hanintransitive verb1Englishtravel; go; comededenghanhankárkapkáukáulákláklákrararatraratrutrutsalsehelsisiphan átik átikhanhan7.2Movemotion2Englishhypothetical; contrafactualThis verb is used idiomatically in hypothetical and contrafactual constructions.Ngo una han longoi lain tatalen, ina han mámna iáu.If you would have done good behaviour, I would have had compassion on you.
han átik átiktransitive serial verbSurbalbal han suri gálta ngo sungi táitEnglishrequest or question repeatedlygo as far asA balbal han bul ái koner suri bal gátgátna i git suri ngo gita lu kosoi má i kán pirán tabal er a tari si git. A han átik átik git bul ngoro git sungi kán pirán tabal.That one repeatedly comes in turn to again question us about if we will repay now that money of his he gave to us. He repeatedly requests us in turn like we had begged his money (even though he actually gave the money to us, not at our request, but he's acting like we should pay him back).
hanhan bálidiomSurtur i kán hol on; a lala kis i hol kán kesEnglishunable to forget; staying on the mind; memorableone's stomach continuing to goThis is used of remembering a pleasant experience one is wanting to repeat, or a generous person one is inclined to visit again knowing he will give you something again. It can also be used of doing something bad, i.e. stealing something when one was not caught, thus encouraging him to steal again.Ái Ronghut a be han ur main i kesi pákán suri hom mai tan kalilik, ki ák tur má i kán hol i kalilik, pasi ák hanhan bál má i bal kaleng sur di.Ronghut has come here now one time to play with the children, then the children stood in her thinking (she kept remembering them), resulting in it stayed on her mind to return again to (play with) them.
harnasintransitive verbSurtaba kán wáng; parai sápkin worwor; wáng sáksákEnglishswearing; foul talkingKalilik, koion gama lu lala mur on ái Seki, a taba kán wáng sáksák i kálámul. Gamáte talas sár ur on á kán matngan harnas erei.Children, do not be following Seki, he does a lot of bad swearing at people. You are already clear about that kind of foul talking of his.wáng3.5.1Sayspeak
hat kisidiomSurkis áklis; konom kápate mánán i sua limEnglishboulder; bedrock; immoveable; stingystone sittingThis refers to a large rock that it is impossible to move. It is used to refer to the idea of 'rock of ages'. It's a symbol for something that is eternal. It is also used of a wealthy man who does not share his wealth.hat23.5.3.1Wordinteresting idiom
hauintransitive verbSurhut talumEnglishassemble; come; gatherThis word typically occurs as the first member of a serial verb. Normally it is reduplicated when occurring alone.hau kunlánhau pashau talumhauhau
hau kunlánintransitive serial verbSurlain aririu; kápate tingnánEnglishcomplete; whole; round; cylindricalgather into a wholeThis term is used of things that are round, as the sun, or cylindical, as a pod or bean.Mátán nas a tu aririu. Di lu parai suri ngo mátán nas a hau kunlán má kápte ngo a tigán.The eye of the sun (the sun itself) is round. They say about it that the sun is whole and it is not part.kiskis1
hau pasintransitive serial verbSurhan alari; tápsang alari; han pasEnglishseparate from; go away from; leavegather getDi arwat mai wal á tan kálámul di kis i huhu án long namnam, má kes tili di ákte han pas má alar di. A hau pas alar di kabin kápate laes suri te táit di parai ur on.There were eight men/people in the group for making food, and one of them left. He went away from them because he was not happy about the things they said to him.aptur pashan pashau talumpasi1
hau talumhauhau talumintransitive serial verbSurkis tiklik má longoi táitEnglishgather or assemble together for a meetingNgo matananu da hau talum erei i Bung Tul, ki giták para talsai má á pákánbung án arasosah i buk án sak. Na lain pákánbung sang kabin tan kálámul no tili aru balis da hut talum on á bung erei.When the people will meet together on Wednesday, then we can announce then the time of the hymnbook dedication. It will be a very good time because all the people from the two sections will come together on that day.hauhaukis talumhau pas
hauhauintransitive verbSurkis talum kán matananuEnglishmeetingWhile this can refer to any meeting of people together, it is often used specifically to refer to nginim_pol, one of the mortuary feasts following a death.Kam worwor er u parai singing ngo ina ámrai ur singin matananu, iakte parai má si di i pákánbung án hauhau ami Tekedan. Má pákánbung erei a lain pákánbung sang kabin marán kálámul di kis talum.That talk of yours you said to me that I should pass on to the people, I said it to them at the time of the meeting in Tekedan. That time was a very good time because many people were assembled together.hau talumhau4.3.9.1Customanthro
haungesaungesintransitive verb1Surarsok i án mudán pákánbungEnglishcease; rest; vacationTok PisinmaloloThis term implies a temporary cessation of work or responsibility with the expectation that one will resume at a later time, contrasting with arsok which implies a permanent cessation.Git lala talar mai tan táit uri pasbat i rumán lotu má kápgite sengsegeng. Sangar má giták lu long palai má giták haunges!We are working greatly with the things for opening the church and we are not free (to do anything else). Hurry and let's remove/finish it and let's rest!ahaungesarahaungeshaunges tigán2Englishbreathemangehhauhaungeshaunges átur2.1Bodybody act
haunges áturáturintransitive verbSursangsangar i haungesEnglishbreathing rapidlyKálámul imunang ák sangsangar má kán haunges. A haunges átur má gut suri nák mat.That man down there his breathing is fast. He is probably breathing rapidly because he is going to die.mangeh arkul2.1Bodybody act