Chizigula - English



wagambiradyi (mgambiradyi)NG11tellersMna wagambiradyi washano mwe bengi ino.There are five tellers in this bank.2reportersChina wagambiradyi washano wakuchiletera habari kila siku.We have five reporters that bring us news every day.
wagambirizadyi (mgambirizadyi)NG11interpretersWagambirizadyi wose nawaunga mkutano luvi.All interpreters, I need them for a meeting tomorrow.2translatorsWano ni wabamirizadyi wetu.These are our translators.
wagambirizi (mgambirizi)NG11interpretersKwa halaka nachiwaunge wagambirizi wa Chizigula, Charabu, Chingereza na Chiswahili.Immediately we will need interpreters of Kizigua, Arabic, English and Swahili.2translatorsChaunga wagambirizi kumi na washano mwe di shirika dyetu.We need fifteen translators in our company.
wagane (kagane)1NG7little dormitoriesWabwanga, mzenga wagane wadodododo zaidi.Guys, you've built some really small dormitories well.2NG7little bachelor padsHafa ino imema wagane.This neighborhood is full of little bachelor pads.3NG1bachelor pad residentsWagane nyuwe lekani kwingiza wana chiche mwe di gane dyenyu!You bachelor pad residents stop bringing girls into your bachelor pad!4NG1roommatesKuishi nyumba na wagone wengi kwadura mapesa.Living in a house with a lot of roommates saves money.
waganga (mganga)NG11doctors (traditional)Waganga watumiya vitezo wakatibusa wantru.Traditional doctors use incensors to manifest possession (by a spirit) in people.Mnamulo utogolwa ni waganga zaidi.A divination is liked by traditional doctors a lot.2healersMnungu ni mganga wa waganga wose.God is the healer of all healers.Wau na baba ni waganga wa kienyedyi.Grandma and grandpa are traditional healers.
waganga wa kansa (mganga wa kansa)NG11cancer doctorsWaganga wa kansa ni wengi.There are a lot of cancer doctors.2oncologists
waganga wa magutwi, mphula na kongomero (mganga wa magutwi, mphula na kongomero)NG1ear, nose and throat doctorsKuna waganga wa magutwi, mphula na kongomero wadyeche.There are few ear, nose and throat doctors.
waganga wa mavuha (mganga wa mavuha)NG11bone doctorsWaganga wa mavuha ni wengi mwe kaya yetu.There are a lot of bone doctors in our town.2orthopedists
waganga wa meno (mganga wa meno)NG1dentistsWaganga wa meno wadyamanya mshahara mdodo kuliko waganga wa moyo.Dentists make less pay than cardiologists.
waganga wa meso (mganga wa meso)NG11eye doctorsWaganga wa meso waonigwa kwa bhalani tú.Eye doctors are seen by appointment only.2ophthalmologists
waganga wa moyo (mganga wa moyo)NG11cardiologistsChaunga waganga wa moyo.We need cardiologists.Waganga wa meno wadyamanya mshahara mdodo kuliko waganga wa moyo.Dentists make less pay than cardiologists.2heart doctors
waganga wa shingo (mganga wa shingo)NG11dermatologistsWaganga wa shingo walagula shingo za wandamu tú.Dermatologists treat only human skin.2skin doctors
waganga wa wana (mganga wa wana)NG11pediatriciansWaganga wa wana wapatikana kwe spitali ya wavere.Pediatricians are found at the women's [ward of the] hospital.2children's doctors
waganga wa wavere (mganga wa wavere)NG11gynecologistsWaganga wa wavere watibiya wavere.Gynecologists treat women.Waganga wa wavere ni wengi mwe spitali ino.There are a lot of gynecologists in this hospital.2women's doctors
wagari (kagari)NG7toy carsWagari wetu wose chiwadyera mwe di kartoni.All of our toy cars we placed in the cardboard box.
wagazi (mwigazi)NG11leadersSuwe kama wagazi ni lazima chimgambireni i chindedi.We as leaders must tell you the truth.See alternate pronunciation: wegazi.2guidesWabwanga wano ni wagazi wetu wa Meksiko.These guys are our guides to Mexico.3drivers4riders
waghasanyanyaNG7little tomato paste cansWaghasanyanya kumi chatumiya kwa mwezi umwenga.Ten little tomato paste cans, we use in one month.
waghavana (ghavana)NG1governorsWaghavana wetu wabinda miyaka kumi kuhukuma.Our governors completed ten years governing.
waghemadyi (mghemadyi)NG1throwersKoho ino ni ya waghemadyi i mizinga.This group is of throwers (= operators) of heavy weapons.
Wagiriyama (Mgiriyama)NG1GiriamansWagiriyama watogola kudyendeza utamaduni.Giriamans like to maintain [their] customs.See: Giriyama.
wagola (kagola)NG71knives (little)Wazana wakorofi wadyenda na wagola mwe kaya.Mischievious kids are going around town with little knives.Simleterani wagola wadodododo wa kusafiza mallahi yano.I brought you all little knives with which to debone these fish.2scalpelsWagola wa dektari wasuntrwa na sabuni na mazi ye moto.The doctor's scalpels are being washed with soap and hot water.Nyumba ye oparesheni haikukoshekana wagola male.The operation room doesn't lack scalpels at all.
wagoma (kagoma)1NG7sparrowsWagoma watowigwa na ngoda.Sparrows are being struck with sticks.
wagoma (kagoma)2NG7little drumsNyose tozani wagoma mtowe ili chivine.You all grab little drums to play so we can dance.
wagoma msindo (kagoma msindo)NG7noisy sparrowsNawakatega suwa, wachiwa mbode, wahudyi, wamulu, wagoma msindo, makwerekweche, mabuwe, nkhanga, mawata, na matuhu yake. (Arbow: 11)They were trapping doves, various other birds, noisy sparrows, quails, turkeys, ducks, and others.
wagomberadyi (mgomberadyi)NG11fighters (for)Maraisi wagomberadyi wa maskini ni wadodo mwe duniya.Presidents who are fighters for the poor are few in the world.2candidatesWagombera uraisi wose washindwa kudyibu suwali dyangu.All the presidential candidates were unable to answer my questions.