Chizigula - English



z- (zi-)-Vpfx1theyNyalo zako zaluma. / Zaluma.Your soles (of feet) hurt. / They hurt.Nyuchi zadyamanya uchi zidye. / Zadyamanya.Bees make honey to eat. / They make it.Balidi zino zanisumbula.These fevers are annoying me.Galamu zino sizipima na zapimika inchi nne.These pens I measured, and they measure four inches.z- is used before vowels, otherwise zi-.This is third person subject and object referencing NG5/6 plurals.2themNazunga.I want them (e.g., phones).
za (-a, ze)PrepNG5/61ofUkristo ni wingi mwe zi isi za Wafrika.There is a lot of Christianity in the countries of Africans.Nyumba zino ni za mtru.These houses are someone' + i > ze2forNna nkhwina za Kenya.I have homesickness for Kenya.Wabhadhiya wegala nkhome za kusakira nagamira zao.The nomads carried sticks for goading their camels.Zawadi zino ni za kumiziziza wana wetu wasome.These prizes are for encouraging our kids to study.
zabibuAdjsilver coloredIno ni zabibu.This is silver colored.Nguwo yangu i zabibu.My clothes are silver colored.Faranti yangu i zabibu.My ring is silver colored.Bhotoni ino i zabibu.This button is silver colored.Bhotoni zino zi zabibu.These buttons are silver colored.
zae (mazae)NG31scoop (for carrying hot coals)Una zaye dya kukuvira moto?Do you have a scoop for scooping hot coals?See alternate pronunciation: zaye.2dustpanZae dino nadiduira manyasi.This dustpan, I'm using it to throw away trash.
zafarani< Arb1NG5saffronSidyera zafarani mo mpungu wangu.I put saffron in my rice.See alternate pronunciation: thafarani.2Adjsaffron coloredRangi ya shati yangu i zafarani.The color of my shirt is saffron (colored).3AdjorangeChungwa dino di zafarani.This orange is orange (in color).
zahabuNG51goldZahabu haikubanikika.Gold isn't destructible.Wagosi na wavere wosi wavumbiranya zahabu.All men and women rush in together for gold.Lulu ana zahabu nyingi mwe nyumba yake.Lulu has a lot of gold in her house.Fururu zangu nikutaga ni za zahabu.My earrings that I sell are of gold.See: kuchofeka.2gold jewelryWana pistola yakudadazuira wavere zahabu zao.They had a pistol they used to strip off women's gold jewelry.
ZaharaNPropZaharaZahara na Salme ni wasaidizi wedi.Zahara and Salme are good helpers.Nguwo za Masala na Zahara sizanikanya.The clothes of Masala and Zahara, I set them out to dry.woman's name
zaidiAdv1a lotSoma zaidi!Study a lot!Wadaha ukadya kiashi gani? -- Zaidi.How much can you eat? -- A lot.Kuzunguluka zaidi kwaleta chizungu.Spinning around a lot brings dizziness.Sisifiywa zaidi ni Mwaliko.I was praised a lot by Mwaliko2reallyNi mhezi zaidi.He/she is really crazy.3veryMiwishi ya faya zaidi wakati wakuzenga magereza.Cranes are very useful when you are building tall buildings.4hardSoma zaidi!Study hard!5moreYeye e chivere zaidi.She is more womanly.Nyumba yangu ina mphanda zaidi.My house has more center poles.Magoda yano hayakunga kusapanywa ni zaidi ya wagosi waidi.These logs don't need to be chopped by more than two men together.6too muchSigamba mkazangu apika zaidi.I say my wife cooks too much.Mkazangu agamba nalongesa zaidi.My wife says I talk too much.Umbisi wa mayembe yano ni zaidi.The rawness of these mangos is too much.Kuruhusa zaidi kwaleta shida.To permit too much brings problems.Azini zaidi.He/she sins too much.
ZaireNG9ZaireNaita Zaire.I'm going to Zaire.See: Mzaire.
zakaNG5charityMahundo yo uislamu ni yahi? -- Imani, saladhi, Ramazani, zaka, Hiji.Which are the pillars of Islam? -- Faith, prayer, Ramadan [fasting], charity, the Hajj.Mhando ana imani ya kulava zaka.Mhando has generosity in giving out charity.Mwaliko alava zaka.Mwaliko gives out charity.
