Chizigula - English



uhande (mihande)NG21pieceNaunga uhande wa boko.I want a piece of banana.Waunga uhande wa nyama? -- Haa.Do you want a piece of meat? -- Yes.uhande wa rotipiece of breadSee alternate pronunciation: luhande.2part3portionUhande wa roti wadaha ukanigusa.A portion of bread can satisfy me.4sectionNinkhiriza uhande umwenga wa bati!Give me one section of corrugated roofing.
uhanisiNG61homosexualityUhanisi waletwa mbwani?What causes homosexuality?2lesbianismSafiya ni mvere hanisi; kerekwa nawo uhanisi.Sofia is a lesbian; she was born with lesbianism.Rehema kengira uhanisi.Rehema entered lesbianism.
uhasidiNG61meannessUahsidi wiha.Meanness is bad.See: hasidi, mhasidi.2selfishnessUhasidi si wedi.Selfishness isn't good.Mwadaha kukombolana mnaleka uhasidi.You can save each other when you stop [your] selfishnes.
uhayi ~ uhaiNG61lifeMnungu kachinkha uhayi.God gave us life.Namshukuru Mnungu; nana uhayi.I thank God I have life.Hana uhayi.He doesn't have life. = he's dead.This noun is only used in the singular. See: hayi.2alivenessNna uhayi. / Sina uhayi.I have aliveness. / I don't have aliveness.Una uhayi. / huna uhayi.You have aliveness. / You don't have aliveness.Ana uhayi. / Hana uhayi.She has aliveness. / She doesn't have aliveness.China uhayi. / Hachina uhayi.We have aliveness. / We don't have aliveness.Mna uhayi. / Hamna uhayi.You (pl) have aliveness. / you (pl) don't have aliveness.Wana uhayi. / hawana uhayi.They have aliveness. / They don't have alivenes.
uhengaNG61adviceNinkha uhenga!Give me advice!Situmiya uhenga wake niyo nafanikiywa.I used his advice, so I'm successful.Waninkha uhenga.They gave me advice.This noun is formally singular, and there is no plural form. See: mhenga.2idea(s)Mzee Majendero kila fungu kadinkha ndima na uhenga. (Arbow: 8-9)Mr. Majendero gave each group supplies and ideas.3counsel4best wayAkaone idi kala na ivo wadyisane na mamnyake, niyo aunga uhenga amzengera hala.When he saw the way the beast and his mom treated each other, then he found the best way to build her a hut.
uhereNG61scabiesNna uhere.I have scabies.Wose wana uhere.All of them have scabies.This noun is only singular; there is no plural form.2mangeMbwa zino zose zina uhere.All these dogs have mange.Mbwa yake ikomwa ni uhere.Her dog was killed by mange.
uheroNG6endLekani kugutisa mpaka chikabula uhero wa kaya.Stop yelling so much until we reach the end of town.This noun has no plural form. See: kuhera.
uheziNG61crazinessMbuli ziya udyamanye nechiro nani uhezi.Those things you did last night were craziness.Chiza hano kudadazulwa uhezi.We came here to be stripped of craziness.See: hezi, mhezi.2foolishnessKaniambukiza uhezi.He transmitted foolishness to me.3stupidityNdugu yangu ana uhezi kwasabu kategula mvere.My relative has stupidity because he ran off with a woman.4ignoranceAna uhezi wa kulima shango.He's ignorant about how to till well. (lit.: He has ignorance of not tilling well.).5absurdityDhadhiri icho alongire gulo nechiro nani uhezi.What Dadiri said the night before last was absurdity.
uhezo (mihezo)NG2endUhezo wo u mhaka ni hano.Here is the end of the boundary.Nkhumibizi ino naigaluke ni uhezo we izi tabiya zako mbayo.This fight will be the end of your bad behavior.See: kuheza.
uhi (ihi, zihi)IntrrgNG2/6which (one)?Ni mti uhi?Which tree is it?Ni uzi uhi?Which string is it?See: -hi.
uhimizadyiNG6motivationWahimizadyi wausomera uhimizadyi.Motivators study motivation.
