wulEnglishmagic typeThis is magic talk used to prevent rain and storms, and may be poetic in nature. It is also a type of prayer to ground spirits or bad spirits to send them to kill someone or to work love magic on someone. This is also used of speaking to the oil rubbed on dancers, done to strengthen the dancers and help them perform well.latlatwah14.3.9.1Customanthro
Search results for "Fish"
woso kabangSurkesá matngan isuEnglishfish type; emperorpowdered lime emperor(This is) just a woso, however its colour is very white so they call it woso_kabang.
wosoSurkesá matngan isuEnglishfish type; emperorThe woso is like the sukbám (Variegated Emperor) but it is a bit smaller than the sukbám. Its color is a bit like it is white and it lives in the sandy area and along the reef. And it lives too out in the deep. There close to its tail it has one spot that is black. Some woso its lips are red, and inside its mouth it is very red.woso kabang1.6.1.5Fishfish
worworworEnglishdiscussing; conversingGimá tapam hut iatung i risán dan má gimá banai boh wák dikte kis talum má. Má pasi á ngorer gimá kis pas di má gimá worworwor mam di. (Apo 16.13)We arrived there beside the river and we met up with the women who had met together. And so we sat with them and we conversed/discussed with them.worwor3.5.1Sayspeak
worwor taruSuroror pagas; kamkabat; worwor tus; worwor a dik ngo a tumranEnglishplan; promise; covenant; prophesytalk aheadWorwor_taru apparently includes the ideas of both prediction (which might come true) and prophecy (which will come true). It implies talk with future implications. As well it connotes commanding someone to do something, and/or warning someone. It is `heavier' so carries more import than worwor_tus (predict).3.5.1Sayspeak
worwor tusSurpara tusi táit na hut namurEnglishpredict; prophesytalk pointtám worwor tus3.5.1Sayspeak
worwor talumEnglishdiscussspeak togetherngurukngurkai3.5.1Sayspeak
worwor sirunspec. var. ofwor sir
worwor sur-iEnglishdiscusstalk aboutngurkaisuri13.5.1Sayspeak
worwor sáksákEnglishbad talk; talking badlytalk bad/evilThis is the generic term for speaking in unkind or even evil ways, including ot_bilingnai (insult, disgrace) and worwor_kodong (gossip, criticize),3.5.1Sayspeak
worwor saraEnglishspread talk around; gossiptalk scatterworwor kodongworoisara23.5.1Sayspeak
worwor rakrakaiwor rakrakaiSurwor uri kálámul mai rakrakaiEnglishrebuke; confront; speak firmlyspeak stronglyThis connotes something almost as strong as a command or a requirement. This has an element of anger in it, and implies speaking severely to another.wor ur on3.5.1Sayspeak
worwor pas-iSurmuslam pasi mai worworEnglishwoo; convincetalk getTan rung di tur suri ngo da ilwa pas di uri rumán hat, di lu lala totor pasi tan kálámul suri ilwa pas di. Di lu worwor pasi tan kálámul mam te matngan worwor a lu namnamin uri kándi alalongra.Those ones who stand so they can choose/elect them for the stone house (Parliament), they greatly please/persuade people to choose them. They woo/convince people with some kind of talk that is delicious to their listening (interesting to them).pasi13.5.1Sayspeak
worwor kopkobonSurparai táit a mánán on mai lite paraiEnglishspeak allegoricallytalk growthThis is to speak about something in an incomplete way, perhaps without actually naming or specifying it. It may apply to prophecy or to addressing something publicly, but without making it really clear. Biblical parables would be an example of this kind of talk.Minái má ákte hut má ákte talas má á táit tungu a worwor kopkobon ái talatala.Now it has come and become clear what previously the superintendent minister spoke about unclearly.pinpidan artálárworwor artálár3.5.1Sayspeak
worwor kodong1Englishtalk within oneself; talk with someone out of earshot of otherstalk secretly/privately2Englishgossip; criticizearkisworworwor saraworoikodong13.5.1Sayspeak
worwor káriSurtur kári mai worworEnglishreservespeak blockKak gengen bor imuda ákte worwor kári ái Kiapbong ngo koion ina sirai singin tekes, kabin a nem on ngo ái sang na kipi.That small pig of mine back there Kiapbong has reserved it so that I won't sell it to anyone else, because he wants to get it himself.kalar/kári3.5.1Sayspeak
worwor án asosahEnglishblessing; say a blessingtalk of provision3.5.1Sayspeak
worwor án sálSurworwor di poklah pasiEnglishrumourtalk of/from the roadParai táit kápate támin ngo na hut má kápte te mánán ngo ai a han til ái á worwor, ki di lu parai ngo worwor án sál sár á erei.Saying something that is not true that will happen and with no knowledge of where that talk came from, then they say that that is talk of the road (rumour).Iau longrai kesi worwor án sál ngo na hut i tilik bát latiu i kábungbung, mái sár káp iau te mánán ngo a támin ngo kápte.I heard a rumour that a big storm is coming tomorrow morning, however I don't know if it is true or not.sál13.5.1Sayspeak
worwor án arpulusSurpara agengen i kálámulEnglishinsultinsulting talkThis is saying that a person is not able or adequate to accomplish a thing, putting him down in some way.3.5.1Sayspeak
worwor án armongohSurworwor kápte nirwánEnglishtalk without truth; nonsense; meaningless talk; foolish or stupid talktalk of the airThis is saying what makes no sense, or what is doubtful, or what one is not really sure of.armongoh kalim3.5.1Sayspeak
worwor án amátutEnglishthreaten; scaretalk that causes fearThis is to verbally, not physcially, threaten another. It may also refer to scaring someone with what one says.artipar3.5.1Sayspeak
worwor án arborSurwor uri kálámulEnglishrebukerebuking talkarbor23.5.1Sayspeak
worwor artálárSurmatngan worwor a parai tohtohpas a arwat mai lite táitEnglishillustration; parabletalk equaliniuspinpidan artálárworwor kopkobon3.5.1Sayspeak
worwor a girgirotSurpara noi worwor a kuluk turán sápkin worEnglishspeaking both good and bad talk in one's speechtalk that is varied in colour3.5.1Sayspeak