Chizigula - English



y-Vpfx1itMphula yangu yaluma. / Yaluma.My nose is hurting. / It is hurting.Mbeho yazuka.The wind is blowing.Simba yazuka. / yazuka.The lion is leaping. / It is leaping.Humbizi yanisumbula.Fighting bothers me.I nyama yatogota.The meat is boiling.Nayunga.I want it (e.g., phone)The vowel i becomes y- before vowels; see: i- and ya-This is a third person subject and object prefix referencing NG5 singulars; and NG2 plurals.2theyMitwi yetu yaluma. / Yaluma.Our heads hurt. / They hurt.third person plural subject or object referencing N23them
ya (-a, ye, yo)PrepNG2/3/51ofMakuza ye miti ye manyasi.The leaves of the trees are green.Makuza yo mti ye manyasi.The leaves of the tree are green.Mitwi ya wabuga i chimsanga.The heads of the rabbits are brown.Meza ino ni ya mti.This table is [made] of wood.Nyumba ino ni ya masahara.This house is [made] of lumber.milomo ya madegebeaks = mouths of birdsnyumba ya mwanahouse of baby = uterusya + i > ye; ya + u > yo2forNaunga i galamu ya kuwandikira.I want the pen for writing (to write with).Soko yetu ni ya kubedelisha nguwo kwa mtama.Our market is for trading clothes for corn.3fromNna balidi ya malariya.I have a headache from malaria.Dyero naunga nisage mavuta ya sisini mwe mansara.Today I want to grind oil from sesame seeds in the oil mill.4atSihimiziswa nibinde masomo ya koleji ino.I've been encouraged a lot to complete studies at this college.5toLuvi nna balani ya kumwona diwani.Tomorrow I have an appointment to see a counselor.6inNna eka mbokolo ya honde ya virungu.I have a hundred acres of farm in yams.7aroundSifurahika na mazingira ya hano.I'm proud of the environment around here.8worthBiyashara yangu ni ya alfu mbokolo.My business is worth one hundred thousand [dollars].Mwaka ukwiza nanigule nyumba ya alfu mbokolo chenda.Next year I'll purchase a house worth nine hundred thousand [dollars].
*ya (chiya, diya, viya, ziya)Dem1thatSee: *dya.2those
ya- (y-)-Vpfx1theyMagasa yao nayakaluma. / Nayakaluma.Their palms were hurting. / They were hurting.Madawa yanisaidiya. / Yanisaidiya.The medicines cured me. / They cured me.Mayonda yano yanidira a malembwe.These monkeys ate the zucchinis on me.ya- > y- / ___VThird person subject and object prefix referencing NG3 plurals.2itMbwa inywa a mazi yose kwa kuyalambita.The dog drank all the water by licking it.mere yagoniremilk that's gone to sleep = curdled milkYa- means 'it' only when refering to NG3 nouns like 'milk' and 'water' , which are always grammatically plural.3themMabuku yano, nayaunga. / Nayaunga.These books I want them. / I want them.Nanikayadya.I was eating them (fruits).Siyenula.I picked them up.Wayacheremula.They made them (e.g., towers) come crashing down.Yatutike! -- Siyatutika.Take them all! -- I've taken them all.ya- + i > ye-
ya mnongoNG5chicken (with black on the back and white on the breast)Nguku aneva ko mgongo ni ntitu na kwe chifuwa ikangala yetangwa ya mnongo.A chicken if on the back it's black and on the chest it's white is called "of leader".
yabidi< SwVTit's necessary thatYabidi mtahani uwo ukausole naho.It's necessary that you take that exam again.Yanabidi nite nikalamse wanangu.It's necessary for me to go visit my children.This is a finite verb with the NG3 subject prefix on it, borrowed from Swahili meaning 'it's necessary'.
yadyaDemNG3thoseSitogole madege yadya yechansibisi.I don't like those yellow birds.Hatogole madirisha yadya madododo.He doesn't like those small windows.
YahayaNPropYahayaYahaya hakuleka kubhasiza weyewe mpira.Yahaya doesn't stop passing the ball to his teammates.Yahaya kalemerwa kubhasizwa mpira.Yahay was denied being passed the ball.
yahi (dihi)IntrrgNG3which (ones)?Ni magari yahi?Which cars are they?Mahundo yo uislamu ni yahi? -- Imani, saladhi, Ramazani, zaka, Hiji.Which are the pillars of Islam? -- Faith, prayer, Ramadan [fasting], charity, the Hajj.
yaho (< aho)Demthere (near you)Wi yaho?Are you there?Si yaho.I'm not there.Hwi yaho.You're not there.He yaho.He/she is not there.Yaho is from aho preceded by i or e.
yahudhi (mayahudhi)< ArbNG31nonbelieverYahudhi ni mtru hana dhini.A nonbeliever is someone who doesn't have religion.Watumika chi yahudhi.You act like a nonbeliever.2infidelSoboke ni yahudhi mkulu.Soboke is a real infidel.Miye ni yahudhi; weye wi yahudhi.I am an infidel; you are an infidel.See: uyahudhi, Myahudhi.
