowa honde mo udyedye.I hit him (with a fist) on the jaw.Udyedye wangu we kumoso uvunika.My jawbone on the left is broken.See: dyedye, midyedye.For Kiziguans, a single individual has two jawbones, one on the right and one on the left, because most animals have a split between them, even though a human's mandible is not split.
Udyendo ~ LudyendoNPropUjendoMhina na Udyendo wehulanya shaba dyo mpunga.Mhina and Ujendo took the big pot of rice off [the stove] together.Salimu na Udyendo wahangasanya izi isi za he nyama.Solomon and Ujendo swatted at the flies on the meat together.Wabwanga Udyendo wafintrika wakongeze wantru mwe di gari dyao.Ujendo and the other guys got squished when they added people in their car.
udyeniNG61visitingNaita udyeni.I'm going visiting.Naite udyeni.He'll go visiting.2visitation3touristnessWahundu wengi waita udyeni Afrika.Many Whites go to Africa in touristness [= as tourists].4foreignness
udyeshiNG6militaryShabani egala miki mo udyeshi.Shabani pilots a fighter jet in the military.A wagosi wose mwe kaya wasakwa ni i sirikali wakahinywe udyeshi.All the men in town got drafted by the government to go train in the military.Chilemera kusakwa mwe kaya ino; hachikunga kwita udyeshi.We refused to be drafted in this town; we don't want to go in the military.See: dyeshi, mdyeshi.
udyidyimiziNG61enduranceMtru ahinya mogero na kuzenga mwiri na udyidyimizi ni mazowezi kamili.A person learns swimming and to build the body and endurance by right exercise.2forbearanceSee: kudyidyimiza.
udyihiNG61shortnessUdyihi wa mwana chiche ni yedi usekudyinkha mita na nusu.The shortness of a girl is better when it doesn't pass a meter and a half.2width
udyimaNG61healthChalombeza udyima kwa Mwenyezimungu.We are praying for health from God.See: dyima.2wholenessChadaha chikapata vihi udyima wa kazi zetu?How can we keep getting wholeness in our work?3lifeNalombeza Mnungu aninkhe udyima wa miyaka mbokolo.I'm praying to God to give me life for one hundred years.