da1pronounEnglishthird person plural (irrealis)-a5dák1di1
da2location1Englishinterior of land or seaThis is the short form of muda.
Má ngorer ái Iesu mul a áslai rangrangas mák mat ada i karpala on á bimán rum á Ierusalem suri ngorer dárán na sal má nák salus apilpil pasi bál matananu alari kándi sápkin. (Eba 13.12)And so Jesus also experienced suffering and he died out on the outside of the city of Jerusalem so that his blood would flow and he would wipe making clean people's stomachs from their sin.2Englishoutsidemuda8.5Locationlocation
dadandandanalienable nounSurngisán kubauEnglishtree typeThe dadan is a tree whose leaves are a little like the leaves of the pak. Some use its leaves to get rid of grille (skin disease). And some people use it to cure malaria. And the fruit of the dadan looks a bit like the nurat (noni) fruit, but they do not eat the fruit of the dadan.
1.5Plant2.5.7.2Medicinemedicine; tree/plant
dadauintransitive verbSurkuron má páput na hus i ráinEnglishrain imminentThis refers to darkening and cloudy weather indicating that rain is imminent.Matananu di kis talum suri longrai worwor si tám aratintin. Má pákánbung di mákái ráin a dadau, ki dik tám han arsagil uri kándi tan kuir malar.People were meeting to hear the teacher's speaking. But when they saw the rain imminent, then they separated departing to their homes.lumlum bát1.1.3Weatherweather
dadaunintransitive verbSuroboi táit nák pimEnglishripeningThis describes a method for ripening fruit and other cultivated crops. It may be done simply by leaving something alone to ripen on its own, or to help it along in some way. People help ripen bananas by burying them for about a week, ripen pawpaw/papaya by scoring the skin and leaving for a day or so, ripen tobacco by covering it for a few days, and ripen tawan (fruit) seeds by submerging them in the river or ocean for several days.Tan kálámul di tár hun nabung. Má da dadaun er i Bung Tul. Di parai si di ngo da putai, ki dik parai ngo kas tahni sang á hun a lu namnamin.The men cut bananas yesterday. And they will do the ripening on Wednesday. They said to them that they should hang them up, but they said that burying the bananas is more delicious (makes them more flavourful).dauni5.2.1Food preparationcooking
daitransitive verb taking on1Englishbrush against; touchTok Pisinpas long samtingKáp iau te mákái á rábái imunang, má pákánbung má a dai i iau á pákán mák sur iau, ki iak mánán pasi má ngo a mon á rábái.I did not see that rábái tree down there, but when its leaves brushed against me and scratched me, then I realized that there was a rábái.
2Surtu han turEnglishstay only a short timeThis term is used of not spending a long time doing something, like making a quick trip up to the bush, i.e. just brushing up against it and going back.Ái tata a tu han tur sár ami bos ki er melek mul ái. Kápte a long te táit gut ami bos, a dai pas sár ki ák lu kaleng.Dad just went up into the bush and stood/stopped, then he came back quickly again. He probably did not do anything up in the bush, he just stayed a short time then he returned.
dak pala-itransitive serial verbSurrangi pákán lamas ngo pákán hun; rang palaiEnglishremove by burning; singe in preparationsinge removeThis term describes driving off something bothersome, like ants, or using leaves to remove sickness. It also refers to singeing just some of a group of things. It can refer to singeing a thing as one step in a process in preparation for the next step.Tan pákán lamas er gam tárái ngo uri rat, gama lu dak palai má suri dák lu tur pasi hir táilna te. Gama tu rang talmi sár nák lu kis.Those coconut leaves you all cut for (making) into baskets, you should singe off now so they can begin to weave first some (the first ones). You should singe-gather them so they will then sit/be there.daki
dak-idakdakitransitive verbSurmálsiEnglishsinge; burnTok PisinbanimThis connotes placing something right on top of the coals of a fire or just slightly above them for the purpose of singeing or softening. The object is not left there for long, and may be turned over several times in the process. This is also used of the effect of the sun's heat on a person's body.Kálámul ngo a nem suri hiri rat mai pákán lamas, ki a lu dak táilnai pákán lamas i kámnah. A lu oboi i kámnah arwat mai mudán pákánbung sár, ki namur ák long palai. A longoi ngoromin suri pákán lamas nák malmu suri hiri.A person when he wants to weave a basket with a coconut leaf, then he first singes the coconut leaf in the fire. He puts it on the fire for just a little bit of time, then he removes it. He does like this so the coconut leaf will be easy to weave.kektai2; rangiardakdak palai
