Chizigula - English



wamoroti (kamoroti)NG7sorghum (small grains of)Mganga asinya mnamulo na wamoroti.The traditional doctor is divining with little grains of sorghum.
wamphemberezadyi (mmphemberezadyi)NG1beggarsWose wagaluka wamphemberezadyi kwasabu walemerwa kwingira mwe timu.All became beggars because they were denied entry on the team.
wamphemberezwa (mphemberezwa)NG1begged onesMwe zi ndowa mwamphemberezwa ni wavere.In marriages the ones begged are women.
wamulu (kamulu)NG7hummingbirdsWamulu watogola kumumusa mazi ya maluwa.Hummingbirds like to suck nectar.
wamurumadyi (mmuruma(dyi))NG1contradictorsWamurumadyi hukudaha wamurumadyi kuwashinda chilonge.Contradictors, you can't defeat them talking.
wamurumishadyi (mmurumisha(dyi))NG1contradictorsWamurumishadyi waleke tú!Contradictors, leave them alone!
Wamuzambiki (Mmuzambiki)NG1MozambicansWamuzambiki walonga luga nyingi tafauti.Mozambicans speak a lot of different languages.
wamwengaPrnNG11someWamwenga walawa isi za Warabu.Some [people] come from Arab countries.Wantru wadyima wamwenga hawakutegeseka.Some adults are not ticklish.2othersWazigula wamwenga wengi wasigaira Gosha.Many other Kiziguans remained in Goshaland.
wana (mwana)NG11childrenMwi wana.You are children.Abhayo nana wana wanne.Older sister has four children.Mwaliko mali yake idahalwa ni wanawe.Mwaliko's wealth was inherited by his children.wana + wangu > wanangu; wana + wake > wanawe2kidsWana wano wana balidi.These kids have a fever.Wana we vihi? / We vihi a wana?How are the kids?Wanangu we kuhi? -- We hano. / Si wano.Where are my kids? -- They're here. / Right here.Wana wangu wose ni mafuwefuwe.All my kids are neither cowards nor heros.3babiesWana chinji nahawakatungwa singano zamani.Most babies were not getting injected with shots before.4offspringSono mleke kudho'eya wana wenyu!Don't stop blessing your offspring!5young (people)Sono muwatogoere kuchumbiyana kwasabu ni wana.Don't allow them to cohabitate with each other because their young.6sonsWanangu wose wavina mpira wa ntrangulu we skulu.All my sons play basketball at school.7daughtersWanangu wose wasomera unasi.All my daughters study nursing.8descendantsBaba wanawe we mdani mo ukolo wa Bamira.Grandfather's descendants are in the clan Bamira.
wana biyashara (mwana biyashara)NG1business people (men or women)Wantru wose wakusafiri mwe ndege dyero ni wana biyashara.Everybody traveling on the plane today are business people.
wana chiche (mwana (wa) chiche)NG11girlsWana chiche wano ni watamanwa.These girls are desired ones.also: wana wa chiche2daughtersMkazangu kenerekera wana chiche waidi.My wife has born me two daughters.
wana chirume (mwana (wa) chirume)NG11boysWanangu wose we i chirume siwasenya madenge.All my boys, I gave them buzzcuts.Also: wana wa chirume.2sonsWanangu wose ni wana chirume.All my children are sons.We kuhi wanawo we chirume?We are your sons?
wana dege (mwana dege)NG1birdchicksNyoka ino didya wana dege wengi.This snake ate a lot of birdchicks.Wana dege wadaha kupuluka kwa wiki ntratu ama nne.Birdchicks can fly in three or for weeks.
wana dyeshi (mwana dyeshi)NG1soldiersI tarbhini isaidiya a wana dyeshi.The binoculars have helped the soldiers.Isi yangu ina wana dyeshi wengi.My country has a lot of soldiers.Wana dyeshi wako wose wagaluka watahadyi.All your soldiers became plunderers.
wana farasi (mwana farasi)NG1coltsWana farasi watogola kuseziga hamwenga.Colts like to play together.
wana Gosha (mwana Gosha)NG1GoshansNachizike mimotore kila mahali mwe zi honde za wana Gosha.We'll set down generators in every place on the farms of the Goshans.Wana Gosha wagaluka wasikini kwa mda mtali.Goshans have been poor for a long time.
wana honde (mwana honde)NG1farmersWana honde wapatwa ni hasara mwaka uno.Farmers showed a loss this year.Suwe Wazigula wose chi wana honde.We Kizigulas are all farmers.sokoni ya wana honde farmers' market
wana mbolo (mwana mbolo)NG1dickheadsWana mbolo nyuwe halaweni aho!You dickheads, get out of here!This term is vulgar.
wana mbuzi (mwana mbuzi)NG1kid goatsWana mbuzi ni watana; wadyera chinyemi.Kid goats are cute; they instill joy.
wana mbwa (mwana mbwa)NG1pups, puppiesWana mbwa werekwa kwa uwingi kwa mara umwenga.Puppies are born in great numbers at once.
wana mgambo (mgambo, mwana mgambo)NG1rangersWana mgambo wazimwa kutoza kazi yao ivo vikungwa.Rangers are unable to perform their job the way it's needed.
wana mnungu (mwana mnungu)NG1praying mantisesWana mnungu ni watana.Praying mantises are cute.Wana mnungu kila wakati wasinyika kama wamnombeza Mnungu.Praying mantises always look like they're praying to God.
wana mziki (mwana mziki)NG1musiciansWana mziki wafurahisha wantru.Musicians make people happy.Wasanii ni maatore, wana mziki, wasekezadyi na wata makonde.Entertainers are actors, musicians, comedians and boxers.The first noun in this loose compound is NG1; the second is NG2.
wana ngamira (mwana ngamira)NG1camel calvesWana ngamira wadika hata kama werekwa haluse.Camel calves are edible even if they are just born.
wana ngombe ~ wana wa ngombe (mwana wa ngombe)NG1calves (of cow)Wana ngombe wakula halaka kama unawapatira manyasi yedi.Calves grow faster if you give them nice grass.Bila kufuntra izi njeku, nampate wana ngombe wengi.Without castrating the bulls, you'll get a lot of calves.