ziyara1visitation(s)Raisi ana ziyara ya kwita "Iowa" luvi.The president has a visitation going to Iowa tomarrow.Waislamu na Wakristo wana ziyara zawo kila mwaka wa kudyamanya.Muslims and Christians have their visitations each year that they do.Mo u mwaka wana ziyara ya mbwirano wa kwa shehe.In the year they have a visitation with an assembly with the sheik.This is a formal or official visitation by or to an important person.2visitation placeNaita kwe ziyara.I'm going to the visitation place.Kila mwaka chaita kwe ziyara kwa kudonga mbira ya sheheEvery year we go to the place of visitation to kiss our hands and touch the grave of the mullah.
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