uhizo1NG6goal (area in sports)Ohiza hano kwasabu uhizo ni hano.Score here because the goal is here.See alternate pronunciation: luhizo.This noun only occurs in the singular; there is no plural form.2NPropUhizoUhizo katogola nguluko.Uhizo likes running.Mwanangu zina dyake ni Luhizo, lakini watuhu wamwitanga Uhizo.My son's name is Luhizo, but some call him's name
uhodariNG6greatnessSisoma miyaka mirongo midi na shano kwa kukaula uhodari.I have studied for twenty-five years looking for greatness.
uhumuziNG61restUhumuzi wetu ni kunda kudyamanya kazi kwa nguvu.Our rest is first to do work hard. Saying2resting placeHano chizire ni uhumuzi wetu.Here where we came is our resting place.
uhunde ~ ukunde (mikunde)NG21bean plantUhunde uno utuba.This bean plant is leafy.See: nhunde.2bean podSidya uhunde kwa funda dimwenga.I ate a bean pod in one bite.
uhunduNG6red(ness)Meso yako yadumira uhundu.Your eyes are slowly getting red(ness).Yembe dino dadumira uhundu.This mango is slowly turning red(ness).See: hundu.
uhuniNG6trickKanidyamanyiza uhuni.He did a trick to me. = He tricked me.Wanidyamanyiza uhuni.They did tricks to me. = They tricked me.This noun has no plural form.
uhuruNG61freedomWantru wa Gosha waunga uhuru wao.People of Gosha need their freedom.Watumwa wa Marikani wapata uhuru wao alfu mbokolo mnane na mirongo mtandatu na shano.American slaves got their freedom in 1865.See: mhuru, kuhurisha.2liberationWantru wakaula uhuru kwa Alshababu.The people are seeking liberation from Al-Shabab.3independenceIsi yetu ina huru upande tu.Our country has independence in only a part.Bada ya miyaka mirongo mitatu yo uhuru (1990) Somaliya kwazuka nkhondo ya wenye kwa wenye.Thirty years after independence (in 1990), Somalia began the civil war.
uhusiyanoNG6relationshipNachidyendeze uhusiyano wa nyuwe na suwe.Let's maintain the relationship between you and us.Uhusiyano wa nyuwe na suwe naudyendezwe ni haki.The relationship between you and us will be maintained by justice.Uhusiayano wenyu wikala vihi?What is you all's relationship?See: kuhusiyana.
uhya1NG6newnessMiye sikutongera uhya wa simu male.I don't follow the newness of phones at all.Uhya wa magari nikugula silazima.The newness of cars that I buy doesn't matter to me.Primary stress is on the first syllable of this word.See: íhya.2NG6novelty3Adjnewukwere úhyanew cornfielduzi úhiyanew string
UislamuNG6IslamAmini Uislamu.He believes in Islam.Uislamu una nguzo nyingahi? -- Una nguzo shano.How many pillars does Islam have? -- It has five pillars.Mahundo yo Uislamu ni mashano.The pillars of Islam are five.Uislamu una mahundo mashano.Islam has five pillars.Mahundo yo uislamu ni yahi? -- Imani, saladhi, Ramazani, zaka, Hiji.Which are the pillars of Islam? -- Faith, prayer, Ramadan [fasting], charity, the Hajj.See alternate pronunciation: Uslamu.See: Mwislamu.
ujeneraliNG6generalshipKabula cheo cha ujenerali.He reach the rank of general(ship).There is no plural form to this abstract noun. See: jenerali.
ukaNG6timeMkingiro wapanuka kila uka udyerma muye.The tire expands every time you put in air.
ukabilaNG61tribalismWasomali wana ukabila mwengi.Somalis have a lot of tribalism.Chimphusamphusa che i hondo ya Somaliya ni kuhusu ukabila na kugombera ukulu.The cause of the Somali war is about tribalism and fighting for leadership.See: kabila.2racismAna ukabila.He has racism. (= He's a racist.)Wasomali wana ukabila zaidi.Somalis have a lot of racism.
ukafuNG61bitternessGahawa yangu ina ukafu.My coffee has bitterness (= is bitter).See: kafu.2dullnessNgola yangu ina ukafu.My knife has dullness (= is dull).