yake (-ake)PossPrnNG2/3/51hisKasenga nyalo yake.He cut the sole of his foot.2her(s)Madole yake yaluma.Her fingers were hurting.Chumi yake yameremeta.Her forehead is shining.Nna mahaba yake.I have love for her.3itsNkhazu yangu rangi yake ni bululu.My shirt its color is blue. = The color of my shirt is blue.Shaba ino ngubiko yake ichuta.This pot its cover is dirty. = The cover of this pot is dirty.
yako (-ako)PossPrnNG2/3/51your(s)Nyalo yako yaluma?The sole of your foot hurts?Sunta mikona yako!Wash your hands!Milongere yako ni yedi.Your way of speaking is nice.2nd person sg2thy3thine
yangeyange (mayangeyange)NG3egretYangeyange dyatongera nchacha.An egret follows (= likes) swamps.
yangu (-angu)PossPrnNG2/3/51myMayega / Mavindi yangu yaluma.My shoulders / knees hurt.Mikata yangu imema.My aluminum cups are full.Siponkola magutwi yangu.I've pierced my ears.2mineRreri ya Bamira ni yangu.The clan of Bamira is mine.Sofu ino ni yangu; nasafeza kila siku.This file is mine; I'm using it to file every day.Nyumba ino ni yangu.This house is mine.Nkhazu ino ni yangu.This t-shirt is mine.
yaniInterjuhNanihande mbeyu, yani, kwa Bero. (Arbow)I'll plant seed, uh, in Bero.This is a meaningless filler word in discourse.
yani (wani, dyani, zani, ani)IntrrgNG2/3/5whose?Madege yano ni yani?Whose are these birds?Nguku ino ni yani?This chicken is whose?Ni yani nguku ino?Whose is this chicken?Nyumba ino ni yani?Whose is this house?Honde ino ni yani?Whose is this farm?
yanoDemNG31theseSitogola madege yano yahundu.I like these red birdsNaunga mabuku yano.I want these books.Mayonda yano yanidira a malembwe.These monkeys ate the zucchinis on me.2thisSisokera kwamira mapesa yano.I'm tired of guarding this money.The translation of 'this' only occurs with plural nouns in Chizigula (e.g. mapesa, mazi) that are singular in English.
YaoNG3Yao clan or tribeYao ni ukolo mkuluYao is a great clan.There is no plural for this noun. See: Chiyao, Myao, Wayao.Originally, this group was a tribe in Mozambique with its own Bantu language. Some of them were taken as slaves to Somalia like the Kiziguans, and when the Kiziguans were escaping from slavery there, some of them went with the Kiziguans and integrated with them adopting the Kizigua language, so today they are recognized as a clan within the Kizigua tribe.
yao (-ao)PossPrnNG2/3/5their(s)Milimi yao yaluma.Their tongues hurt.Siona miri yao.I saw their bodies.Watambaza biyashara yao.They spread their business out.See: alternate pronunciations: yawe, yawo.
yardhi< EngNG51yard(s)Spitali ya yangu yatumikira yardhi mbokolo ya facha kila mwezi.The hospital of mine uses a hundred yards of bandages each month.2armlength(s)Yardhi ni mkono umwenga.An armlength is one arm.
YasminiNPropJasmineShamshi na Yasmini ni wadyera fitina.Shamshi and Jasmine are troublemakers.
yatima1AdjorphanedWazana wano wagaluka yatima kwa sababu ya ibhola.These kids have become orphaned because of ebola.Wazana yatima walongerwa ni Luhizo kwa mahakama.The orphaned kids were spoken for by Luhizo at the court.Wazana wano wa yatima wafa na sala.These kids who are orphaned died from hunger.Wana wano ni yatima.These kids are orphaned.Wana wa yatima wafu na sala.Kids who are orphaned have died from hunger.Miye ni yatima.I'm orphaned.See: uyatima, myatima, mwana yatima.2NG5orphan(s)Hande ino nakorishiza yatima.This farm I'm using to raise orphans.
yawe ~ yawo (-awe ~ -awo)PossPrnNG2/3/5theirBiyashara ya matigiti yawo ni nkhulu.Their watermelon business is big.miti yawe / yawotheir treesmagari yawe / yawotheir carsnyumba yawe / yawotheir houseSee alternate pronunciation: yao.
ye (< ya + i)PrepNG2/3/51of theMakuza ye miti ye manyasiThe leaves of the trees are green.Makuza yo mti ye manyasiThe leaves of the tree are green.mabanti ye nyumbadoors of the house(s)bundiki ye mlindadyigun of the hunterAbdhulahi ni ndugu ye Shabani.Abdullah is a relative of Shabani's.ya + i > ye2for the3on theMikingiro yangu ye di gari isira.My tires on the car are finished (= bald).