e ngoparticleEnglishif; whileWhile there are several ways to say 'if' in Sursurunga, the use of this particle seems to connote the most uncertainty. See the contrastive examples here.Ái tata a parai si nana ngoromin, "E ngo gama han ur Námátánai, ki gama hul te wáin bek uri kopra."Dad said to Mom like this, "If you all go (if you should happen to go) to Namatanai, then you should buy some empty copra bags."Ái tata a parai si nana ngoromin, "Ngo gama han ur Námátánai, ki gama hul te wáin bek uri kopra."Dad said to Mom like this, "If you all go (if or when you go) to Namatanai, then you should buy some empty copra bags."Ái tata a parai si nana ngoromin, "Pákánbung ngo gama han ur Námátánai, ki gama hul te wáin bek uri kopra."Dad said to Mom like this, "At the time you all go (when you go) to Namatanai, then you should buy some empty copra bags."Má á di á sángul mai aru á kabinhun káián Israel, di ruruna ngo da kipi á oror taru minái e ngo da lu lotu uri narsán ái Káláu i bosbos bung no ngorer a parai i nagogon. (Apo 26.7)And the twelve clans/tribes of Israel, they believe that they will get/have this promise if they will worship God every day like the law says.E ngo kángit tu liu be main i naul bim, git ngángángar kabin git kákir suri ái Káláu na oboi i git á hutngin kápán páplun tilami bát ngorer i hutngin lusán i git. (2Ko 5.2)While we are still living here on earth, we cry out because we long for God to put on to us a new body from heaven like new clothing on us.koran
eka-itransitive verbSurutwaiEnglishscoop upThis is used of scooping up things that are watery, like water itself or mud.Kalik, una utwa te dan be ur main. Kinleh erei i suh una eka pas te mudán dan mai tili kuro má inak ngin on.Child, draw some water now (and bring it) here. That cup on the table, scoop a little water with it from the pan and I will drink it.sokoi1
ekek1intransitive verbSurruskau; tu tuán má kápán masikEnglishextremely thinWák erei a tuan rus i on. Kápate lu namnam pasi ák tuan ekek á páplun. Má ngo na lala namnam, ki na dododong kaleng á páplun má kápnate mákmák ruskau ngorer.That woman/girl her body is very thin. She does not eat resulting in her body is extremely thin. But if she would eat, then her body would return to being healthy again and she would not look skinny like that.ruskau
ekek2alienable nounSurngisán kubauEnglishtree typeThe ekek is just like the betel nut, its leaves and trunk and fruit are like the betel nut. However the fruit of the ekek is much larger than the betel nut (fruit) and it is round also. When there is no betel nut, then people get it (ekek fruits) from the wilderness to chew with betel pepper and lime powder.bu1.5Planttree/plant
ekekbuhintransitive verbSura sák i keken má ák láklák sáksákEnglishwalking on the side of one's footThis describes one walking on the side of one's foot because of pain or injury. It contrasts with siksikok which describes walking on one's toes.2.1Bodybody act
ekelesiaalienable nounSurrung di ruruna má mur i nemnem si Káláu, di lu kusak suri lotu, di matkán suri him án lotuEnglishchurch peopleThis refers to Christian believers who are church members, said to be more mature in their faith, frequently attending church services, and faithful to follow God's will and desires.
ekes palaintransitive serial verbEnglishforever; from now onpermanently intensifierTan mátán sál i bimán rum na pasbat pagas ekes pala, má kápdate lu batbat on kabin kápnate lu libung má mul, na ekesi talas pagas sár. (Apa 21.25)The gates of the city will remain open forever, and they will not close them because there will not be nighttime again, it will permanently be just light/daytime remaining.ekesi; palai
ekes-itransitive verbSurkis áklisEnglishonce and never again; once and for all; permanentlyTok PisinolgetaThis word is typically followed by a verb and connotes the idea of beginning at one time or point with the effect of remaining permanently. This one-time event causes permanent change and result.Ki erei má, ngo onin, káp diar te lu araturán mul diará ekesi togor ekes pala.So then now, that is today, they two are no longer friends they are forever angry without end.Gama mur arwat pasi kándi matngan ruruna sang kabin ái Karisito kápte a lu arkeles. Ái ái koner a hul arwat pas noi kándi boh sápkin ái rung er di táilna git. Má ái a lu longoi ngorer mul sur git onin. Má ái na lu ekesi kis i mátán táil ái Káláu suri na tur sur git. (Eba 13.8)You should follow fulfilling their exact kind of belief/faith because Christ does not change. He is that one who paid for all the evil/sins of those who preceded us. And it is him who did like that also for us today. And it is him who will forever sit before God to represent us.áklisekes palakes
ekleitransitive verbSuragasiEnglishplease; give in to; agree to a requestKoion á eklei!Don't give in to him, don't supply him.
