Chizigula - English



Wakristo (Mkristo)NG1ChristiansWakristo wamwenga wadya nyama ya nguluwe.Some Christians eat pork.Wakristo waduga maiti yao ma masanduku; Waislamu wadugira mwe sanda.Christians bury their dead in coffins; Muslims bury in shrouds.See alternate pronunciation: Wakiristo.
wakugwa (mkugwa)NG11cussed at onesWakugwa ni suwe mwe famili ino kwa sabu chikahatwa.We are the ones cussed at in this family because we are hated.2cursed at ones3sworn at ones
wakulu (mkulu)1NG1brothers (older)Wano ni wakulu wangu; wowo na miye hata hachikubwirana.These are my older brothers; (they and I) we are not even close [in age].Wakulu zangu wanigamba nise kuwatogera.My older brothers told me not to follow them.2NG1headmenWakulu wano wabwirana mkutano.These headmen gathered together for a meeting.Wakulu wafenyezana mali.Headmen boast about wealth to each other.3NG1leadersWakulu wengi wakomana kwa sababu ya viti.Many leaders kill each other because of positions.Wafir'ona nani wakulu wa zamani wa "Egypt".Pharaohs were the leaders of ancient Egypt.Wano ni wakulu we isi yetu.These are the leaders of our country.4NG1presidentsWakulu we isi zino izi mbiri wazimwa kwivana.The presidents of these two countries are unable to get along with each other.Wakulu wa isi mirongo mishano wabwirana.Presidents of fifty countries got together.5NG1bossesWakulu we idi shirika dino ni waidi.There are two bosses of this company.A wakulu wabwirana mkutano.The bosses got together for a meeting.Chose chi wakulu; chaishi ma mazumba makulu.We are all bosses; we live in big mansions.6NG1seniorsMbuli za wakulu zategerezwa.Words from seniors are to be listened to.Wowo ni wakulu.They are seniors.7AdjbigWadudu wano ni wakulu.These bugs are big.Mwi wakulu kwetu.You all are bigger than us.Ni wakulu kwetu.They are bigger than usChi wakulu kwenyu.We're bigger than you (all).Chi wakulu kwao.We are bigger than them.
wakumbusadyi (mkumbusa(dyi))NG1reminders (people)Nyuwe mwi wakumbusadyi wetu.You are our reminders.
wakumbuswa (mkumbuswa)NG1reminded ones, ones to be remindedSola lisi ya wakumbuswa wakumbuse wose!Take the list of the ones to be reminded and remind all of them!
wakunadyi (mkuna(dyi))NG1shredders (people)Wakunadyi waidi ho mgahawa uno watosha.Two shredders at this restaurant are enough.
wakundeNG7beans (little)Wakunde wamphozo ni wadodododo.These little mung beans are so little.
wakungala (mkungala)NG1WhitesWalungwana wadya ambaye ni wantru wakungala, Warabu wadya nawakatwala mphwani ya Marka. (Arbow: 9)They were confronted by white people, those Arabs who conquered the coast of Marka.
wakurugenzi (mkurugenzi)NG11managersWambizi wa wakurugenzi wahungulwa mwe di shirika dyetu.The managers assistants are being reduced in our company.2directorsShirika dyawo dina wakurugenzi waidi.Our company has two directors.
wakwanguladyi (mkwangula(dyi))NG11scrapers (people)Wakwanguladyi mtandatu wadaha kutoza kazi ino.Six scrapers can do this job.2scrubbers (people)Chose chi wakwanguladyi, chakwangula rujino.We are all scrubbers; we scrub rust.
wakwe (mkwe)NG11in-lawsWano ni wakwe zangu.These are my in-laws.2fathers-in-lawWakwe zangu wanisumbula.My fathers-in-law are disturbing me.This term is reciprocal. A father-in-law is called mkwe by all of his sons-in-law and daughters-in-law who are his wakwe, each of whom he calls mkwe. Similarly, a mother-in-law is called mkwe by her sons-in-law and daughters-in-law and they are her wakwe, each of whom she calls mkwe. So, it is used with in-laws one generation above and below, but not on the same generation.3mothers-in-lawWakwe zangu wose we yaho.All of my mothers-in-law are there.Wagosi, wakwe zetu wana niya zedi.Guys, our mothers-in-law have good hearts.4parents-in-lawWakwe wangu ni wengi.My parents-in-law are many.Nawasharafa wakwe zangu.I respect my parents-in-law.5sons-in-lawWano ni wakwe zangu; wasola wanangu.These are my sons-in-law; they married my daughters.Wakwe wangu ni wengi.My sons-in-law are many.6daughters-in-lawWano ni wakwe zangu; wasolwa ni wanangu.These are my daughters-in-law; they have been married to my sons.Wakwe wangu ni wengi.My daughters-in-law are many.
