ibada1worshipMabhathri kulawa Italiya wazenga mazumba makulu ya ibada mwe Gosha.Priests coming from Italy built huge buildings for worship in the Goshaland.Ni ibada kwita he zi mbira kila Hamisi kuwalombezeza wazimu.It's worship to go to the burial place every Thursday to pray for the dead spirits.2faith(s)Ibada yako ni ndodo.Your faith is small.Ibada yako ni nyingi.Your faith is a lot.Una ibada nyingi.You have a lot of faith.Ibada yangu na i zawo hazikulekana / hazikuletana.My faith and theirs are not separate / are not alike.3belief(s)Ibada zino mna nazo ni yedi, mzigale ivo!These beliefs that you have (about that), continue them like that!
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