Chizigula - English



wakaya (mkaya)NG11villagersWeye na miye chi wakaya.You and me are villagers.Wakaya wahurishwa ni dyeshi dyawo.The villagers have been liberated by their militia.2inhabitantsWakaya washawalishwa ni sirikali yao.The inhabitants were pacified by their government.Sisharafwa ni wakaya we isi ino.I'm respected by inhabitants of this country.3residentsWakaya wahano wabulisizwa mnima wao.The residents' mountain here has been blasted for them.4dwellers
wakazi (mkazi)NG11residentsWakazi wa Bhoizi ni mbokolo mbiri na kumi na nne alfu.The residents of Boise are two hundred and fourteen thousand.2dwellersWakazi wa mwe milima wapata shida ya kupata mazi.The mountain dwellers are finding trouble getting water.
wakePossPrnNG1/2/6/71hisMvere wake kafa.His wife died.In rapid speech, ywake often becomes wake.2her(s)Mnyau wake kafa.Her cat died.Mgosi wake kafa.Her husband died.3its
Wakenya (Mkenya)NG1KenyansWantru Wakenya watogola kulava lalushi.Kenyan people like bribing.Wakenya wadyamanya uhalifu wa kukoma ntrembo mwe mbago.Kenyans are doing lawlessness by killing elephants in the bush.
wakimbizi (mkimbizi)NG1refugeesKambi yetu naina wakimbizi wengi.Our camp had a lot of refugees.Wakimbizi ni wavumbiradyi.Refugees are ones who rush in [to get stuff].Wakimbizi wa Dhadhabhu watutuwa wegalwa Somaliya.The refugees from Dadab were loaded in large numbers and driven to Somalia.
wakinamama (mama)NG11ladiesWakinamama, mwaita kuhi?Ladies, where are you going?Wakinamama wano wose ni wonkhwa; waungwa wadye hande za vitamina.All these respected ladies are suckled on; so they are supposed to eat food with vitamins.2women (respected)Wakinamama waerevukwa siku zino.Women are wiser from experience these days.
wakinyozi (mkinyozi)NG1barbersWakinyozi wapata mazowezi kila wakasenya wantru.Barbers get practice everytime they cut people's hair.
Wakiristo (Mkiristo)NG1ChristiansWakiristo wazenga makinisa.Christians have built churches.See alternate pronunciation: Wakristo.
wakoPossPrnNG1/2/6/71your(s)Mnyau wako kafa.Your cat died.Wazana wangu siwatenga na wazana wako.I separated my kids from your kids.mvere wakoyour woman/wifeIn rapid speech, ywako often becomes wako.2thy3thine
wakochi (kochi)NG1coachesWakochi wa "football" wadyamanya mapesa mengi.Football coaches make a lot of money.See: makochi.
wakokadyi (mkokadyi)NG1bakersA wakokadyi wakoka vedi maroti yawo.The bakers have baked their loaves well.
wakoloni (mkoloni)NG1colonialsA wakoloni wana ya kulazimishiza a wakaya wabinde i kazi.The colonials have weapons to force the inhabitants to finish the work.
wakomadyi (mkomadyi)NG11killersA wakomadyi wabwirwa ni mapolisi.The killers got caught by the police.2murderersWano ni wakomadyi.These [guys] are murderers.Miye sanidahe kusumsa wakomadyi.I can't abet murderers.3assassinsA wakomadyi nawe kulanga kwe di gereza.The assassins were on top of the building.4slayers
wakomba (kakomba)NG7little bottlesDektari wangu kanisoera sakame wakomba waidi.My nurse drew two little bottles of blood out of me.
wakombeNG71little fingernailsDyero naunga nimdumule mwanangu a wakombe.Today I want to cut my baby's little nails.2little toenails3little clawsKanyau kano kana wakombe watali.This kitty has long little claws.
wakombozi (mkombozi)NG11rescuersWabwanga wano wagaluka wakombozi wetu.These guys became our rescuers.2redeemersWakombozi ni wadyche siku zino.There are few redeemers these days.
wakomerezadyi (mkomerezadyi)NG1finishersWakomerezadyi waungwa wakomereze filimu ino.Finishers are needed to end this film.Wano wagaluseni wakomerezadyi!These [guys], make them finishers!Nyuwe mu wakomerezadyi.You are finishers.
wakomwa (mkomwa)NG11murder victimsWakomwa wa hano wegalwa kuhi?The murder victims from here, where have they been taken?2killed onesA wakomwa nawegala mitoho.The ones killed were carrying guns.
wakonde (kakonde)NG7gardensDyirani kachiwarabiiya wakonde wetu.The neighbor has watered our gardens for us.
Wakongo (Mkongo)NG1Congolese(s)Suwe chi Wakongo.We are CongoleseWambuya zangu ni Wakongo.My friends are Congolese
wakonkhanyizadyi (mkonkhanyizadyi)NG1stokersWakonkhanyizadyi sono wahalawe ho u moto.The stokers should not move away from the fire.
wakonyadyi (mkonyadyi)NG1folders (people)Wakonyadyi wana kazi nyingi dyero.The folders have a lot of work today.
wakopoladyi (mkopoladyi)NG1threshers (people)A wakopoladyi wadyamanya kazi nyingi dyero.The threshers have done a lot of work today.
wakorofi (mkorofi)NG11naughty (ones)Wana wake ni wakorofi.Her kids are naughty.2mischievious (ones)Wazana wakorofi wadyenda na wagola mwe kaya.Mischievious kids are going around town with knives.3stubborn (ones)Wadya ni wana wakorofi.Those are stubborn kids.4disrespectful (ones)Mu wakorofi.You're disrespectful (ones).5cruel (ones)Wowo ni wakorofi.They are cruel.
wakoshadyi (mkoshadyi)NG1losersDhadhiri na Mwaliko ni wakoshadyi.Dadiri and Mwaliko are losers.