a1pronounEnglishthird person singular (basic, realis subject)Tok Pisinemái1ákákteán2kánnanák
a2particleEnglishbelonging toThis is a rarely used particle indicating exclusivity.Má mátán dan a Iakop iatung i pokon er.The well where only Jacob drew water, or Jacob's exclusive well, was there in that place.si1
a-3o-Englishprefix indicating cause and transitivity changeThis prefix has three forms (a-,o-,ta-) which make intransitive verbs into causatives and thus transitive. Although most verbs containing o as their vowel are causativized using a-, there are a few that rely on vowel harmony, as bop (lie down) and obop/oboi (put something down). The ta- form occurs on certain other verbs, but this is not a predictable class. An example is ráp (torn), tarápái (tear something) The a- form occurs elsewhere and produces the largest group of causative verbs.o-ta-
a-4Englishlocative marker prefixThis prefix indicates that the general location or direction is known but a specific place is more nebulous. It often implies movement, i.e. the implication of adi in the first example is movement down along the ground which contrasts with ida which implies the normal and constant habitation of fish is out in the sea. To indicate motion, i.e. following ur (to) or til (from), it can precede both short and long forms of direction words. To identify a location only, it can only precede short forms.Bos rokoi má bos toltolom man tili armongoh turán tan táit di káukáu adi bim mái rung di sehel mai bál di má tan táit di liu ida i lontas, bos kálámul di arwat suri olas pas di no. (Iak 3.7)The wild animals and various kinds of birds from the sky together with things that crawl down along the ground and those one who slither with their stomachs and things that live out in the sea, people are able to tame them all.Di parai singing ngo ina lu lahau má til main i torahin malar, pasi er i Tagur ina márian má til main uranang i kak hutngin malar.They said to me that I should move house from here in the old village, resulting in on Saturday I will prepare/move from here down to my new village.ala-i1ia-ma-8.5Locationlocation
-a5Englishsuffix indicating irrealisThis suffix occurs on non-singular subject pronouns. It expresses future tense as well as things like 'can, may, might, could, should, hypothetically'.Tuang, latiu gitara han urami kak rákrák. Una so tilatung má iau tilanang má gitara arbana ami rákrák.My brother, tomorrow you and I will go up to my new garden. You should leave from there (your village) and me from down coast (my village) and we two will meet up in the garden.Ái nana a parai si Limán ngo diara monmon ái kauh má nák han urami bos nák beleu te roho uri namnam aring i rahrah.Mommy said to Limán that she and the baby boy should/would/will stay at home and she (Mommy) would go to the bush and pick greens for a meal later in the afternoon.Kalilik, ngo gama longrai te worwor ngo ái rung er di han ur Lihir di kong mai mon, koion á para sarai. Gama káp bitbit sara keleh.Guys, if you hear some talk that those who went to Lihir drowned with their canoe, don't spread it around. You might be spreading around lies.nagitaragitulagithatagitagiuragimtulagimhatagimagauragamtulagamhatagamadiaradituladihatada1
abahangtransitive verb taking onSurboh káriEnglishcover; surroundcause to be covered, hidden, cloudySahwán lala kámnah a abahang i pokon áng kuron.The smoke of a large fire is covering the place and it's become dark.bahang1
abahbahtransitive verb taking onSurapákpák onEnglishshade; protect from sun or rain; hidecause to be shieldedThis word rarely occurs alone, but typically as the non-final member of a serial verb.bahbahkápán abahbahabahbah kalar/abahbah kári
abahbah kalar / abahbah káriababah kalar/ababah káritransitive serial verbSurtur i arlih káián turam suri tángni ngo suri panpan káriEnglishdefend; protectcause to be shielded and blockedThis is to be on another person's side to defend, help and protect him.I pákánbung gim kis tiklik main i bim, iau lu kebepta di mai kam tilik rakrakai er u tari singing. Iau ababah kalar di má kápte kes tili di a rong,... (Ioa 17.12)While we were living together here on earth, I cared well for them with that great power of yours you gave to me. I protected them and not one of them is lost,...Gamáte mur arwat pasi kak worwor erei, má ngorer á iau ina ababah kalar gam i pákánbung án rogorogo. (Apa 3.10)You have followed fulfilling that talk of mine, and therefore me I will protect you during the time of trouble/tribulation.bahbahkalar/kári
abau / abawitransitive verbEnglishincapacitatecause to be stupidThis is the idea of incapacitating by causing confusion or causing the inability to think clearly.Ngo kes kápate mánán i ngin i dan rakrakai mák nem suri na tohoi, ki dák parai singin ngo, "Dan erei u nem i nginmi, na abau iáu má unák ngulngul."If someone is not experienced in drinking strong water (beer, liquor) and wants to try it, then they will say to him, "That drink you want to drink, it will incapacitate you and you will be acting crazy."bau2
abálbál pas-itransitive serial verbSuramatau i bál; agas pasi holEnglishsoothe; persuade; win over; convincecause to be soothedKalik ngo a togor mák han alar kákán mái mámán, ki tekes ngo a han mák totor pasi mam te lain worwor, má namur kalik erei áng kaleng sur diar mokson, kálámul erei a abálbál pasi kalik áng kaleng.A child who is angry and goes away from his father and mother, then someone goes and calmed/changed his mind with some good talk, and later that child returns to them two married couple, that man has soothed that child he returned.abálbáláibálbál1pasi1
abálbál-áitransitive verbSuramatau i bálEnglishsoothe; comfort; placateTok Pisintoktok gut long encause to be soothedThis particularly connotes ministering to one's spirit or emotions, comforting a crying baby, calming an angry person.Kapate wor pakta, a tu kálik lu worwor ngoromin a abálbálái támdák er na káp mák ubi...He did not speak loudly, he just spoke softly like this to calm the torchman so he wouldn't hurt him...agáwárakodongamatauamatau i bálamolohabálbál pasi; arihriháibálbálniarabálbálbálbál1
abálsa-iapálsai1transitive verbEnglishremindcause to recall or rememberGitara abálsai kán hol suri nák hol páptai.Let's you and I remind his thinking so he will not forget.apislaibálsai
abánbán-áitransitive verbEnglishlightencause to be lighter in weightKauh, a lala marán á long u kipi. Suri abánbánái kam kipkip, una long pala te long má nák tu is má sár una kipi.Son, you are carrying too many taros. To lighten your load, you should take off some taros and then just carry only a few.bánbán
abát-ái1transitive verbSurlongoi ák mádák; alumái i danEnglishmoisten; dampenUna abátái sepen kaen er anang i dan má giták salsi kápán páplun mai, a lala málmálas.Dampen that bit of cloth down in the river and let's rub his body with it, he is very feverish.
