uloyaNG6law (profession)Uloya wapatirwa mapesa.The law profession brings in money.See: loya.
uloziNG6marrying offKwa wazazi wa Chizigula ulozi ni chintru muhimu kwaoTo the parents of a Kizigua, marrying off is an essential thing for them.
uluma (mauluma)NG1scriptural scholarNaunga uluma yumwenga wa mbuni zangu.I want one scriptural scholar for my prayer feast.Weye wi uluma akuhishimika.You are a respected scriptural scholar.Uluma kachisomera Gurani.The scholar read us the Quran.The singular is NG1 while the plural is NG3.This person need not formally be a scholar, but rather simply knowledgeable in the Quran, Bible, or other scriptures.
ulunguNG61godlinessUlungu weza kwa Mnungu; siyo kwa shetani.Godliness comes from God; it's not from Satan.See: mnungu.2godhead
umakanikoNG6mechanicsChihinyiswa umakaniko.We've been trained a lot in mechanics.Ni mchafu kwasabu nadyamanya kazi ya umakaniko.I'm filthy because I'm doing a mechanics job.This noun is always singular; there is no plural form. See: makaniko.
umameNG6motherhood (role of)Umame wa mwana yuno sinkhigwa miye.I was the one gaven the role of motherhood for this child.
umanyasiNG6greeneryMida ino ni mida ya umanyasi kwa sabu fula yanyesa.This time is greenery time because it's raining a lot.
umanyiNG61wisdomKila mahali haunga umanyi.Everywhere needs wisdom.See: kumanya, mmanyi.2knowledgeMiye sina umanyi we duniya.I don't have knowledge of the universe.3logicSee: chi manyi.4intelligence5intellect6understanding7erudition
umarikaniNG61AmericannessUmarikani kupata vihi? -- Umarikani siupata kwa tate.How did you get Americanness? -- Americanness, I got it from dad.Leka tabiya za umarikani!Stop [your] American(ness) behavior!See Marikani.2American citizenshipChipata umarikani.We got American citizenship.
umaskiniNG6povertyHohose hana umaskini ni wadyibu haitigwe.Anywhere there is poverty, it is necessary that the place be visited.Somaliya kuna umaskini mwingi.In Somalia there is a lot of poverty.Umaskini ni mwingi mwe Somaliya.Poverty is a lot in Somalia.See: maskini.
umatiNG6peopleWata hondo wasumbula umati mwe duniya.Warlords are bothering people all over the world.Ilimu ndodo yadyamanya umati ubindane.Lack of education causes people to finish each other off.Umati wose ufa.All the people died.umati wa Mnungupeople of GodThis noun is grammatically singular but semantically plural; there is no plural form.
umazi(mazi)NG61wetnessMadondolito yatogola fula na umazimazi.Dung beetles like rain and wetness.See: mazi.2dampnessUmazimazi siutogole male.Watery dampness I don't like at all.3humidity4waterinessUmazimazi wo mpunga uno ni zaidi.The wateriness of this rice is too much.
umbisiNG61rawnessUmbisi wa mayembe yano ni zaidi.The rawness of these mangos is too much.See: mbisi.2unripeness3greenness
umbo (maumbo)NG31formBinadamu ni umbo dya Mnungu.A human being is [in] the form of God.See: kumba.2shapeUmbo dya vunde diya difanana na mgamira.The shape of that cloud looks like a camel.3figure4sculptureDiya ni umbo dya mawe difanane na mtru.That is a sculpture in rock that looks like a person.Dino ni umbo dyangu.This is my sculpture.
umbuyaNG61friendshipUmbuya wa weye na Zuwa si wedi.The friendship between you and Zuwa is not good.Leka kugaluka mtimuladyi; ni vedi uzenge umbuya na kila mtru.Stop being a destroyer; it's better to build frienship with everyone.2friendlinessSekwe dina umbuya kwa binaamu mara.A chimpanzee has friendliness with humans sometimes.3companionshipHakunga umbuya wenyu male mwe kazi ino.She doesn't want you all's companionship in this work.See: mbuya.4partnership(s)Chizenga umbuya wa kulimanya honde zetu.We built partnerships to till our farms together.
umejaNG6majornessKabula cheo cha umeja.He reached the rank of major(ness).There is no plural form to this abstract noun. See: meja.
umemeNG6electricity, electricMwezi uno bili yangu ya umeme ni gali.This month my electricity bill is expensive.Fila zino izi mbiri siziletanya ili wantru wose wapate umeme.These two wires, I connected them together so everybody would get electricity.Mafila yano ya mwe sira yegala umeme ku mbago.These power lines near the road carry electricity to the bush.Chabonkhoerwa izi dherbi, suwe chadyera izi fila zo umeme.The walls are bored into for us, but we install the electric wires.This noun is always singular; there is no plural. See: fundi wa umeme, kolongo dya umeme, mta umeme.
umeroNG61glottonySee: mmero, kumera.2covetousnessNna umero wa mvere.I have covetousness for a woman.Wadhalali umero wawo ni zaidi mara.The brokers' covetousness is too much. See: kumera.
umesoNG6alivenessUmeso wa mti wapimwa na magome yake.The aliveness of a tree is measured with its bark.See: meso.
umesomesoNG61consciousnessKugaluka na umesomeso ni uhai.To have consciousness is be alive.2conscientiousnessAna umesomeso na hande.He has conscientiousness about food.
uminyadyiNG6massage (profession)Uminyadyi wapatirwa mapesa.Massage is used to get money.
umitoNG61vaporMazi yano yaserukisa kwasabu umito wake ni mwingi.This water is boiling too much because it has a lot of vapor.There is no plural form of this word.2steamI shaba bila kugubulwa umito walawa.Without the pot being uncovered, steam comes out of it.
umoDemNG91inside (there), in thereDhadhiri e yumo? -- He muli (male). / Heyumo.Is Dadiri in there? -- He's not in here (at all).Wiyumo mwe timu? -- Niyumo. / Siyumo.Are you there on the team? -- I'm on it. / I'm not on it. (lit.: I'm in there. / I'm not in there.)After a preceding vowel, an epenthetic y- is prefixed to umo connecting it to the previous word.See: numo.2therein3at that time,Umo walume nawakatoerana ugongondo kwa kila mbuli mpya ikulagala mwe di Gosha. (Arbow)At that time males were communicating to each other every new thing that happened in Goshaland.4in that way
umodya< SwNG61onenessUmodya wetu ni nguvu.Our oneness is strength.See: umenga.2unityThis noun is always singular; there is no plural.