ZakariyaNProp1ZachariasMiye na Zakariya chivindana.Zacharias and I hunted each other.2ZacharyZakariya kahalawizwa ni mapolisi.Zachary was removed by the police.
zakePossPrnNG5/61hisSikana mbuli zake.I reject his statements.Sometimes possessive pronouns of NG5,6 are used where NG1 forms are expected.2her(s)Kazinga firi zakeShe coiled up her hair.3its
zako (-ako)PossPrnNG5/61your(s)Nyalo zako zaluma.The soles of your feet hurt.Katogola firi zako.He likes your hair.Soni zako nningi!Your shyness is too much!Habari zako? -- Nnyamani.Your news? -- It's good.Sometimes possessive pronouns of NG5,6 are used where NG1 forms are expected.2thy3thine
ZalamuNG3Zalamu clan or tribeZalamu ni dabila dyetu.Zalamu is our tribe.kolo dya Zalamuclan of ZalamuSee: Chizalamu, Mzalamu, Wazalamu. There is no plural form to this noun.Originally, this group was a tribe in Tanzania with their own Bantu language, Kizalamu, still spoken there today. Some of them were taken to Somalia as slaves, like the Kiziguans. When the Kiziguans were escaping from slavery in Somalia, some Zalamu went with them and integrated with them adopting the Kizigua language, so today they are recognized as a clan within the Kizigua tribe.
zamaNG51time(s)zama za halusethis timezama za kalepast timeWana wa zama za dyero wabanika.Children of (the time of) today are spoiled.2era(s)zama za kalepast era
zamanaNG51bail (bond)Silava zamana ya alfu.I paid out bail of a thousand [dollars].Sika zamana ya alfu.I put down a thousand dollars bail.See: mzamana, kuzamana.2bond3riskSehondo kasowerwa zamana ni chichake.Sehondo had a risk taken for him by his dad.See: kusowera zamana, kusowereka zamana.
zamani1Advlong agoZamani nani mwana.Long ago I was a kid.Baba nani mdyera siyo zamani.Grandpa was a burper long ago.Zamani wazehe wetu nawakatumiya pepa kwa kugamba amin.Long ago our elders used "pepa" to say amen.wantru wa zamanipeople of long agowazazi wangu wa zamanimy parents of long agombuli za zamaniwords of long ago2AdjpreviousMgosi wangu wa zamani kanidaga vedi.My previous husband treated me well.3AdjformerHo mnango wa ofisi ya raisi hana masanamu ya maraisi ya zamani.At the door of the president's office there are statues of former presidents.4AdjancientKudahira kwa walimu wazamani ni kwedi kuliko kwa walimu wahaluse.Learning from ancient teachers is better than from present teachers.Mifir'ona ni mkulu wa zamani wa "Egypt".Pharaoh is a leader of ancient Egypt.5Advpreviously6AdvbeforeZamani kazi yangu nani kutaga madawa ya kulevya.Before, my work was selling drugs.Chitendo chino chihonyeswa mwe di tivi zamani.This action has been demonstrated on TV before.7NG5yesteryear8NG5erazamani zinothis erazamani ziyathat era long agoThis noun is always plural.
zamani za kaleAdv1long long agoSerekwa zamani za kale.I was born long long ago.Kila Juma baba achinkha hadisi za zamani za kale.Every Friday grandfather gives us history of long long ago.2ancient times
zambarauNG5purple (color)Nkhazau yangu ni zambarau.My t-shirt is purple.Mfiyora udya ni zambarau.That flower is purple.Mahote yako ayo ukutaga yana rangi ya zambarau?The beaded necklaces that you're selling, are they available in the color purple?
zambi (mazambi)1NG3sinUnadyamanya zambi mwe duniya, naukaathawwe akhera.When you do a sin in the world, you will keep on being tortured in the hereafter.Kila zambi dina athabu yake.Each sin has its torture.Ni zambi kudya nguluwe.It's a sin to eat pork.This noun can be in NG3 or NG5 with apparently no semantic difference. See: mtenda zambi.2NG5sin(s)Kila zambi ina athabu yake.Each sin has its torture.Kila zambi zina athabu yake.All sins have their torture.3NG3crime(s)Kengira zambi gani?What crime did he commit?Kwingira zambi gani? -- Singira zambi za ubavi / za kukoma / za ngono.What crime did you commit? -- I committed crimes of robbery / of murder / of sex.4NG3wrongdoing(s)Mta kuzangaza kazi yake ni kuzangaza wantru wadya wakupatikana na zambi.A flogger's job is to whip people who are found in wrongdoing.5NG3trouble(s)Wasumsi piya wengira zambi.Abettors also get into trouble.
ZambiyaNG5ZambiaLima ni kabila ikupatikana mwe Zambiya.Lima is a clan that is found in Zambia.Kukiywa mapesa kwe di shiraka dyetu; yakulawa Zambiya.You have been deposited money at our company from Zambia.
zamuNG5turn(s) Kila mtru alemera zamu ya kukuna nazi.Everyone is refusing [their] turn at shredding coconut.
ZamzamNPropZamzamMiye na Zamzam chilemera kudantranywa.Me and Zamzam refused to be lied to together.
zana (mazana)1NG3honeycombZana dino dimema uchi.This honeycomb is full of honey.2NG3bee brood3NG3kid (damn)Zana dino dina mbwani?What's wrong with this damn kid?This form is used to cuss a child; see mwana.4Expltlittle shit!Zana weye, so kuno!You little shit, come here!
ZanabuNPropZanabuMiye na Zanabu chimsigiranya Luhizo akachiletere mbeyu za mayembe.Me and Zanabu together directed Luhizo to go bring us some mango seeds.Akupanga badyeti za mashirika yano ni Zanabu.The one who plans budgets for these companies is Zanabu.woman's name