zaidi1a lotSoma zaidi!Study a lot!Wadaha ukadya kiashi gani? -- Zaidi.How much can you eat? -- A lot.Kuzunguluka zaidi kwaleta chizungu.Spinning around a lot brings dizziness.Sisifiywa zaidi ni Mwaliko.I was praised a lot by Mwaliko2reallyNi mhezi zaidi.He/she is really crazy.3veryMiwishi ya faya zaidi wakati wakuzenga magereza.Cranes are very useful when you are building tall buildings.4hardSoma zaidi!Study hard!5moreYeye e chivere zaidi.She is more womanly.Nyumba yangu ina mphanda zaidi.My house has more center poles.Magoda yano hayakunga kusapanywa ni zaidi ya wagosi waidi.These logs don't need to be chopped by more than two men together.6too muchSigamba mkazangu apika zaidi.I say my wife cooks too much.Mkazangu agamba nalongesa zaidi.My wife says I talk too much.Umbisi wa mayembe yano ni zaidi.The rawness of these mangos is too much.Kuruhusa zaidi kwaleta shida.To permit too much brings problems.Azini zaidi.He/she sins too much.
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