Wakwere (Mkwere)NG1Kweres (clansmen or tribesmen)Wakwere siwamanyize male.Kweres, I don't know them at all.
walaConj1norSikunga mgosi wala mvere.I don't need a man nor a woman.This is an inclusive conjunction. See: ama, au.2both...andNaunga mgosi wala mvere.I need both a man and a woman.Dhiyodherenti ni muhimu kwa mvere wala mgosi.Deoderant is essential for both a woman and a man.
wala (nyala)NG61mill (stone)Nasaga mtama na wala.I'm grinding corn with a mill.Nasaga mtama mo u wala.I'm grinding corn in the mill.Mphuluzi za mtama na moroti zasagika mo u wala.Grains of corn and sorghum are grindable in the mill.There are two main tradional stone mills or grinding stones. One type was made with two large stones used one over the other. The top one had a hole in the middle with an axle stick around which it was rotated with a wooden handle attached on the edge. The other type was a flat stone used with an elongated roller stone.See: kazala.2grindstoneMtama wasagwa na wala.The corn was ground with a grindstone.
walagadyi (mlaga(dyi))NG1goodbye sayersNyuwe mwi walagadyi.You are goodbye sayers.Nyuwe hamu walagadyi wedi male; hamkulaga wantru mkaita safari.You are not good goodbye sayers at all; you don't say goodbye to people when you go on a trip.
walaguladyi (mlaguladyi)NG1healersWowo ni walaguladyi wedi kuliko miye.They are better healers than me.
walagwa (mlagwa)NG1said goodbye to (ones)Suwe chi walagwa lakini mte i safari ni yuno.We are the ones said goodbye to, but this is the traveler.Mu walagwa wengahi.How many of you are said goodbye to (ones)?
walahadyi (mlahadyi)NG11arbitratorsWalahadyi wana kazi izamire wakalaha masa ya mvere na mgosi.Arbitrators have a hard job when resolving disputes between a wife and a husband.Walahadyi ni wadyibu wagluke na hakiri.It's necessary for arbitrators to have intelligence.Traditionally, arbitrators or judges of disputes are elders or a chief.2judgesWalahadyi wana hakiri.Judges have common sense.
walahi (mlahi)NG11arbitratorsWalahi wedi wapatikana kuhi?Where are good arbitrators found?2bitchersSikunga kwita kwe nyumba ya wau na baba male kwa sabu ni walahi.I don't like to go to grandma and grandpa's house at all because they are bitchers.
Walahi!InterjIn the name of Allah!Lapira! -- Walahi, sibawire gari!Swear! -- In the name of Allah, I didn't steal a car!
walaibériya (mlaibériya)NG1LiberiansWalaibériya wana hakiri ya kwigala isi yao.Liberians have intelligence in running their country.Walaibériya wapatikana kwa uwingi mwe Marikani.Liberians are found in great numbers in America.
walala (mnala)NG11women (deserving respect)Walala wano, wenkheni sira!These women, give them room (lit.: road)!This is a respectful term for addressing women or girls. See: wanala wakulu.2ladiesMze Zidi ahongesa walala.Mr. Zidi is generous with ladies.Walala wano wana gane dyao.These elderly ladies have their dormitory.Asinyankiza wantu wakuvina na walala.He keeps watching people dancing and ladies.3madams
walamu (mlamu ~ mnamu)NG11sisters-in-law (m. sp.)Walamu zangu we kuhi?Where are my sisters-in-law?2brothers-in-law (w. sp.)Walamu zangu we kuhi?Where are my brothers-in-law?Walamu zangu weza.My brothers-in-law are coming.
walamuzi (mnamuzi)NG1fortune tellersWalamuzi wadaha wakugambira mbuli iyuko, lakini ni haramu.Fortune tellers can tell you something that is real, but it's forbidden.Walamuzi mara walonga mbuli za udantro.Fortune tellers sometimes tell lies.
walapiradyi (mlapiradyi)NG1oath takersWalapiradyi nawatoze mabhaibol mikono ye kulume.Oath takers grab bibles in their right hands.