walapirizwa (mlapirizwa)NG1oath takersWalapirizwa nawachimale leni hano.The oath takers must stand in line here.
walauladyi (mlaula(dyi))NG1inspectorsKwiza walauladyi waidi mwe di duka dyero.There came two inspectors in the shop today.Walauladyi waidi walaulanya idi duka dyero.Two inspectors inspected the shop together today.
walavadyi (mlava(dyi))NG11distributorsSee: kulava. This word is only used in phrases like those that follow.2removers
walavadyi hande (mlava(dyi) hande)NG11food distributorsWalavadyi hande ni wadodo he rashini.There are few food distibutors at the distribution center.2givers of food
walavadyi mshahara (mlava(dyi) mshahara)NG1distributors of payWalavadyi mshahara ni wadodo mwe di shirika dyangu.There are few distributors of pay in my company.
walema (mlema ~ mnema)NG1straighteners of woodKazi ya a walema yadyinda mbalahole; nachibinde ini kuzenga?The wood straighteners' work is going slowly; when are we going to finish building?Walema wengi wadaha wakabinda kulema zengo dino dyose.Many straighteners can finish straightening all this wood.
walemavu (mlemavu ~ mnemavu)NG11disabled peopleChadyamanya vifaa va walemavu kudyendera.We make equipment for disabled people to walk with.2handicapped peopleWalemavu wadyera mbazi.Handicapped people instill compassion.3cripplesWadya ni walemavu.Those are cripples.Ni walemavu.They're cripples.4abnormal people
walengwa (mlengwa)NG1targeted onesWalengwa we safari ino ni Sumani, Luhizo na Madyeni.The ones targeted for this trip are Solomon, Luhizo and Madyeni.
waleradyi (mleradyi)NG11babysittersWau ana shirika dya kulera wana dina waleradyi wanne.Grandma has a childcare company that has four babysitters.2raisers (of children)Nyose, mame na tate, mu waleradyi wedi.You both, mom and dad, are good raisers (of children).3rearers (of children)
walevi (mlevi)NG11drunksRamazani na Haji ni walevi.Ramazani and Hajji are drunks.2alcoholicsChiwanyolosanya a walevi.We straightened the alchoholics out together.3addictsNi walevi kwa sabu watumiya madawa menge ya kulevya.They are addicts because they use a lot of drugs.
walezi (mlezi ~ mnezi)NG11babysittersWalezi ni vedi wapate haki zao.Babysitters are better getting their due.2caretakersHe deikeya ino hana walezi mnane.At this daycare there are eight caretakers.
wali1NG2rice (cooked)Wali udya nasidya.That rice I ate.Nankadya wali udya. / Wali udya nanikadya.I was eating that rice. / That rice I was eating.Wali udya nanidire ni wedi. / Wali udya nidire nani wedi.That rice that I ate was good.
wali (mwali)2NG11bride and groomMdani mo mfungate wali waguluka wanyonje.On the honeymoon, the bride and groom got sick.Wali wavaliswa vidanga na minyolo.The bride and groom are adorned a lot with bracelets and necklaces.U mwana ichirume na mwana ichiche wose wengizwa mwe di holi chi wali.Both the boy and the girl are brought into the hall as bride and groom.2bride and bridesmaidsWali we chiche wavalwa magauni.The bride and bridesmaids are dressed in gowns.A wali we chiche wose wavalwa mahunda.All the bride and bridesmaids are wearing bead bracelets.3wedding partyMwaliko ni u mwali; Seguzo ni u mbuya; wose ni wali.Mwaliko is the groom; Seguzo is the best man; both are of the wedding party.China limozini mbiri za kuweregishiza a wali.We have two limousines to take the wedding party all over.This sense includes the bride, groom, bridesmaids, and best man.4secluded people (for special reasons)Ni wali.They're secluded.Chi wali.We're secluded.5girls secluded (at the time of their first period)Nyose mu wali; mwatenda mbwani heise?You all are secluded; what are you doing outside?
Walibiya (Mlíbiya)NG1LibyansWalíbiya wengira ukimbizi mwe Marikani kwa uwingi.Libyans entered as refugees in America in great numbers.
walidhi< ArbNG1parent(s)Yuno ni walidhi wako.This is your parent.Wano ni walidhi wako.These are your parents.Kutowigwa ni walidhi wako ni kawaida.To be beaten by your parents is normal.This NG1 noun is irregularly both singular and plural.
waliganyadyi (mliganyadyi)NG11organizersWaliganyadyi we mamuli ino watoza kazi izamire.The organizers of this party are doing a hard job.Waliganyadyi wa shirika dino wana siyasa.Organizers of this cooperative have intelligence.2arrangersWaliganyadyi we viti na izi meza nawatoze kazi yao.Arrangers of the chairs and tables must do their work.
waligi (kaligi)NG7clitorises (little), little clitsWaligi, nyuwe soni kuno!Little clits, come here!This term is used by grandmothers to granddaughters, or sometimes from mothers to daughters, and is cursing.
waligitadyi (mligitadyi)NG1cursers (people)Wau na baba ni waligitadyi.Grandma and grandpa are cursers.
walihadyi (mlihadyi)NG1debt payersNamgaluke walihadyi tú maisha yenyu yose.You will just be debt payers all your lives.Walihadyi chadaha chikawenkha madeni ya mapesa mengi.Debt payers, we can give them loans for a lot of money.
walihiradyi (mlihiradyi)NG11avengersSiona walihiradyi wegale ngola.I saw some avengers (who were) carrying knives.2revengeful onesLekani kugaluka walihiradyi!Stop being revengeful (ones)!
walihirwa (mlihirwa)NG11revenge victimsKulumizwa walihirwa waidi.There were hurt two revenge victims.2paid back onesWose ni walihirwa kwa sabu walava madeni mara nyingi.They all are ones paid back because they gave out loans a lot.
walika (mwalika)NG1invitersWalika watoza kazi yao vedi.Inviters do their work well.
walikwa (mwalikwa)NG11invited onesWalikwa wose wabwirana, hakuna hat umwenga amaganye.All the invited ones showed up; there is not even one who is absent.2guestsWagula mazi mengi kwasabu walikwa ni wengi.They bought a lot of water because there are so many guests.