Chizigula - English



walukadyi (mluka)NG1weaversDyero kuna kuhinya kwa walukadyi.Today there is training for weavers.
walukadyi ntrangulu (mluka ntrangulu)NG1basket makers or weaversWalukadyi ntrangulu ni wengi mwe soko ino.There are many basket makers in this market.
walumbu (lumbu)NG11siblings of opposite sexWalumbu zangu wabinda yunivasiti mwaka uno.My siblings (of opposite sex) finished university this year.2cousins of opposite sexMiye na yeye chi walumbu.Me and her are cousins of opposite sex.The singular of this noun is NG3, but the plural is NG1.
walume (mlume ~ mnume)NG11males (people)Wantru wadya wakudyenda kudya ni walume.Those people walking there are males.2husbandsWalume wenyu we kuhi?Where are your husbands?
walumira (mlumira)NG1wounded (ones)Kazi yangu mwe di dyeshi ni kugulusa walumira kwe spitali.My job in the army is to rush the wounded to the hospital.
walundadyi (mlunda(dyi))NG1beekeepersMiye na Dena chi walundadyi.Me and Dana are beekeepers.
walunganishadyiNG1unitersChadaha chikagaluka walunganishadyi wedi.We can be good uniters.
walungu (mnungu)1NG1godsMwe Indiya wadukira walungu wengi.In India they pray to a lot of gods.2NG1deitiesWahindi wana walungu wengi wakwabudu.Hindus have a lot of deities that they believe in.3NG7little godsBinadamu wose ni walungu wa MwenyezimunguAll human beings are little gods of [the higher] God.
WamaNG9Wama lake (in Somalia)Mallahi ya Wama ni makulu.Fish from Wama lake are big.Farahani Mbaluku atawala kongera mkhono wa Wama mpaka Makomani. (Arbow)Farahani Mbaluku conquers starting from an arm of Lake Wama up to Makomani.
Wamahara (Mmahara)NG11AmharasWamahara walonga Chimahara.Amharas speak Amharic.Wamahara ni wantru wedi.Amharas are good people.2Ethiopians
Wamahawai (Mmahawai)NG1Maay Maay(s) of SomaliaWamahawai ni wandugu zetu.Maay Maays are our brothers.Wamahawai wata kuhasikwa nadyo zina dino.The Maay Maay got this name hung on them.
wamakaniko (makaniko)NG1mechanicsWamakaniko wano wana shahadha.These mechanics have certificates.Wamakaniko wetangwa weze wadyamanye mimotore ino.The mechanics were called to come fix these motors.Wadya ni wamakaniko.Those [guys] are mechanics.
Wamakonde (Mmakonde)NG1Makonde tribesmen, MakondesWamakonde waishi Afrika ya mashariki.Makondes live in east Africa.Wamakonde walonga Chimakonde.Makondes speak Makonde.
Wamakuwa (Mmakuwa)NG1Makuwans (clansmen and/or tribesmen)Wamakuwa wapatikana mwe Afrika ulawiroMakuwans are found in East Africa.Wamakuwa nawo we ndani mwe izi kabila za chi Bantu.The Makuwans are also among the Bantu tribes.
wamalaika (malaika)NG1angelsShetani nani mlongozi wamalaika wose.Satan was the head of all angels.Wamalaika hawakusokera na hawakudya.Angels don't get tired and don't eat.Kusajudha kukonga wakati wamalaika wakamsajudhira Adamu.Bowing started when angels bowed to Adam.
Wamalawi (Mmalawi)NG1MalawiansWamalawi wengi ni Wabantu.Many Malawians are Bantus.
wamalaya (mmalaya)NG1prostitutesWamalaya wachimalachimala mwe zi sira nachiro.Prostitutes stand around on the roads at night.
Wamalesiya (Mmalesiya)NG1MalaysiansWabadyuni watanganyikana na Wamalesiya.Bajunis have mixed with Malaysians.
Wamali (Mmali)NG1MaliansSibwirana na Wamali wengi.I've met a lot of Malians.
wamame (mame)NG11mothersWamame nawonkheze wazana wawo.Mothers should breastfeed their babies.2momsChuwe chose chi wamame.We are all moms.A wamame za mntru weza luvi.The moms are coming tomorrow.
wamame sangazi (mame sangazi)NG1aunts (paternal)Karibu wamame zangu sangazi wose wafa; kusigala yumwenga tú.Nearly all my paternal aunts have died; only one remaining.
wamame wadodo (mame mdodo)NG1aunts (younger sisters of mom or dad)Nna wamame wadodo washano.I have five aunt's (younger than mom and dad).
wamame wakulu (mame mkulu)NG1aunts (older sisters of mom or dad)Silonga na wamame wakulu wangu.I spoke with my aunts (older than mom or dad).
wamamuli (mmamuli)NG11serversWamamuli we arosi ino ni wadodo.The servers of this wedding are few.Chaunga wamamuli wengi he arosi.We need a lot of servers at the wedding.2organizersWamamuli we kominiti washindwa kumamula vedi i kominiti.The community organizers are unable to organize the community well.
wamanyi (mmanyi)NG11knowlegeableWandugu zangu ni wamanyi; wadaha wakaongoza isi ino.My relatives are knowlegeable; they can lead this country.2smart (ones)Nyose mbirane he meza ino mwi wamanyi.All of you who met at this table are smart.3sagesWano wakugulukira ukulu wose ni wamanyi.These who are running for president are all sages.4wise(men)Wowo ni wamanyi.They are wise.Ni vedi wateule wagaluke wantru wamanyi wamanyize mbuli.It's better that rule makers are wise people who know things.5erudites