eksa-itransitive verbSureswai; sásaiEnglishscratch by rubbingThis might be to rub one's back against a post because it's itchy.Kak bor erei siari á tekes a soi, pasi ák mon i kán manu er i rusun. Má kabin a lu bal eksai i tan kabin kubau má ngorer ák pakta. Ngo kápte na han lu balbal sásai, ki kápte na han inan pakta ngorer á kán manu.That pig of mine I don't know (it seems that) someone speared it, resulting in there is a sore on his side/torso. And because he repeatedly scratches himself on the tree trunks, therefore it has become large. If he would not keep on rubbing/scratching, then it would not inflame worse like his sore (is doing).eswaisásai
el pas-itransitive serial verbSursik pasi; tur pasiEnglishinvite; summonThe implication of this term is that the invited person accepts the invitation and comes.siki2; turpasipasi1
el-eitransitive verbEnglishslice; cutThis implies a deep cut produced by slicing or by a back and forth motion.kápánel7.8.3Cutcutting
ela-ihelai1transitive verbEnglishavoidTok PisinabirisimThis may include the idea of moving oneself to avoid something or someone.ámririh2epnaielah
elahintransitive verbSurelai táit a han ngo na tus i iáuEnglishavoidTok PisinabirusThis includes the idea of moving oneself to avoid something or someone.Kákán ái Tour a inau i Tour ngoromin,”Kauh, ngo una lu arup, ki una lu elah kuluknai limán kálámul. Ngo una lu lain elai ngorer, ki kápnate duk iáu á lim di.”Tour's father exhorted Tour like this, "Son, when you fight, you should avoid carefully a person's hands. If you will avoid well like that, then their hands will not touch/hit you.epnaielah maielah alari; elai; ololoh suri
elah alar-itransitive serial verbEnglishabstain fromavoid away from
elah maitransitive serial verbSurláklák mai i lite pokonEnglishtake someone a different way to avoid somethingavoid withTan kuir sulu di táilna gim ur Lae i kángim láklák kabin i tilik arup. Di táilna gim má gimá láklák i lite pokon er kápte te arup a kis on. Di elah mam gim ngorer suri kápte gim bana te taun.The police went ahead of us to Lae on our journey because of the big fight. They preceded us and we walked on a different place (went a different route) where there was no fighting. They avoided with us (took us a different route) like that so we would not meet up with any problems.mam/mai
elgertransitive verb taking onSurmákái mai kuir mátánEnglishsee only partlyThis includes the idea of the English expression 'see out of the corner of one's eye'.Ái koko iau tu elger on uramuda má káp iau te lain mákái má káp iau te bin pasi mul. Na káp hol on ngo iau tu ilang on má káp iau te bin pasi er a sorliu.My uncle I merely saw him out of the corner of my eye going back there and I did not see him well and I did not cry out to him either. It wouldn't be good that he would think I just turned away from him and I did not cry out to him as he passed by.Nengen i nas iau mák kalilik anang i kon di sau isu, má iak tu mák di sár mai kuir matang. Má káp iau te bin mam di. Iau tu elger i di sár ngorer má iak sorliu.Yesterday midday I saw the guys down on the beach they were cooking fish, and I just saw them only with part of my eye (out of the corner of my eye). And I did not call out to them. I just partly saw them so I passed on by.hálger
elpukra-iilpukraitransitive verbSurpuk palai; rabut palaiEnglishuprooted and collapsed; overturnedAlthough this is said to be a variant of ilpukrai, each also has distinct meanings in different contexts. Elpukrai includes the idea of being uprooted, possibly carried off, and falling in a different place. This can be done by a storm or strong wind, a river, or ocean waves to trees and houses. Large waves might do this to a ship or canoe.Tilik lala aun náu a lu tur iamunang ákte elpukrai i tilik lala bát er a hut tungu, ák abopbopoi ák lu bop imunang i bim.The big náu tree that stood down coast, that huge storm that came a while ago uprooted it, it laid it down on the ground.tápukpuki2
-enEnglishsuffix indicating a modifier; suffix indicating inalienableThis suffix occurs on intransitive verbs to change them into modifiers, and on alienable nouns to change them into inalienable nouns. It occurs in vowel harmony with the stem it attaches to, so erer (dry, an intransitive verb) and ereren (dry, a modifier), and deldel (banana leaf rib, a noun) and deldelen (its rib, inalienable noun).-on2án/-án
engengesintransitive verbSurhol pasiEnglishnotice; interested; occupied with; busy with; spend time doingThis verb is typically followed by suri (about, concerning). Some say this is used primarily in a negative sense....holhol si Seno, koner a parai ngo káksiai ngo kálámul a gáu i bál suri kesi táit ngo a áslai rangrang, koion na engenges suri. (Apo 17.18 footnote)...Seno's thinking, that one who says that regardless if a person is happy about something or he feels pain, he should not take notice of it.kápate engenges