abát-ái2transitive verbSurasálái; orkoiEnglishforce another to hear something he does not want to hearKoion á abátái kálámul er mai tan holhol bia ngorer. A matai ngo na longrai.Don't force that man to listen to that useless thinking like that. He does not want to hear it.tut abátái
abelbelkentransitive verb taking onSurlain ololohEnglishcare well for; provide well forcause to be cared forÁi Káláu a abelbelken i git mai tan táit a asosah i git mai ngorer i namnam má rakrakai má tan táit ák ga i git.God cares well for us with the things he provides us with like food and strength and things that sustain us.belbelken4.1Relationshipsrelationship
abengna-itransitive verbSururtarang a porta i kálámul má ák ngulngulEnglishaffect mentally; mess upcause to be crazyThis condition is caused by an urtarang (evil spirit) possessing a person.Ái Tolo a abengnai á urtarang ki ák ngulngul má tangrai bos. Kápate talas i on suri táit a longoi ngo ai a láklák ái.An evil spirit mentally affected Tolo then he was acting crazy all over the jungle. His body/mind was not clear about what he was doing or where he was going.bengbeng
abik-itransitive verbSuroboi táit ák bopbop mai risánEnglishlean somethingcause to leanNgo iau oboi takup ák bopbop mai risán, ki iau abiki takup.If I place a canoe and it is lying on its side, then I have leaned the canoe.bik
abilbilingna-itransitive verbSurtari rumrum singin kálámul; long sáksáknaiEnglishhumiliate; treat shamefully; shame; persecute; ruin; impoverishcause to be harmed or in needThis word can also occur as an on verb with the same meaning rather than being suffixed by nai, as in abilbiling_on. It includes the ideas of treating shamefully, shaming someone by doing something, speaking badly about, beating, killing, swearing at, so both physical and emotional harm. This is probably the best term for 'humiliate' and for 'persecute' in the Biblical sense. This is a stronger term than aramikmik. For differentiation of the terms meaning to shame or embarrass another, see arumrumái.
Ái tám wah di lala ubi suri a wah. Tan kalilik di lala abilbilingnai sang i pákánbung di ubi má onin ák lala áslai rumrum i mátán matananu.The sorcerer they really beat up because he sorcerized. The guys greatly harmed him when they beat him and now he is really feeling shame in the eyes of the people.arumrumái; ásgiláibilbiling
abisintransitive verbSurapsai kanus tiklik mai bátEnglishspit with a spraying effectI polgon bang tan kálámul ngo di lu mama ki dik lu abis sara ami bang. Di lu apsai teken mama.Inside the men's house people when they chew betel nut then they spit scattering all over the men's house. They spit out the betel nut leavings.apsai; kanus/kansiarabis2.1Bodybody act
abitbit-áitransitive verbSurpara timani; lain atintini; pukpuksaEnglishinstruct; storytellcause to be toldKalik ngo a lu lain taram i mámán mái kákán, a káplabin ngo ái kákán mái mámán diar lain atintini. A ngoro diar lain abitbitái sang.A child who obeys well his mother and father, it is because his father and mother taught him well. It is like they really instructed him well.bitái3.5.1Sayspeak
abongbong-oitransitive verbSuratuntunái; asengsengei i iátin kámnahEnglishreheat; searcause to be dryIau abongbongoi kaukau til nabung amuni iátin kahlár án kámnah, má a tuan lain bongbong.I reheated the sweet potato from yesterday on top of the fire coals, and it is really nicely well done.Tan wák di abongbongoi tara inbul er di sihi suri ák bongbong ngo ák sengseng, má namur dik iohoi suri ák lain pim.The women seared the big yams they peeled so they would be dry, and afterwards/later then they mumued them so they would be nicely cooked.atuntunáibongbong15.2.1Food preparationcooking