daliandawianintransitive verbEnglishsmoothNana, sepen palang erei di oboi i kam suh a tuan dalian sang. Keskam bul ngo suh erei uri kibang kabin tan kápán kubau i kibang a tu karkar.Mother, that plank they put on your bench/table is very smooth indeed. Sorry also that bench for my bed (I would like a plank like that for my bed also) because the wood on my bed is rough.álálirirutkarkar2
dalus / dalsisyncopated verbEnglishwash with water; rinse offThis is what one does first thing in the morning to wash one's face.Nengen i kábungbung aru kalik erei diar tu dalus má káp diar te siusiu. Diar tu salsi ar diar ngoro káp diar te lu namnam.Earlier this morning those two children just rinsed off and did not bathe (take a proper bath). They just rubbed their faces like they had not eaten (and so had no strength).Mámán ái kalik a tu dalsi sár á aur kalik mák han mai urami rumán sasam. Káp sang a te lu siwi á kalik má nák lu saliu mai.The child's mother just only washed the child's face and then went with (took) him up to the clinic. She did not bathe the child and then go off with him.gorsai; guran/gurni; siu/siwi
damintransitive verbSurani káptakEnglisheat fecesThis speaks of the habit of a dog eating feces.Tan bos pap no di lu dam. Di no di lu an káptak.All dogs eat feces. They all of them feces-eat.dami
dam tohoitransitive serial verbSurnamia tohoi mai kermenEnglishtest the taste of; taste testlick try/testDion, una dam tohoi á kak tutun erei, a namnamin ngo kápte? Má ngo una namia tohoi má kápte a namnamin, ki una parai suri giták obop te táit mul on suri nák lain namnamin kuluk.John, try tasting that cooking of mine, it is delicious or not? And if you try tasting it and it is not delicious, then you should say it so that we can put something else in it so it will be nicely tasty.dami
damaualienable nounSurngisán kubauEnglishplant type; nut (generic term); peanutTok PisingalipThe damau is a tree that grows in the jungle, and its fruit is oval shaped, and its size is like betel nut fruit. The skin of the fruit when it is mature, then it is black in color and it’s yellow inside. The maran (pigeon) very much like to swallow it. They (people) pound on the fruit of the damau to get the meat so they can eat it. The damau is a strong tree and it’s very tall up in the sky. They chop it down and cut it with a saw for (building) a house.1.5Plant5.2Foodfood; tree/plant
damdamintransitive verbSuran noi táitEnglisheaten everything up; gluttonousThis refers to someone who has eaten his taial (vegetables for planting) which he would have used for planting a new garden, and thus has no prospect of a garden. It is also used of someone who completely finishes all the food served.Wák imudi kápate lu obop kán te taial ami kán suh. A te tu kip noi sang á tan táit ngo a ili tili kán pokon. Wa a tilik damdam sang!That woman there did not put any plantings on her bench. She just took everything she dug from her garden. Why she's eaten everything up (and now has nothing to plant for later)!dami
damdam limidiomSura tu mudán sáksákEnglishlacking food; insufficient foodlicking one's handsA tu damdam lim á namnam minái. Kápte gima mas on kabin a tu mudán sár má kápate arwat mam gim no.This food is insufficient. We will not be full on it because it is only just a little bit and it is not enough for us all.limangdami3.5.3.1Wordinteresting idiom
danalienable nounEnglishfresh water; river; creek; streamTok PisinwaraSursurungas use different words for different kinds of water: dan (fresh water), tas (salt water), pakat (beach spring water), and upup (fresh spring water).tasdan kauldan saldan taliupolon dan1.7Nature, environmentnature
dan salalienable nounEnglishriver; flowing waterwater flowingThis typically refers to a river that has a significant current.1.7Nature, environmentnature
dan-itransitive verbSuragurái suri ubiEnglishthreaten to hitThis is used of threatening or pretending to strike out with either hand or foot, but stopping short of making contact. This is done both seriously and in teasing.Ái Ben a lala dat kalar sang i pákánbung ngo a dani ái Tewa mai tilik rákán kubau. A hol on sang mái Ben ngo na tas bingi ái Tewa.Ben pulled back quickly when Tewa threatened to hit him with a large tree branch. Ben really thought that Tewa was going to kill him.